HERA || Alice Feng || Phoenix


Alice Feng ~ Phoenix

☁ Why So Serious? 

Username: Jessy_The_Panda
Activeness: 10
What should I call you?: Jessy (Nice to meet you Anne ^^,)

♤ What's Your Name? 

Birth Name: Alice Feng
Other Names: Ali, Sherlock, Ae Yeon (Korean Name)
Birthday: December 03, 1993
Age: 19
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: Chinese
Birthplace: Hong Kong, China
Hometown: Hong Kong, China
Languages: Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Korean. (Fluent) Hong Kong's national Language is Cantonese and English, while mandarin is a required subject in schools. Most people who live in Hong Kong are at least trilingual. Alice started training in the year 2007 and has actively been learning Korean since. She still mixes up words and fuddles up past tense and present tense occasionally. But for the most part she is fluent. 
Bloodtype: A

☼ Come on make me feel Alive 

Ulzzang Name: Sasyo
Backup Ulzzang Name: Eun
Height: 165cm
Weight: 54kgs
Style: Alice has a fairly casual style with an edgy flair. Flannel shirts, Disstressed jeans, converse, leather, studs, colorful hair. She loves it.

           Casual: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 
           Dressy: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
           Formal: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
           Practice: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
           Airport: Link 1 | Link 2
           Dorm/Sleep: Link 1 | Link 2
Extras: She has several ear peircings. She is often changing hairstyles and colors. She is often seen with writing or drawings on her hands and arms. The coordinators are normally irritated by that and make her scrub it off. 

☮ Just be true to Who You Are 

Personality: In general, Alice is basically a living breathing female version of Sherlock Holmes, Minus the drugs. She is extremely Analytical and observant, with a colder exterior. She is also fairly introverted and extremely intellegent. She has walls around herself, trying to not let many people in, but still people worm their ways in. She does it because she feels that it makes her safe, Not letting anybody in prevents her from being hurt again. Alice is somebody who can get the group working with just a look. She can come off as intimidating and is often mistaken for the leader. (She isn't the leader becauseit doesn't fit her image. Though she is definitely TE father of the group keeping them inline)

Alice has a very cold, stand-off-ish aura. She isn't one who is keen on displaying emotion. She has trouble expressing her emotions, and would rather not. She prefers to bury them. Though she has a temper, and will lash out when she feels wronged or sees injustice. Though she can be warm, but in her own special way. Mainly, she is just more friendly and open with insulting you, in a friendly way. She isn't one to open up easily though, she isn't one who trusts right away. She is on a very needs to know basis, not really giving out much information unless neccissary. She doesn't mind speaking her mind. Alice really only comes off as cold because she is  extremely introverted, Not one who would start a converstation, or iniciate skinship. She is one who prefers solitude over social situations. Infact, Alice has bad social anxiety. When she is put in situations where she has to actually socialize with lots of people on a personal level, her anxiety goes through the roof. She takes medicine for it though, so it is getting better. Alice prefers to stay home and read a book, drink a nice warm cup of Hot Chocoloate, than going out to clubs or socializing that way. One on One with somebody that she is close to, Alice isn't as introverted and will iniciate converstations sometimes.

Alice is extremely intellegent, Like really really smart. Like above an 140 on an IQ test smart. Though with that, she is a bit socially awkward. She tends to use a lot of big words in general converstation and comes off as arrogant to a lot of people. This doesn't help with her cold nature as well. She has various unimportant facts memorized and can spew them off at random times. She gets easily frustraighted when she is wrong, and definitely wont admit it and will argue to prove herself right, even if she is wrong. Curiosty killed the cat as they say, and Alice is extremely curious. Always wanting to get to the bottom of things. She is a FANTASTIC problem solver. She absolutly hates it when somebody is being slow, she lacks patient and isn't one who is good at giving instructions unless the person is a fast learner. With her analytical nature, she is a very harsh critic. Of herself and of others. Alice is extremely observant, and picks up on little details. Able to pick up on little things and able to read people like an open book, it is nearly impossible to get something past her. She is able to deduce a lot of things accurately from just a simple detail, like how you greet her, she is able to tell a lot by your personality. With this, comes her analytical side. She is constantly analyzing how people act, and why they do things. Everything is like a puzzle to her that she has to solve.



  • Psychology
  • Sour Candy
  • Dogs
  • Musical
  • Learning new things (Mainly Languages and stuff like that.)
  • Action/Adventure Shows/Movies
  • Crime/Mystery Shows/Movies
  • Soccer
  • Music
  • Hip Hop/R&B


  • Cats
  • Sweets
  • Romance Movies/Shows
  • Historical Movies/Shows
  • Bubble Tea
  • Kimchi
  • When people are too nosy or question her actions. If you need to know, then you will know. 


