I just took a depression quiz.

Latelty I've been feeling... empty, numb, tired, and just tired. Too tired to do anything... I thought it was depression, i thought i was over exaturating it... turns out i was wrong.


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PipTheTerror #1
In my personal experience, I wish I'd gone to speak to a professional when I was a teenager. If it's a real problem you have, it only gets harder when you wait. I see a therapist every few months now, but a while ago, I had to see her every week. It can get pretty costly though if that's a problem for you. Is there a guidance counselor that you can speak to? Maybe he or she could refer you to someone.
I think it's probably a decent idea to speak to a professional at least once in your case; to put your mind at ease, if nothing else. These tests are not the be-all-and-end-all by any means, but they're not entirely hokum either. They have a decent enough basis to let you know that maybe you should talk to someone.
Don't take a quiz like this seriously.