✿Shingi Highschool Form / Lee Mai / Alex✿

"Lee Mai"

(sorry, couldn't find a gif ><)

name: Lee Mai

*second name: Alex Lee


` Mai-Mai [hates the name; Yongguk calls her this]

` Alex [English name]

` Devil [by some classmates; she is very pranky(lol not a word) and sarcastic]

race: Vampire [however, unlike the myths, she is able to stand the sun, holy water, garlic, and crosses and does not necessarily have to drink blood to survive]

age: 17 [Human-Korean Age] | 117[Vampire age]

birth date: August 15, 1896

birth Place: Transylvania, Romania

hometown: New York, USA

ethnicity: no set ethnicity 

languages: Korean || Chinese || English || Vampiren (Vamp•pure•en) [Vampire native language]

bio/background: Born as a pure vampire, but does not necessarily drink blood. She also has learned to adapt and live sort of like a human. She was born in Transylvania, the origin birth place of the vampire race. Her parents were nobles/royals of the Vampires. Being a vampire she was able to gain some powers and live longer than humans. Her parents died upon them moving to the States. It was a horrible murder, and it was to be kept a secret that they were vampires. But, somehow the truth leaked out and soon enough, her parents died saving her and her little sister. Mai had a younger sister as well, but once their parents died, they were seperated. Mai only knows that her sister is not dead, but knows nothing of where her location is. This happened over 100 or so years ago, Mai was still very young, but she learned to grow up by being cared for a taken in by another vampire that lived around the area. The man was as old as her biological father, she grew up thinking of the man as her father, and he treated her as a daughter. He taught her the ways of a vampire and to keep her race a secret. He taught her how to transform and use her abilities. Being a vampire she aged pretty slowly, and was still developing. She had never gone out into the real world and studied with other children until about 60 or so, the whole time she was learning how to adapt to the world outside of vampire life. A regular school life was very confusing, so she learned how to 

personality: [What the Hell ya do?!]- She is a huge prankster and very sarcastic. She is an expert prankster and pranks everyone at least once. She can't really help it, since it is more of a habit than hobby to her. She has a sharp-tongue that can make any grown man cry. She can make come-backs as quick as lightning an isn't very hesitant in what she says or does. She in not the type to second guess herself, and once she makes up her mind then it is set. She isn't the type to regret her decisions afterwards the action is done. She has much experience as a prankster and has learned to get away with it home-free. She is sometimes addressed as "fox in sheep's clothing"since she is very sneaky, somewhat dangerous, and highly unpredictable. You may think that she is mysterious and likes to keep to herself at first sight, but then the next thing you know is that she is pranking everyone left and right. She also has a straight forward personality, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is the type to tell someone straight up the truth, she being very blunt with her words at times. She does not sugar coat her words, so sometimes it can be a little hurtful to others. She is very stubborn and doesn't take "no" for an answer. She is also quite persuasive and can turn any situation in her favor. She knows how to use the right kinds of words to get out of any problem, and is able to sometimes make others turn on themselves. She is also very persistent and will not give up or in so easily! Which does portray her as a hard-worker in a way. She is the type to go all in and face any problem head-on. She is head-strong and isn't afraid of the consequences of her actions. She is very competitive and will not back down without a fight. Mai has quite the list of flaws. She knows she is not perfect, actually she believes to be far from it. She knows her flaws and isn't afraid to admit to them. Truthfully, she may like her flaws better than her good points. She means that they even out one another, so she does like her flaws. Her flaws make her who she is, and if no one had flaws then it would be a boring existence in a way. Since everyone would be too..."perfect." Perfection is only a word, nothing is really considered "perfect," no one is "perfect," and she hates those that act like they are. Besides being a prankster and sarcastic, she also doesn't show much emotion and mostly acts neutral around others, except those she is close with. But, she can also be very devious and come up with the craziest and evilest plans. She is also EXTREMELY dense when it comes to love or anything related to it. She has never "liked" someone before and doesn't know when a guy likes her. Someone could be waving a sign spelling out "I LOVE YOU" right in front of her face and she would either be confused or not notice it all together.