  • Soccer
  • Observing/Analyzing people
  • Studying Korean/Other languages
  • Listening to music


  • Sleeptalking (English and Cantonese mainly.)
  • Drumming on hard surfaces
  • Chewing on pens, drawing/writing notes on herself. 
  • Sleeping with the lights on.


  • Definitely a morning person. Often one of the first awake and normally wakes up the others.
  • Left handed
  • Huge fan of the Mandopop group MIC. Xiaoxin and Jianci are her favorite members.
  • She was originally planning to become a prosecutor.
  • Her ideals types would include Infinite's Dongwoo, Tasty's Daeryong, BIGBANG's Daesung, and MYNAME's Seyong and JunQ
  • She is often known for 'only speaking korean when the sun is out' 
  • Out of all the SM groups, She is closest to Super Junior and EXO-M
  • If Hera was a family, She would be the Dad
  • Because she was lonely when training, she bought a Chinese water dragon(Named Zuko) and then when she was told she was going to debut, she bought a puppy (Named Goku)
  • She is a huge fan of animes (such as Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Deathnote, Avatar: The Last Air Bender, ect.)

Background: Alice was born and raised in Hong Kong, China to a very well off family. Her mother being a retired Model and her father being a very good defense attorny. Even though she was raised in a very wealthy family, she was taught the value of a dollar and to be independant. Being in a fairly high profile family, she was exposed to the media at a young age. She attended a privet all girls institution in Hong Kong. She was often involved in the arts, but focused mainly on her studies. She wanted to be involved with law like her father. She had an obviously strong sense of justice starting from a young age. Her mother was the one who got her involved in the music industry. She originally signed Alice up for a JYP audition. She made it to level two before they cut her. Her mother, not wanting Alice to become anymore so introverted and so focused on her studies, signed her up to audition at several more places while they were in Korea. YG, Stardom, Cube, NH Media, and SM Entertainment. She made it into Cube and SM but her mother decided on having her in SM because it was a bigger company. Both Alice and her father went through her contract thouroghly before signing it. She was 14 when she started training at SM. At fourteen years old, Alice had to switch countries to accomidate the training SM was offering her. She started attending an international school in Seoul because she didn't know any korean. She was alone, no family, no friends, no nothing. She made it, though she wanted to quit sometimes and got extremely homesick, But she made it.

✿ Why are you my Clarity? 

Family: Mother | Grace Feng | 46 | Retired Model, Now stay at home mom. | Determend, Cunning, Ambitious, Intellegent, Empathetic | Alice has a slightly strained reltaionship with her mother. One, she is only able to see them every two years when she has to renew her passport, unless they visit. And two, her mom was the one who got her into this. On one hand, Alice is extremely grateful for her mother, but at the same time, she can't help but feel a bit upset with her.

Father | James Feng | 48 | Defense Attorney | Intellegent, Supportive, Clever, Just, Sarcasic | Alice and her father get along extremely well. She is definitely his daughter. They look alike, not to mention they  have very similar personalities. Alice adores and looks up to her father a lot. 

Best Friend(s):

Elizabeth Chen | 19 | Law Student | They grew up together, they shared a lot of the same classes and interests. | Quirky, Outgoing, Mischevious, Hyper, Calculating | Liz and Alice are practically twins, minus the fact that they look nothing alike. Liz is just the more outgoing, reckless verison of Alice. They are almost like one person when they are together, compleating sentences and communucating without even talking. Elizabeth brings out the best in Alice and likewise.

Amber Liu | 20 | Fx | They trained together | Easy-going, funny, Hard working, Trustworthy, impulsive | Amber is somebody who takes care of Alice. Alice does the same for her as well. They have a very casual friendship, normally talking in english to each other. It is a very give and take relationship. Alice can count on Amber for anything and the same goes for amber. 


Hyelim | 20 | Wonder Girls | They actually went to the same audition for JYP. | Bright, Optimistic, Cute, Innocent, Witty | Hyelim and Alice are fairly good friends. They mainly bond over both living in Hong Kong. When you see them together, you'd think that Hyelim is the younger one. Often talking in a combination of English and Cantonese.

