
Yeah, I'm going to be gone for a bit.

College is kicking my Asian !

Oh why do I want to be a teacher?!

Ugh, two papers are due within the next week... Again!

You think they'd be nice but NO!

Not to mention my Chinese teacher has a thing for me and it's pretty gross.

Sorry, Ms. Han but I don't go for 50 year old women. >_>

Then my English teacher hates me because I failed the first test by accident but got a freaking B+ on that 10 page paper.

Such a hater.

So because I turned my Chinese teacher down for a date, she gave me twice as much work.

I fail at this language!

I just fail at my school life period. I'm not a smart Asian. >_<

I got to leave for a bit so I can get my stuff straight.

This is crazy. At least I'm doing decent in math.

Bye chingus~ Talk to you when I get back.


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ChubbiMilk #1
lolol. Your teacher is flirting with you.

Good luck in college^^
Your teachers are .... so ... stupid .... and weird...
lol. your teacher hitting on you.

good luck in school, i am also studying Chinese in College :]]
aww lolz your teacher hitting on you XD fighting!
VampireKnights #4
please do well hyung ! i will miss u