♔ ¦ ❝ the end ❞ 〉 Lee Mai

 ¦  Lee Mai 



Name: Lee Mai


  • Mai-Mai[step-brother; sounded similar to little sister in chinese]
  • Alex [Mostly everyone; rather use this name than being called anything else; English name]
  • Lee [The Leaders; just her last name]

Birthday: 8/15/1995

Age:17 going onto 18

Nationality: Chinese

Hometown:New York, USA

Birthplace:Hong Kong, China

Language(s): Chinese(cantonese)[Native] | English[Fluent] | Korean[semi-fluent]



  • sneakers
  • her siblings
  • sports
  • skateboards
  • running
  • sarcasm
  • pranks
  • art
  • myths
  • meat
  • hot chocolate
  • spicy foods
  • legends [may be the same as myths]


  • the person that murdered her parents
  • her biological father [though she still feels as though she can't "hate" him since he is her father]
  • annoying people
  • loud people
  • fakes
  • s
  • heels
  • dresses
  • skirts
  • make-up
  • coffee
  • sweets
  • skinship
  • players
  • being ordered around


  • running
  • playing sports
  • sketching
  • painting
  • skateboarding
  • reading about myths and legends


  • depressed/sad: bites her lip until it bleeds
  • angry: cracks her knuckles
  • furious: cusses and may get violent [only happens when you push her too far]
  • goes to bed late
  • woken up early: punch the first thing she sees [not a morning person]
  • bored: stretches, runs her hands through her hair [from the front to the back], or spins her pencil on her finger


  • has daily/constant nightmares
  • is able to feel other's presence or when someone is near
  • has never truly cried before, not even during her father leaving or her parents' death, she was too shocked to
  • she tends to stop herself from talking, when about to open she then closes it
  • mostly a "keep-to-herself" kind of girl
  • loves horror movies
  • loves heights
  • has a "need for speed"--likes to go fast and quickly
  • she is very athletic and flexible, which helps in sports
  • when she does speak, you would've wished she didn't sometimes since her words can be quite hurtful
  • she can be quite persuasive at times, just not as persuasive as the experts: The Quiet Ones
  • very sneaky and stealthy
  • has a sense of noticing one's and her own surroundings
  • always has on this bracelet from her mother, it was given to her to help "neutralize" when she transforms if possible
  • She learned of her ability when she was too depressed of her parent's death and just wanted everything to STOP, so everything did. No motion nor sound was heard, she noticed that she had then just stopped time

Phobia(s): losing her loved ones [not really a "phobia" but it is her major fear]


  • denseness
  • straight forewardness
  • shows no mercy/remorse
  • when furious she can almost turn into a "demon"
  • prankster
  • sarcastic
  • kindness towards those she gets too close to



Family members:


Moon Tae-Hyun | 50 | step-father- though they weren't really father and daughter, they were still very close. Her step-father was always there for her, to comfort and protect her. He was always there to cheer her up when she felt down and was the one to make her speak and be a little more open-but once he died, so did her abilit to talk to others[not literrally] | 5 | Lawyer | nice, comforting, caring, fatherly, strict, supportive, and cheerful | Human | Dead

Lee SunHi | 46 | mother-they get along very well and Mai use to always go to her mother for advice or help. No matter how busy her mother was, she was always there for Mai. Her mother was her best friend almost, she always loved her mother and misses her dearly | 5 | Doctor | caring, kind, strict, naggy, motherly, protective, can be scary at times | Wolf | Dead



Moon JongUp | 19 | step-brother- when their parents died, JongUp and Mai had to learn how to grow up fairly quickly. JongUp does go to college at times, but really just skips class to go and work. They have a great relationship, and although they are not even in the slightest blood-related, Mai still feels fairly close to him. | 5 | College student/part-time waitor | kind, caring, protective, responsible, funny, nice, cheerful | Human | Alive

Moon Yue | 12 | half-sister-Yue always sticks to Mai. Yue sees Mai as her protection and she always feels safe and calm around her older sister. Even though they are not entirely blood-related, and Yue is more Human than wolf, they are still very close and Mai cares deeply for her sister | 5| Student | Is very innocent and cute, just like any other child. Yue looks up to Mai for guidance, and Yue is very naive and innnocent to what is truly happening around her. Yue is very cute and caring, she has too much humanity in her and is very bubbly. | Human[more human than wolf] | Alive



