about me

My real name I Tonisha(English) Yeon Young(Korean) I was born in Korea and my mom is korean while my dad is african american. I fell in love with k-pop back in middle school and the first group that I ever known was snsd. I've been a fan since their debut. I fell in love with 2pm when I first saw their debut stage and then my love for them grew. I was judge because of my skin color, no one believed that I was half korean. They would say "your too dark to be asian" or "your birth mother probably left you and your dad got remarried. Which is not true. I can't help that as I grow older my skin color gets darker. But I don't let those things bug me anymore, I found my happiness by listening to kpop and watchin kdramas. Because I know at the end of the day I'm who I'm suppose to be. In america I'm Tonisha, in korea I'm Yeon Young and I'm going to keep the pride if being mixed.


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I'm going to call you unnie (because I'm in middle school, while you're probably done), if that's ok. I face the same/similiar things that you do. Granted that it's not about my skin, but it's Asians in general and they criticise for not being able to swim and our inability to speak English properly. I find it hurtful at times, especially when my friends mention others who disciminate us. I try not to let it bug me but it does. They criticise Asians being unable to swim and yet there was a Chinese Girl at the Olympics/Commonwealth Games that won Gold for swimming and she was 15. They say that we're bad at English but I'm better than the rest of them at English so they can't talk. I can't imagine how you feel but I have had people come up to me and discriminate my parents because of their profession, appearance and their culture. No one has ever directly said something nasty to me so I was wondering something unnie: how do I not let something like that not bug me?