SM Band [Rising]

AFF name: YourMrSimple

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Character Name:  Park DaeHyun

Nickname: Dae or Hyun

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages:  Fluent in Korean and Japanese, Conversational English

Age: 18

Birthday:  8/25/94

Height: 178cm

Weight: 60kg

Blood Type: B

Orientation: Biual

Looks Like: 

Name of Ulzzang: Shin HoSeok


Personality: Daehyun is a person who likes to stand out. He loves to make people smile, laugh, and be joyous in general. Daehyun can't stand to see people upset no matter who they are. He's just a friendly character by nature and how he was raised. He has a creative imagination and likes to act upon it. Daehyun is compassionate and has a tendency to show love to anyone.

Likes: Acting; Telling jokes; Playing around; Reading; Making people happy; Baking

Dislikes: Homophobes; Fried food; Crying; Being jealous; People flirting with him; Being last

Hobbies: Playing the drums; Cooking for the band; Acting; Taking selcas; Modeing

Habits: Toying with his fingers; Sighing; Correcting peoples clothing choice; Making funny faces; Eating lollipops


-He can't stand to be angry

-He cares a supply of lollipops around

-He loves children

-He likes to shop when he has time

-He sends money home when he has extra cash in his pocket

-He has a thing for plaid

-He can be a bit of a ert at times

-He takes pictures of the others at random moments and sends it to twitter for the fans to see

-He used to be friends with a few idols before any of them made debuts

-He can hold a grudge for the longest

-He has a tattoo of a star on both his wrist 



Backround: Daehyun was raised by both his parents and grandparents. He lived with his parents up until his 10th birthday when they had gotten into an accident that landed them into the hospital. His mother and father both survived, but his mother lost her memory. She had no recollection of who he was so he moved in with his grandparents. His mother became pregnant with his little sister a year later and only claims that she's their only child.

Parents: Park Inyoung, age 45; Park Kyumin, age 45; Lee Minho, age 67; Lee Eunji, age 66

Siblings: Park Seohae, age 7

Other things I have to know about your family?: He shares the same birthday as his sister



Background: Daehyun became a trainee after his friends encourage he follow his dreams. He was always one to burst into song or be found in the drama club rehearsing. He finally had the guts to try out when a fellow friend agreed to accompany him. Originally he went in for acting and modeling, but the judges asked him to sing. After that, they dismissed him. A week later he got a call saying he could become a trainee, but he's have to study in various areas. Daehyun agreed to become a trainee if it meant being closer to his dreams.

Before Audition: Before auditioning, Daehyun was a sophomore at a performing arts school in Seoul along with various idol classmates/friends, including Rising Sun's JongSu. He was known, and still is, as the guy who loved to smile.

How Long where you trainee?: 2 years

Do you know ChungHee or Seul Mi: He never met them, but heard rumors about the two once they moved to a different company.

What do you think about them?: He doesn't think to highly of them.


Stage info

Stage name: Dae

Position: Actor/Fashonista or Sub vocals

Persona: Mister Smiles, know for his constant optomistic outlook on life and caring nature towards the fans.

Fan club name: Daylight

Fan club color: Golden Yellow

Trivia: Daehyun has problems keeping the beat when he has to dance and sing at the same time.



Friends: All of Infinite, All of F(x), Super Junior M's Henry, SHINee's Key and Taemin, and All of B1A4

Crush: n/a

Lover: Infinite's Sungjong

Ex-lover: Miss A's Suzy

Rival: JongSu



Do you have any wish regarding your character?:  Nope ^^ Feel free to do as you please with Daehyun.


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