Bang Hana | 18 | They met when going to the same high school. Hana was the only one that really ever talked to Mai so they soon started to grow close, and the rest is history. | 4 | Highschool senior | nice, sweet, out-going, cheerful, the polar opposite of Mai | Human


Best Friend:

Amber Liu | 19 | It was a coincidence, Amber and JongUp go to the same college, so that is how Mai reunited with Amber. Reunited, meaning they have met prior. Back when Mai still was living in Korea for about 5 years or so, Amber and Mai were childhood friends. Amber was Mai's role model, and Mai looked up to Amber for guidance just how Yue is for Mai. But they soon split once Mai left for the States. They reunited when Mai had to give her brother something he forgot at home, so Mai went to his college and happened to meet Amber once again. | 5 | College student | laid-back, calm, thoughtful, caring, merciless when it comes to others hurting those she loves, strong, kind, protective | Wolf



Personality: [What the Hell ya do?!]- She is a huge prankster and very sarcastic. She is an expert prankster and pranks everyone at least once. She can't really help it, since it is more of a habit than hobby to her. She has a sharp-tongue that can make any grown man cry. She can make come-backs as quick as lightning an isn't very hesitant in what she says or does. She in not the type to second guess herself, and once she makes up her mind then it is set. She isn't the type to regret her decisions afterwards the action is done. She has much experience as a prankster and has learned to get away with it home-free. She is sometimes addressed as "fox in sheep's clothing"since she is very sneaky, somewhat dangerous, and highly unpredictable. You may think that she is mysterious and likes to keep to herself at first sight, but then the next thing you know is that she has taken down many left and right. She also has a straight forward personality, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is the type to tell someone straight up the truth, she being very blunt with her words at times. She does not sugar coat her words, so sometimes it can be a little hurtful to others. She is very stubborn and doesn't take "no" for an answer. She is also quite persuasive and can turn any situation in her favor. She knows how to use the right kinds of words to get out of any problem, and is able to sometimes make others turn on themselves. She is also very persistent and will not give up or in so easily! Which does portray her as a hard-worker in a way. She is the type to go all in and face any problem head-on. She is head-strong and isn't afraid of the consequences of her actions. She is very competitive and will not back down without a fight. Mai has quite the list of flaws. She knows she is not perfect, actually she believes to be far from it. She knows her flaws and isn't afraid to admit to them. Truthfully, she may like her flaws better than her good points. She means that they even out one another, so she does like her flaws. Her flaws make her who she is, and if no one had flaws then it would be a boring existence in a way. Since everyone would be too..."perfect." Perfection is only a word, nothing is really considered "perfect," no one is "perfect," and she hates those that act like they are. Besides being a prankster and sarcastic, she also doesn't show much emotion and mostly acts neutral around others, except those she is close with. But, she can also be very devious and come up with the craziest and evilest plans. She is also EXTREMELY dense when it comes to love or anything related to it. She has never "liked" someone before and doesn't know when a guy likes her. Someone could be waving a sign spelling out "I LOVE YOU" right in front of her face and she would either be confused or not notice it all together.

[The Queen is back in the game!]- She is agressive and merciless in battles and matches. She does face problems head on, but she likes to toy around with her opponent's sense of sanity and mind before going in for the kill. She likes to make a game out of their match, this way it makes it last longer and is a lot more fun for her. If she wanted to she could be able to take them down much quicker since she is fairly fast and her stealth and agility help. But, then it would just ruin her game. In previous schools she has been in, she was thought to be part of some "gang" because of her fighting skills and ability to quickly take others down. This only made others stay away from her, but she did not mind that much since she had other things to worry about at home. Once she has killed, she is almost cold-blooded and feels no remorse, it is almost as if she has turned into a completely different person. Yes, when she does actually see blood it may defect her sanity and sense of thinking straight and clearly at times. Someone at times would need to snap her out of her blood-thirsting trance, but not everyone is able to so calmly and easily go near her. Only those that she hold near and dear to her heart can eve go a foot or two close to her when she is like this. Since, even though she cannot think clearly, her heart always knows. In this phase she is at her most vulnerable, but it is not easy to get close to her, since even the "evil" aura around her at the time could make one nervous, shiver, scared, or push them back.

