Bias Quiz ;( again )


Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions. (In no particular order.)


1. Taemin

2. Ken

3. Yun

4. Suho

5. Hoya


 What do you like about 4?

SUHO - Because of his softness. >< When I look at him it just feels so gentle and everything is so fluffy~ :3 His voice is soft, he is smart, his smile is precious, his face is so angelic, his personality is so sweet and he is so cute. >< 

 Is 2 an alcoholic?

KEN - He is years old, he swears on TV, he drives, so he probably drinks lol.


 Can 1 sing?


 Can 3 cook?

YUN - I... I don't know...


 What do you like about 1?

TAEMIN - He has the cutest face, cutest aegyo, he answers well, he laughs well, he dances well, he studies well, he sings well, he acts well, he can be y if he wants to, he is daring, he is brave, he is a vitamin, he compliments people well, he is adorable, he is handsome too, he is funny, he is childish, he is talented, he can play piano (<3), he talks well, he is cool, he is cute, he is-

 Has 4 had any solo albums?

SUHO - Let him!

 Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?

KEN AND HOYA - LOL NO XD Maybe... they could form "KENYA"! (suddenly, dongwoo appears in my mind~)


 Do you think 3 would be a good parent?

YUN - Oh of course. :3 He will sing his baby lullabies or something.~


 What do you like about 2?

KEN - He is 4-D, he's so funny, he's adorable, he is such a dork, he knows the best gags, his voice is wonderful, his smile is adorable, his nose (!) is weird, he is weird overall, & he knows how to drive!


 Would 3 take drugs?



 Would 4 bail you out of jail?

SUHO - It's up to him but he is an angel so- ^^;;


 Has 2 ever been on reality tv?

KEN - VIXX TV?! XD Well he IS an idol so he probably has.

 Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?

... I am no one's ideal type. orz


 Is 5 tall?


HOYA - Taller than me. XD


 Do you like 4’s current hair style?

SUHO - Why, thank you for asking! No. I mean, it's fine but but but I miss his old hair. ; ;

 Is 2 gay?

KEN - BAHAHAHA KEO Uh well no I don't think so.


 Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show?

YUN, SUHO, KEN - Yun will definitely not as he will die in embarrassment. Suho would probably look pretty. >< And Ken will just do it for gag. =.=


 Would 1 go skinny dipping?

TAEMIN - Methinks he'd rather go skydiving.

 Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?

YUN - No. :3 He is special. <3

 Would 5 watch ?

HOYA - ... I... I don't... I don't know... if... ><

 Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?

I think the safest and mildest thing among these choices would be the one with #4 (SUHO) because no one dies, there isn't a lifelong commitment (marriage) and no one goes pregnant. XD My heart will just be crushed lol. At least it's better than the others. kekeke



DONE! :D Try it out too. kekeke
( stolen from: smilefreakk )



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hiugeuagv Taemin's mine *^* and I see no N /smirks/
star_x #2
I cant believe that finally i meet someone that stan lunafly since your bias is yun. Sobs. Me too and oasdfgjkl sam carter /get shot
May I ask you something ? Who's Yun ?