Zhou Mi | 26 | Super Junior | He was the first person she met in SM | Passionate, Happy, Witty, Dorky, Gentleman-like, Lively | Zhou Mi was especially kind and welcoming to Alice. He understood where she was coming from and understood what it was like basically going through it already. He is a very good Oppa/Gege to her. (And she's a good Dongsaeng/Meimei to him)

Han Geng | 29 | Super Junior/Solo | Zhou Mi introduced them/She also worked with him. | Homely, Kind Hearted, Loyal, Passionate, Stubborn | Han Geng was like a father-esque figure to a lot of the chinese trainees. He was often taking care of them, helping them out when they needed help. He was always trying to get them involved and helping out. Alice was devistated when he left, though she understood. She was there, and helped him out a lot when he was going through a tough time. She was extremely close to him and still is.

Heechul | 29 | Super Junior | She was tagging along with Han Geng when Heechul joined. | Confident, Has trouble expressing emotions, Loyal, Impulsive, Witty | Heechul and Alice weren't really close until after Han Geng left and Heechul decided to leave his room. Heechul saw a lot of his best friend in Alice and kept her around because he reminded her alot of him. Alice likes Heechul's company, He is an extremely loyal and great friend. 

Love Interest: Henry Lau | 23 | Super Junior | She first met him on the set of Super Girl | Friends | Henry has a very laid back and warm personality. He is extremely kind and hard working. Always striving to prove he is the best. He is self consious and often does work too much. He can be shy at times, and overly confident at others. He is really funny and a great friend when you get to know him. He is extremely curious and very smart. Though at times it can be annoying. He is extremely persistant and determind. | They have a fairly awkward relationship currently. Alice doesn't want to get really close to Henry because she finds it extremely hard to read him and analyze him. While Henry wants to befriend her and get to know her more. Though Alice wont admit it, she has fallen pretty hard for Henry. And that terrifies her.

Backup Love Interest: Onew/Lee Jinki | 23 | SHINee

Rival: CL | 22 | 2NE1 | Though it seems a bit childish, CL just rubs Alice the wrong way. CL was trying to be nice and talking rather slow in korean for Alice to understand and Alice found that extremely rude. Not to mention that CL's fans are often comparing her to CL and acussing her of copying how CL raps. | Awkardly Nasty.

◊ Shining Star, like a little diamond 

Stage Name: Phoenix (Feng in chinese is Phoenix, not to mention her name is already taken by another idol)
Persona: Chinese Sherlock
Personal Fanclub Name: Dragons (In chinese mythology, Dragons and Phoenixs are much like Yin and Yang. In other words her fans are her other half.)
Personaly Fanclub Color: Maroon
Personal Motto: Kill them with success, bury them with a smile
          ( ) Leader, Lead Vocalist
          (#) Main Vocalist
          (-) Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
          ( ) Main Dancer, Vocalist
          ( ) Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
          (X) Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist
          ( ) Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Talents: Languages, Variety (Surprisingly) 
Weaknesses: Acting, Aegyo, 
How did you get into SM?: She auditioned. While she was in Korea still, after being cut from JYP auditions. Her mother chose SM instead of Cube because they already debuted Han Geng and Zhang Liyin, who were both chinese. The process was the same as most of the other bigger companies auditions. Three stages.  
Trainee Experience: Most chinese trainees are looked down upon, and not very friendly with the other trainees, so Alice stuck to the chinese and American trainees. It was definitely hard for her because she didn't understand korean at first. As time progressed she became homesick, and delt with a lot of different things by herself at a young age that most wouldn't. Though she didn't starve like a lot of trainees do, she was lacking a support system that most did have. She was often discourgaged when she didn't debut, often thought about quiting. But she didn't because she didn't want to disappoint her family. Most of the time, she enjoyed training. She enjoyed working hard and seeing results and improvement. 
Trainee Years: Seven Years
Pre-Debut Activities: She appeared in Super Junior-M's MV Super Girl, and was often a back up dancer for Super Junior on the Super Show tours. When she was younger, she was a child model in china.
Singing Twin: Ella Chen
Dancing Twin: Min 1 | 2 | 3 (She is definitely not a main dancer, but she is really good at following what she learned or mimicing other dances.)
Rapping Twin: LE

♥ I'll be coming Back For You 

Questions/Comments/Suggestions: I would like to put it out there, if Henry and Alice do end up getting together that she would not want it to go public. She would definitely avoid that at all costs. But other than that there isn't really anything I can think of~ If there is anything wrong, tell me and I'll fix it :) also, I have a lot of experience and knowledge with apply fics and insight on training and that who life style. I am definitely willing to help if you needed. :)
Scene Requests: A group fighting scene, or a member that Alice is awkward with. Maybe some flashback scenes to trainee days featuring all the members. Awkwardly cute scenes between Henry and Alice. (I don't have a preference on how you do it) when she goes back to china to renew her passport and promotes Hera while over there in various shows and interviews. 
Password: Demigods, Heroes, Peasents (//Shot) Gods/Goddesses


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