B = I Wish I Was With You

The smile on her face has disappeared

The feelings of pain and sadness have now vanished

She is numb...there is no feeling

The songs playing in her ears are nothing but songs of sadness

She is wishing and hoping for that one person to comfort her

But that person doesn't even realize she exists

He who is famous in a boy group, she who is unknown to the world

She knows that they are and were never meant to be...

So why does she insist on liking him?

It's almost probably already obvious to her, that he is someone who likes another girl

Then why still like him?

To her, she knows that she can probably just tell him, but to him, why should he care?

He would probably just try his bes to reject her as nicely as possible

She knows all of this, she knows it all

The word "fan", a word she does not want to associate herself with

She feels disgusted for having to be associated with that word

She just wants to hide and run away from everything in her life

I wish I could speak Korean...

I wish I was prettier...

I wish I was skinnier...

I wish I was a better person...

I wish I was Korean...


But most of all...



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