How can you write a good comedy fanfiction?

Someone has asked me if I could ask how to write a good comedy fanfiction. Please share all your secrets and give tips just like in the other howto blog. (:


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Word play is also really good, but a reader shouldn't have to think alot about what the author is trying to joke about. The joke should be gotten right away. A joke that a reader doesn't understand and drags on, only confusing them further, can make them hit them the "X" button and, ultimately, subscribe.
I'll give you a crude example of my family's word play.
"Can you pass me a piece of paper?"
"Did you need tree?"
"You must be barking mad!"
"Oh, leaf it alone, you two!"
"That's a rubbish joke, dad!"
"I'm recyling all my old ones."
"Bin there, done that."
"I'm not joining in, dust in case I use one I already used." and I could go n forever, but I think you get the point :)

Really, a writer shouldn't need to think too much about the comedy in their story when they are writing. If it doesn't come naturally to them, then they might be better off sticking to romance. Writers should be funny in real life situations and comedy should come easily enough when they are writing. Of course, even if someone's not a comedian they can write a comedy, but the best ones are usually from someone who is funny.

Sorry, I probably wasn't much help :)
Use situations that have happened to you before. If the readers can relate to the whole thing, it makes it a lot funnier.
For example, I'm sure that most people know the song Purple Line and it's English line, "I really wanna touch myself". Well that song once got stuck in my head, but the only part I sang aloud was that line. People overheard and misunderstood, and I had to explain to them. I'm sure that I'm not the only one this happened to, and others can understand and relate to it, even if this particular thing never happened to them. When people can relate to a situation, it makes everything funnier.

Mocking is also a good tool. It doesn't have to be in a way that it could be construed as bullying, but picking out someone's fault and making a joke out of it. It's also a lot funnier if people know that person and know what he's like. However, it shouldn't only be an inside joke that only people who are in that fandom would get. That's a problem that I discovered in one fanfic and had to stop reading it, because the group wasn't my fandom. It was an EXO one, and I had no idea why they kept going on about Kris and Sehun's faces. Now I understand, but that story was only geared towards EXOtics. Comedy fics should be able to be enjoyed by all.

An awkward character is also really funny to me. One that says things to get out of an awkward situation, but they only succeed in making more awkward and tense. People can identify with these people, or I can at least.
A character that is a clutz, but not a "cute clutz" is also really funny. A clutz that always manages to fall but the hero or love interest catches them is boring, and frankly, overrated. A clutz that does stupid things is interesting to me. One that is embarrassed and hopes that no one sees. One that does stupid things while no one is watching. Something for the readers and the character to share.
1. Imagination
2. Think the most stupid thing you/your bias/anyone ever do.
3. Write that. But dont force it too much, just let it flow ^^~
Write from funny experiences that you have had. Loosely base the joke on something that made a whole heep of people laugh in reall life and it will most probably make the readers laugh.
For example Why did the chicken cross the road? jokes are funny on some occasions, like when the character tells it to try and lighten the mood in an awkward situation and gets hit on the head, for being so stupid.
Also physical comedy is one thing that makes people laugh a lot, expecialy putting people in situations of pain (that's not going to kill them ofcoure)
Eg: accedentaly kicking a guy in his down stairs area, is seen in many movies and stories as good comedic acts.
Imaginations helps a lot :)
Ah, this should be good. Are you going to post the answers? My writing lacks humour. I try though.
I write crack and I dont it lol
idk but maybe try to be yourself ? not forcing yourself to joke y'know?