[Oh, baby just tell me why. Yeah.]- She is very smart, street and book smart that is. She knows her way around many places, mainly since she is very curious and likes to explore. She is also smart book-wise, she knows a variety of facts, that may or may not be helpful. She does read sometimes, but she hates to to learn something that is not of her interest. She can slack sometimes, but only if she considers the topic "boring," and if she dislikes it then she would not give any mind to it. So, she is somewhat a horrible listener. If you want to vent out any problems or issues you may have, I would suggest not going to her for advice or just to talk to someone. She is mainly street-smart for she can protect and fend for herself. She knows how to get around on her own, and is able to find her way out of some situations.
[Things are goin' crazy sometimes, y'know?]-She sort of has a split-personality. She can be mysterious and devious around others, but at home, it's a different story. Mai is caring and kind, she has a soft spot for her loved ones and family. When at home, she is portrayed as the "perfect daughter" always helping out around the house and cleaning up after herself. She is very independent and can care for herself, but she liked to help her parents out as well. Which makes her very handy and helpful around the house. She only acts this way at home, she doesn't know why herself, but it seems that her parents just made her a better person. She was very loving towards her mother and father. She still acts this way towards her current guardian. She also is the type stand up for what she believes in--she loves what she does, and does what she loves, even if it may go against other's decisions.


` fencing

` soccer

` running

` sparring [martial arts]

` drawing

` painting

` dancing/b-girling

` secretly composing music

` collecting pooh bear and pikachu plushies [secret ;)]

` swimming

` playing bass guitar

` playing the electric violin

` sleeping

` skateboarding

` playing pranks


` animals

` family

` rain

` dancing

` skateboards

` sneakers

` spicy food

` art

` sports

` speed

` music

` Pikachu

` Pooh Bear

` pranks

` sarcasm

` independence


` Werewolves (puts on her Poker-Face around them)

` coffee

` hot and humid days

` fakies

` girly clothing

` loud people

` heels

` make-up

` mondays

` back-stabbers

` skinship

` cheaters

` players

` love [cause she can't understand it]

` being ordered around

` mornings


` works at the animal shelter

` as a shepherd puppy name Rei

` has special abilities as a vampire

` has daily nightmares

` has great sense and able to detect if someone is nearby

` is a HUGE procrastinator

` always has her headphones around her neck

` mostly keeps to herself

` doesn't have an extreme amount of friends

` is able to play a variety of sports

` loves horror movies

` loves to laugh at vampire movies

` can distinctly detect if there is another vampire nearby and tell who it specifically is [weird vampire ability to know of other vampires]

` she received this pair keychain from Zelo, but only thought of it as him being kind and wanting to be her friend

` received/wears this pair "couple" ring that Minhyuk gave her, but, of course Mai being the dense girl she is, she thought the ring was a "friendship" ring

` She is the Captain of the Swimming Team

` She is the President of the Art Club

` when she can't hold in her Vampire instincts, she turns into this, with bearing fangs, her red eyes, and wings

` Mai's powers: Blood bending, Darkness manipulation, ability to heal herself quickly, enhanced speed and agility and senses

` Mai has great night vision

` is a straight-up (Do I really need to put this >< c'mon she is freakin' oblivious to love, but she knows when someone is trying to sweet-talk another person just to get in their pants)


-formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

-casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

-dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

-school: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 || always has her spandex shorts on underneathe || [can't pick a consistant one, so I'm listing ><]

relationship: ? meaning: mother: Lee SunHi [dead] || Father: Lee Tae-Hyun[dead] || Little sister: Lee Yue[presence unknown] || Guardian: Bang Yongguk [lol ><]

Bang Yongguk: He is a vampire as well (duh.) and he treats Mai as a daughter. He took care of her most of her life, and she is grateful for that. But, ever since he joined her school to look/watch over her, they have started to grow very distant. They rarely talk or see one another anymore, and it seems he is always off going somewhere else every night. She is sad she can no longer spend time with her "father" but she is glad that he is happy. Since Mai lived with Yongguk most of her life, she grew up as a Tomboy since Yongguk is really into action and sports, so Mai just learned from his influences. Also, Mai is dense about LOVE, since he never actually "taught" her what it means to love someone more than a relative or friend. He actually never had a girlfriend because he was sorta busy taking care of Mai, so he lies at times and says that he has a girlfriend, for some reason it helps cover up the secret of Mai and Yongguk living together. No one knows that they live together and that Yongguk is her Guardian, they like to keep it on the down low, not even Ms. Park(Jessica) knows.

Though they both live in the dorms now, he had asked to get the across from her's to keep a close eye on her. She was "trusted" enough that he doesn't need to be with her 24/7, but he feels that she would be safer with him close by, just in case.They live in seperate dorms, he lives with another guy teacher in the dorm room across from her's, she lives with (1st chosen applicant). He would sometimes baby her by patting her on the head, or if she got hurt, he would look around all of the visible areas of her body to see if she was badly injured. She is glad that sometimes he at leasts stops and thinks of her again, she does miss him at times though.

ideal type(s): has none :P isn't really the romantic type and is very clueless about love

*love interest(s): more than one?: Zelo | Minhyuk | Chen(back-up) | L. Joe(back-up)

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*love interest's personality:

` Zelo[werewolf]: He is very innocent and kind. He is energetic and very happy-go-lucky. He loves to run and play many sports as well. Because of his athleticism he is known as one of the star atletes of the school. However, although he is sweet and kind to all on the outside, everyone is a moon, and has a dark sidewhich he never shows to anybody"(quote by Mark Twain). He is the type to become easily jealous and can sometimes get furious. He hates when others go near a girl he likes. He can become cold and distant, or very protective of said girl if another guy go nears her or even just talks to her. It sounds a little possessive, but he is still not that knowledgable about girls or love.

