Personal Info Sheet (snatched from hyunvirus)


1. name: jillian
2. birthday:  january 1, 1998
3. favorite color: white, pearlescent sky blue/pearl aqua
4. lucky number: 5
5. height: 161cm (?)


1. last dream you remember: it was this morning's dream, when i was singing sorry sorry too fast i couldn't breathe after.
2. can you juggle: just two things, but is that even considered juggling...
3. art/sports/both: ART! <3
4. do you like writing: i do but i get so easily frustrated by it because i can't write well...
5. do you like dancing: YEAH! but i'm not good at it.
6. do you like singing: not so much as dancing. :)


1. dream vacation: travel to france, japan, s.korea, italy, china, singapore, etc. :)
2. dream date: lots of interesting conversations where i never get bored, the night sky, balloons, lights, holding hands
3. dream guy/gal/enby: he has to be smart, kind, loyal, taller than me, capable of supporting my life, loving, caring, affectionate.
4. dream wedding: a church wedding with all the people i love.

5. dream pet: cats/kittens/arctic foxes/red pandas
6. dream job: a certified public accountant/lawyer. :3


1. favorite song: shinee's the reason
2. favorite album: probably shinee's why so serious album or shinee world album
3. favorite artist: shinee!
4. last song you heard on the radio: on the radio...? i don't listen to the radio much. ><
5. least favorite song: too many to mention. ><
6. least favorite album: how is this possible. XD every album has at least one good song!
7. least favorite artist: no one really. i am pretty much open to everyone except apink's naeun


1. guys/girls/enbies: guys.
2. hair color: black.
3. eye color: dark brown.
4. humorous/serious: humorous but can be serious when the time is right.
5. taller/shorter: taller!
6. biggest turn-off: smoking, drugs, thug-like actions, too much unnecessary profanity ><
7. biggest turn-on: personality and capabilities. and smile. <3


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Omf- we have the same favorite song
That song is just perf ♥
And what's up with you and apink's naeun? ôuô
Is this because of Taemin? /shot
If it is I used to be like that too lewls.
But I could never hate anyone. Especially good looking ones. Sighs.
U already went to singa