What`s Up? (:

What`s up, guys? xD


bwahaha ~ btw, guys, if you haven`t noticed or realized, this is actually SHINeeStars223, but I just kinda moved accounts.

 I didn`t have real major reasons for moving accounts, but idk, I wanted a new name, so I switched accounts instead of just using 100 karma points for it. Anyways ~ I don`t really care about the other stuff, as long as I have all my friends, stories, subbies, and etc xD kekeke.

And well, I only moved because you know . . . I can?


But yeah, I haven`t blogged in so long. In fact, I`ve done nothing on AFF lately, it`s kinda ehh . . . been really lazy and bothered.

But here I am though !~ typing up my first blogpost on this account. (: Yupp ~ hopefully, when winter break comes along, I`ll do more stuffies on here.

I haven`t written/updated on my fanfics lately is only because i`m on this eternal writers block. I just kinda open my word document and just let it chill . . . SORRY >__< to anyone who might possibly still be reading it TToTT

I don`t even know why I can`t get myself to type and think. I can`t even think of what else to write.

I`m seriously thinking about putting Hidden Deception on hiatus until I think it through. It is by far, my favorite fanfiction of mine right now and I honestly don`t want to ruin it. . . so yeah .___. i`m still iffy.

Even though this is really kinda stupid, but I feel like another reason I haven`t been able to get myself to write at all is because this kid is always on my mind. 

LIKE *$)#*)$*@#)($*)(@*#)$* >____< WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?! TToTT  I freakin` hate him.

Darn you, " SHINee-Hater " <-- Yup, this is what I call him. I can`t believe I let him get to me so much TT^TT

Doopid poopie-face meanie jerkhead D:


BUT ANYHOW, I will try my best and do whatever I can. For now, Happy holidays and merry xmas to everyone ! ~ (:

I hope you all have loads of fun and presents, bwahaha ~ xD 

Before I go, kekeke. I wanted to share some of my lame-ness. Of course you`re not obligated to click and listen to my horrible singing, but hey, it would be nice xP



I Need a Boy. . . I really do x-x ( and ignore the background noises, my sister was like doing something -.-)



Hello ~ Hello (: bwahah ~ i`m lameeee x3


Yes. . . my nickname is Kaichou , don`t ask me why xD


If I were Juliette, I`d need a Romeo x3 . It`s actually SHINee`s Juliette, but I kinda killed it x-x




Anyways ~ Merry Xmas and I`ll be back soon :D


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it's okay ;3 hopefully shinee hater realizes his heaaart soon