Not-so-Secret Darahae chapter xP

Suju Dorm...


"I love you......wooooo...hooooo..woooo...hoooo"

"Woot wooot Go Dara-ah.....Wahhhh, my Jagiya is so bad ..I love youuuuuu"

"Will you shut up, fish?! We are trying to slee-..." said the leader

" can't stop me, It's Sandara Park. Sandara, my love..get it?"

"We GTFO and continue your annoying fanboying in your room..gahddddd"

"Can't. Eunhyuk is in my room sleeping. SO JUST LET ME DO WHAT I WANT!!"

"NO! It's f**kin' 2 AM in the the morning, how the hell are you even still up?! We have practice tomorrow! Now shut the HELL up and go to bed, you obsessed fanboy!" Leeteuk slammed his bedroom door shut and went to bed with the pillow over his head, trying to block out the blasting speakers outside of the room.

"Yea, yea." Donghae took the remote and shut the television off. He headed to his room and opened the door.

Once he got to his bed he saw Eunhyuk sleeping there, again. Donghae sighed and pushed Eunhyuk a little more to the edge of the bed before getting into his own bed. The daily-nightly routine. [co-a/n: just putting in a little Eunhae ^~ not a shipper of them but just wanted to give it a try ;P]


MAMA 2011

So excited, and I know the rest o SuJu are too. Well who wouldn't be? It's the MAMA 2011, plus I will see my lovely Sandara there~

As we get out of the car, and arrived in the front of the building, there are many cheering and adoring ffancs waiting outside just to greet us.

I spot some signs with each of our names on them. I just smile and wave to our adoring fans which makes them squeal. Now if only I could have the same effect on Dara.


We take our seats near to the side of the stage, when I notice that Siwon is sitting right beside Dara. THE Sandara Park!

While I am sitting right in front of her, so I go close to Siwon's ear (Which I know will soon lead to some OTP shippings later on) to whisper and ask if I could change seats.

He just looks at me weirdly, as if asking why? I just sigh and use my eyes to look from him to the wonderful creature beside him. I was trying to motion towards the beautiful girl beside him; and after many, many, many tiring eye motions, he finally got the gist of what I was trying to say.

He just gave me one of his sly smirks, now knowing why I wanted to exchange seats with him. I could also see him chuckle a little to himself, but he complied none of the less. Which I was thankful for.

We changed seats so that I was now sitting beside Dara and Siwon was stuck with Eunhyuk, today just isn't the day for EunHae shippers, to which I chuckled a little to myself.


Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre were on stage, and most, if not all, of the idol were up and clapping there hands or dancing along to the beat.

Dara looked so cute waving her arms back and forth to the sound of the music and cheering along with the others. Though she is a noona, she still is very cute.

I took this as an initiative to get closer to Dara (distance wise) and maybe accidentally "bump" into her. However, my chance was ruined when CL came onto the stage and Park Bom moved Dara away from her seat to get a closer look at the stage.

Tch, there goes my "perfect" chance. But, I know that sooner or later I will get another one.


"We'll, that's it for tonight!! Annyeong!!!" Those that gathered on stage shouted into the mic as the crowd and other idols were clapping and cheering.

But, I stood there just clapping with a bit of a glum expression upon my face. I was not able to get another chance to talk to Dara. And who knows when I will be able to-

"Oof!" I looked to my right and saw a smaller woman. Did I accidentally bump into her?

"Aah! Mianhae, I'm didn't see where I was looking!!" I bowed to the woman as a sign of apologizing to her. But, I didn't hear lecturing nor did I even hear her yelling at me. I heard her..giggle?

I looked up only for my eyes to widen in surprisement. The girl before me was none other than the girl I have had my eyes on all night, the girl that I have been dying to meet and talk to in person. Dara.

"haha, it's fine, it's fine. You don't have to bow." She smiled beautifully towards me and could swear I felt my face and ears heat up with embarrassment.

I stood up straight as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Umm..uhh...sorry..." Smooth. I really didn't know what to say. Well, what would someone say if they met the girl they liked- I mean wanted to be close with.

"You already said that. I said its fine, don't worry about it. No harm, no foul. Haha." I could tell Dara was trying to stifle her laughter.

"Yea, was nice meeting you Dara-sshi." I bowed again, I tried to be as formal as I could, just in case. It might've just been the nervousness speaking though.

"Haha, no need to be so formal. Dara is fine. Maybe, Dara noona, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. That makes me feel old. Haha~" Dara joked around and her laugh was contagious. Her laughter was beautiful and one of a kind. Truly.

"Well, goodbye then, Dara." I waved goodbye to her as I started to follow my other members out of the building and Dara waved back as Park Bom started to pull at her arm.

Maybe tonight wasn't a waste then.


by Panda3093

co-a/n: sorry for taking sooooo freakin' long to write this >< my inspiration was gone and I got side-tracked like a lot a lot a lot. So, I sorta finished it, and I hope it's okay. I'm sorry again though for taking forever to just write something so short x(


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