` Minhyuk[werewolf]: He is very funny and has a sort of laid-back attitude. He loves to laugh and loves to hear others laugh. He is kind-heartened and no one would ever take the guy as being a vicious werewolf. But, they are wrong. Yes, Minhyuk is a werewolf and can become quite angry and violent at times, but only if you make him that way. He has high tolerance and is not the type to be easily angered, but that doesn't mean he can't be. He is the jealous type as well, but has an easier time of hiding it. He has control of when he transforms into a werewolf, but if his anger level has exceded it maxs then...you better watch out.

` Chen[human with supernatural ability]: Probably the most regular guy of the four. Yep, a normal human, nothing really special, no transformation, no wings. Except, he does have a weird ability that a "normal" human wouldn't have, he has the ability to control lightning. The worst part is that his power reflects from his emotions and thoughts. And unfortunately, this guy can be a ticking time bomb. He is self-righteour, prideful, and too confident, if someone were to even "bruise" his pride, he will blow! He grew up having everything handed to him on a silver platter, had the life-style of a king. Never really experienced the real world, but being home-schooled by the best tutors and scholars instead. He is indeed intelligent and can sometimes think of everyone below his status as "slaves." He thought the same way about Mai in the beginning, but she immediately taught him a lesson he would never forget. Mai feels similar somehow, always being home-schooled and never truly experiencing the life with humans, but she practicully learned how to grow up quickly, and now she is "teaching" Chen the same way.

` L. Joe(Byunghun)[Vampire]: He is a very chill guy who goes with the flow. Nothing really supernatural about this guy except that he is also of the same race as Mai. Yep, he is a Vampire too, except he was not birthed in Transylvania but grew up along side humans and born in South Korea. He can't really be ticked off, no matter how annoying a person is. He doesn't need blood for energy and can stand the sun, he is practicully similar to Mai, except growing up in a regular lifestyle. Nothing much to say about the guy, he likes to goof off sometimes but his main hobby is sleeping.

idol/ulzzang/actor/actress face: Ulzzang used: Kite

height: 170 cm

weight: 52 kg

style: Tomboy [too lazy to say anything else >< but if ou want me to expand on it, then I will]


` family [seeing her loved ones hurt]

` animals [has a soft spot for them]

` pitch-black darkness

` Pikachu [love them to DEATH lol ><]

` Pooh Bears [*same reason as above]

` being annoyed too much [she will "EXPLODE"/kill you if you push her over the edge]

` too much heat [hates when it is really hot or humid]

` death [hates the sight of it]

` love [too dense to know anything about it :/]

` kids [cuteness || secret weakness]

special talents:

` athletic/flexible

` good in many sports

` she can dance very well || prefers break dancing

` can fence

` is a good artist

` is able to get along with animals very well and fast

` she is very fast || great agility and speed

` she is very persuasive

` able to play the bass guitar and electric violin

` is able to fight well [she has learned martial arts before to defend herself]

` mind control [being a vampire, if someone looks into her eyes she is able to hear what they are think, mind manipulate them, or make an illusion that could make them go cray-cray or feel happy]

extra classes interest(s): Art class | Swimming | Soccer

academic performance: Even though she loves to goof off, she is actually quite intelligent and gets good grades. She is surprisingly one of the best in class. She gets grades form A to B+ range.

behavior: she is pretty laid-back and just stares into space or sketches in her notebook. She doesn't do much in class and doesn't really bother to listen either. She is sort of rebellious in class, but even though the teachers notice this, they can't say much since she does recieve pretty good grades. The other students are baffled by this and think its unfair she gets the "royal treatment" as they call it. The classes she "catches up in sleeping" the most, is in Ms. Park's and Ms. Kwon's classes, she receives good grades in their classes, but she thinks that it's kinda boring. But, unlike the other teachers, these two teachers punish Mai all the time. Especially Ms. Park, considering she is the Swimming Coach for the team that Mai is Captain of. But, her behavior outside of class is different, she is very curious and loves to prank others, so she does. During breaks, she would either go to the art studio and draw/paint or prank others. She just loves to see their expressions.

*any jobs or careers:

` She works at a nearby Animal Shelter after school sometimes when she doesn't have sports || she loves animals


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