[Oh, baby just tell me why. Yeah.]- She is very smart, street and book smart that is. She knows her way around many places, mainly since she is very curious and likes to explore. She is also smart book-wise, she knows a variety of facts, that may or may not be helpful. She does read sometimes, but she hates to to learn something that is not of her interest. She can slack sometimes, but only if she considers the topic "boring," and if she dislikes it then she would not give any mind to it. So, she is somewhat a horrible listener. If you want to vent out any problems or issues you may have, I would suggest not going to her for advice or just to talk to someone. She is mainly street-smart for she can protect and fend for herself. She knows how to get around on her own, and is able to find her way out of some situations.

[Things are goin' crazy sometimes, y'know?]-She sort of has a split-personality. She can be mysterious and devious around others, but at home, it's a different story. Mai is caring and kind, she has a soft spot for her loved ones and family. When at home, she is portrayed as the "perfect daughter" always helping out around the house and cleaning up after herself. She is very independent and can care for herself, but she likes to help her parents out as well. Which makes her very handy and helpful around the house. She only acts this way at home, she doesn't know why herself, but it seems that her parents just make her a better person. She is very loving towards her mother and step-father, although she hated her step-father in the beginning she soon warmed up to him. She also is the type stand up for what she believes in--she loves what she does, and does what she loves, even if it may go against other's decisions.



Family History: Only Amber and the leader and the other Shadow knows of her past. She rarely talks so it is hard to even convince her to say a word of her past. It was a "normal" thing, father met mother and soon beared a child together, except the fact that the mother and her child were not completely normal. Her mother was a wolf and Mai was her half-pup. Mai was born and raised in Hong Kong until she was about 8 years old. Her parents moved back to Korea where her father is from. But, something seemed to affect their little family once her father had his job transfer back to Korea, since her mother and father would keep bickering and fighting every time one little mistake or situation/problem appeared. This broke down to the point of someone having to go. When Mai was about 10 years old, her dad left she and her mom for a younger woman. He took all of the money in their bank account and never came back. Her mother was heartbroken and depresses for sometime. Mai hated seeing her mother that way, and since her father's leave she had trouble trusting others. Mai took care of herself and her mother, getting up early in the morning to go on her skateboard to deliver newspapers around her area. She did this very early in the morning, and once she was done she would go back home to make her mother breakfast. Mai's mother was still depressed by Mai's father leaving. However, once she noticed how hard her daughter was trying to keep what is left of the family functioning. Her mother went back to work after a while and Mai kept up her busy days.

About 3-4 years after, they moved to the states and soon her mother found someone new. She introduced the man to Mai, and at first sight, Mai hated him. She didn't trust easily anymore, and didn't usually give others a chance. But, she saw how happier her mother was around this man, happier than when she was with Mai's real father, and her mother's happiness is her happiness. She loved seeing her mom happy once again, and wanted her to stay happy. Her mother got more serious with the guy, and Mai found out he had a son from his previous marriage. Mai didn't trust the son either, but after spending more time together she slowly warmed up to him. She got to know the man that was dating her mother, more. She started to warm up to the man as well, and started to feel happier around him, and would think that she is glad that it is he that restored her mother's love.

The year of Mai's 14th birthday, her mother officially became the fiance to the man. Mai was glad for the soon to be husband and wife, and was a little glad that JongUp would be her step-brother. A month, after her 14th birthday, the happy couple got married. And the two small, broken families became one large, happier, and content family. Mai was happy and content with her new family, and hoped it would last. About a year or so later, the newly weds did not wait in making another child, the new baby was a girl and was named Yue. The little baby girl grew up and soon started to stick to Mai a lot. Mai didn't mind her new little sister, so she just went with it. It was a nice 5 persons family. Was. Disaster was just around the corner.

