Open it if you want to..

So, let's just say that this is a number play..


First part :

1. Your house number multiplied by 2

2. Then add by 5

3. Multiply by 50

4. Add that with your age now

5. Add that by 365

6. And minus by 615

The left side is your house number and the right side is your age..


Second part :

1. Pick a number from 1 to 9

2. Multiplied by 9

3. Then multiplied it again by 12.345.679

See what happened then ;)


Third part is in Indonesian language. So, yeah..

Third part:

1. Siapkan kalkulator

2. Ada ceritanya.. Ada 2 cewek umur 16 tahun pergi bawa uang 78 ribu ke lantai 21. Pertanyaan nya itu apa yg mereka beli. Aq coba" angka 45, jadi : 2.167.821 ÷ 45 = ___

3. Kalkulator itu dibalik dan dibaca dari kiri :P Nanti liat mereka beli apa :D


Enjoyy :D



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1. That's correct

2. 222.222.222 *and i calculate manually -,-*

3. Beli itu -_-a dasar