Dear Readers

Dear Readers, I know I don't communicate very much with you guys anymore. I know I recently updated after almost a year of not uploading anything on this site. I would just like you to know that I have had things that have gotten in the way. I have many priorities, and obviously, they will always come first. That's just the way it is. I do apologise if you're waiting for me to update,  but I won't blame you for unsubscribing to my stories.

Therefore, I'm not going to promise on updates at any given time. I have a a week of school left and I have 6 exams during that week. If I can update, I'll update. If I can't, I won't. 

That's all I'd like to say, enjoy your reading guys.


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i'm going through the same thing, dude ._. but it's nice to know you're alright ^^
It's cool, good to hear from you friend ^^
Good luck on your exams! Don't worry about updating. Just do it when you can! :)