♔ ¦ ❝ the end ❞ 〉 Peng Ji Nu

 ¦  Peng Ji Nu 




Name: Peng Ji Nu 

PeNu: Given to her by her brother because he couldn't say her name well when he was younger 

Birthday: 09/01/1991

Age: 21

Nationality: Chinese 

Hometown: Beijing, China later Seoul, South Korea

Birthplace: Shanghai, China 

Language(s): Mandarin (native), Korean (fluent) 


Swimming- in a small pool, 50m in length 
Animals- especially big dogs 
Commedy films 
The beach 
Snowball fights 

Having to use her water abilities for needles reasons 
People shouting at her 
Spicy food 
Cocky people 
Thunder and Lightning
Violence and fighting  

Swimming lengths in the morning 
Running late at night 
Reading any book she can get her hands on 

Frowning when nothing is making sense 
Placing someone behind her and spreading her arms out to keep them safe 
Breathing quickly when she's panicing about something
Sighing and shaking her head when she's disappointed in someone  

When she first knew about her water powers, she made a dolphin shape in the water, went to show her dad and drenched him
When she first turned into a wolf, she bit her brother and the two of them got into a fight
If she could, she would want to live underwater with all the fish
Her record for staying underwater is 2 minutes 40 seconds
When her sister told her a guy liked her at school, Jinu turned into her mum asking her all sorts of questions etc
Hates it when people lie to her and then lie to her again later on when she finds out
Would just like to live a peaceful life without having to use her powers or turn into a wolf... is that to much to ask for?
Hates transforming into a wolf when she's wearing her favorite clothes... and they rip...  

Necrophobia (fear of death) 
Atychiphobia (fear of failing)  

Flaws: Freezing whenever she sees someone in trouble in something water related, always blaming herself if something happens to her friends 




Family members:


Peng Guozhi | 66 | Father- is very protective of his children and wife and is always throwing himself in front of them to make sure they're safe and he's the one who gets hurt | 4| Doctor  | Hardworking and knows what he wants and how to get it |  Wolf | Alive 

Peng Lifen | 64 | Mother- is very close to her daughter, taught her how to control her powers and helped her cope with the loss of her friend | 5| Ballet teacher | A nice and caring woman, but once people try to hurt her children... they wish they hadn't | Wolf | Alive



Peng Mi | 18 | Younger brother- is close to Jinu but always ends up fighting with her whenever they're in their wolf forms  | 4| Student | Can be quite quiet and only makes friends with a small group of people at a time so as to not mix with the wrong crowd and draw attention to himself  |  Wolf | Alive 

Peng Feifei | 15 | Younger sister- whenever her mother isn't there for advice, Feifei is always going to Jinu for advice and is always there to make her laugh whenever Jinu is feeling down in the dumps | 4| Student | Loves to ask questions such as 'Why are peacocks called peacocks?' to find out as much or the world as possible | Wolf | Alive 





Han Ruochong | 21 | The two of them grew up in Beijing together, even though they were close, Jinu and Luo Yi were even closer | 3| University student | Is hardworking and is an absolute bookworm, put any book in front of her she will read it and tell you about it in one day | Human

Im Hyo Mi | 20 | When Jinu moved to Seoul, Hyo Mi helped her to learn the language and get settled into the place | 3| University student | Can be quiet at first but slowly opens herself up and is actually quite loud and loves to have a laugh with people | Human

Best Friend: 

Zhou Luo Yi | 13 | Both Jinu and Luo Yi grew up together in Beijing and were always together, despite the fact that Jinu could control water, Luo Yi didn't care. However, when she died, Jinu blamed herself and hasn't had the courage to visit Luo Yi's grave yet |Was 5 | N/A | Was a nice and lovely girl who was there to cheer people up and make them laugh whenever they felt down, including Jinu | Human



Personality: Jinu is a girl that many people can rely on. She always keeps to her word and makes sure to do what people have asked her to do. When she makes a promise, she keeps it and if someone she is close to needs help, she will help them no matter how serious the situation is. At times she can be quite bossy and strict to people younger than her and other times she can be really protective of people, especially those younger than her and is likely to try and stop them doing what they want. This is only because Jinu is very paranoid, she is afraid that the youngers ones will hurt themselves and she's not there to help them out. There are times when Jinu can't take it anymore and goes somewhere to cool down. She hates it when people call her the perfect friend because she herself has her dark secrets... 

Family History: Jinu grew up in Beijing with quite a wealthy background, despite her family being wolves and having their own special abilities. Growing up, Jinu  always knew she could control water and would ofthen show it of to her friends. However, when Jinu was thirteen, she and her friends went swimming and her friend got into a bit of trouble and asked Jinu to help her out, instead, Jinu froze in horror and couldn't help her in time her friend drowned and Jinu blamed herself for her death. From that day onward, Jinu tried to stop using her powers but found that she could never get rid of it and kept blaming herself for what happened, that she should have saved her and would lock herself away from her family, refusing to come out and hardly ate. Eventually the family had to move to Seoul and Jinu could finally escape her past and start anew. When she was seventeen, she met a girl who was like her... it was just that this girl could turn into a dragon as well as a wolf and overtime they began meeting other girls like them eventually building up a friendship group. 

Persona: The leader 

Badge: Water 


Ulzzang name: Park Hwan Hui

Links: isa | dalawa | tatlo | apat


Back-Up: Byeon Seo Eun 

Links: uno| dos | tres 


You in wolf form:  one | two | three


Fashion Style: 1 2 3 4 5 6



Love Interest: Kim Joonmyun 

Have you met?: Yes


If yes, how did you two meet?: The two lived in Seoul and lived quite close to each other. One day, Joonmyun decided to go swimming and saw Juni dip her head underwater as he sat there waiting for her to come up. Two minutes later, she still hadn't come up so he dived in to get her and instead found her eyes wide open frowning at him and counting how long she could go underwater. She was so close to breaking her record but Joonmyu pulled her up, paranoid she was going to drown. 


Back-Up: Kim Minseok

Have you met?: No

If no, how will you two meet?: Jinu goes out for a walk late at night in the rain and watches as Minseok turned some raindrops into ice and she slips on some of them so he has to catch her and stop her from falling.



Rival: N/A



Comments/Suggestions: If something is wrong, please tell me :) 

Scene Requests: The girls having to go against their love interest in some weird event that the school hosts 
The earth and lightning opposites get into a battle because they argue about something and the leaders have to come and stop them before all hell breaks lose 

Did I miss anything?:N/A


Password: yes sir! i'm one of the kind


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