It was all just an accident, a horrible, horrible accident. It was a dark night. Both of her parents were out, while the three children stayed at home. The parents were just taking a stroll, when a high pitched noise/sound came from a nearby alley. It happened so suddeny, but the noise irritated yet attracted Mai's mother, her mother was forcively made to transform into a wolf [the step-father already knew of her wolf form], and she followed the noise. Only her accute hearing helped her in hearing the noise, but Mai's step-father could not. Mai's step-father followed Mai's mother of course to make sure she was okay, he was actually trying to stop her but she was reluclant. When in the alley, it was cold, damp, and there was no light shining from anywhere except the moonlight lit the narrow alley way, barely. Everything happened to quickly, a man came up to Mai's mother holding a gun, a shot was heard, Mai's step-father was quick enough to stand in between the gun shot and her mother, but the bullet pierced through them both. The last thing heard was SunHi's howl into the dark night. Mai strangely heard the howl of her mother that night as well, but shook it off thinking and hoping it was nothing.

Of course Mai and her siblings soon found out of the incident of a man being found shot with a dead wolf laid next to him. Mai and her siblings were sad for much time, and they were all very affected. The feeling of being along happened to both JongUp and Mai again, and Yue was still very young to really and truly know of the incident. They all had to grow up fairly fast and quickly, Jongup, being the oldest, took charge of the household and worked, Mai did most of the house chores and tried to find some work around the area that would hire a mid-teenager that wasn't ever going to sell her body for cash. Yue stayed her innocent little self being watched over by her older siblings.

After her parents' deaths, she no longer spoke anymore. She wasn't as open and rarely gave anyone a chance in becoming close with her. It was as if she forgot everything of her parents and was an empty shell that only breathed. The only people she has ever talked or opened up to are really only JongUp and Yue, it may be strange but not even some of the members have heard her speak  more than a word or so.

Persona: The Shadow

Badge: Anime-Girl-anime-girls-17994097-600-878. [is this correct?] or was it the choice of power?: exo_m_tao_time_logo_by_jinsuke04-d4yh5w5 time travel...


Ulzzang name:Kite

Links: Gallery


Back-Up: Lee Yeon Ju [Mikki]

Links: Gallery


You in wolf form: one | two | three


Fashion Style: Tomboy style: mainly consists or jeans, tees, sneakers, sometimes hoodies or oversized sweatshirts. Her style/choice of colors is sort of dark, but that only helps in staying in the background and not being noticed quickly: 1 \ 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7



Love Interest: Kim Jongdae [Chen]

Have you met?: yes..sort of

If yes, how did you two meet?: It was by accident. Mai didn't mean for it to happen and has never told anyone about this, not even the other members know of this. Mai happened to be in her wolf form, by accident. She doesn't clearly remember what happened, but alll she remembers is that something made her forcively change into her wolf form, it is a vague memory. ANyway, when she was in her wolf form, Jongdae happened to see her..change that is. Mai sensed his presence and immediately decided to flee from the place, but he reluctantle followed her. Mai picked up her fast pace, being one of the fastes of the group was very handy at times like those. Anyway, Mai got far enough and no longer sensed his presence, she was able to escape. While Jongdae was still looking around trying to find the mysterious girl turned animal, this only led him to confusion.


Back-Up: Byun Baekhyun

Have you met?: no

If no, how will you two meet?: They bump into one another when Mai is rushing to her next class. Baekhyun says sorry and helps pick up Mai's dropped papers, but she just takes one glance at him and immediately stands up. Taking her papers from his hands and giving him a neutral expression. She gives him the cold shoulder, a little glare maybe, and without saying anything through the whole incident, she just leaves him in confusion.



Kim Eun Ji | 19 | Hard | Eun Ji sees Mai as a threat and love rival. Eun Ji also has growing feelings for ____(*love interest*) and doesn't plan to give him up anytime soon. Eun Ji sees Mai as sort of a weakling and questions how she got into the school. Every time they see one another, you can see the hatred at least pass, for a second, through both of their eyes. | Wolf



Comments/Suggestions:Just hope it's good enough ^^ also sorry for my horrendous and y grammar and spelling ><

Scene Requests:

  • Mai trying to stay in the background while ______(*love interest*) is trying to talk to her, by bothering her. She starts to get annoyed but keeps quiet, just tolerating the guy's stupidity
  • One of Mai's reoccurring nightmares has happened again, so the next day when _______(*love interest) tries to annoy her again, she reflexively punched the guy in the stomach to get him to shut up

Did I miss anything?:n/a


Password:yes, sir! I'm one of a kind.




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