I didn't make it into JYP Entertainment

As some of may have known, I auditioned for JYP Entertainment.  Today I was supposed to get a notification if I had became one of their trainees.  But unfortunately I didn't and now im feeling really sad because I worked so hard for that audition and I had a good feeling I did well that day. I may be sad now but I'm not giving up on my dreams just yet.

 want to thank all my supporters who showed me so much love and wished me lucked. I just didn't get lucky thia time around but I will eventually one day stand on stage and Korea and make everyone proud. Until then im going to continue my studies as a dancer and also providing stories for my lovely readers.


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JellobaByNaekoYya #1
Hi,I was wondering. How do you know you are not chosen? Did JYPe inform you? I'm sorry if this question offend you but I too plan to audition. So I really really want to know about this. Thank you and let us all achieve our dreams.
You go girl! Don't ever be scared to chase your dreams :)
everything happens for a reason :)
you can do it! hwaiting!
soshisone27 #4
It's okay... Don't ever give up... I believe there's a lot of another better chance for you in the future... :)
Keep Fighting!!!!
keep going forward author-nim!! dont lose hope!!