« the apartment complex » — cha eundok

« eundok wants to live by herself. »
« haekyung  » « dani » « five »

profile picture « full name » — cha, eundok
« preferred name » — n/a
« nicknames »
 ahjumma / chen / a name eundok will never tolerate. although born in the same year and month (difference by 9 days), jongdae just loves to call her an old lady, due to the fact that he finds her similar to one.
princess / father / a nickname her father always used since she was little; still used today because he wishes for her daughter to stay a his cute, baby princess.
« birthdate + age » — 30/09/92 + 20 years
« ethnicity » — full korean
« languages »

— korean / fluent / mothertongue; learned from school, and parents, etc, etc.

— english / basic / learned as a requirement. doesn't put much effort into it; speaks engrish.

« occupation » — fourth year college student, and works at being a bum.

« apartment no. » — 540, floor 5
« roommates with » — kim "chen" jongdae

« short bio » — thanks to her dad, eundok has been forced to live with her cousin, jongdae, in order to attend the college of her parents choice. because eundok isn't that much of a productive person, she is only ever leave the apartment, unless for school. but, if she's not at home doing absolutely nothing with her life, she's busing to the library to get books (and a visit to see that attractive tenant 306)
« a face for your name. »
« first choice » — kim jayoung
« visuals » — one / two / three / four / room no. 540

« second choice » — baek sumin
« visuals » — one / two / three / four / floor five

« appearance » — (overall appearance is the same. for hair color, eye color, skintone, height + weight etc, etc. depending on which ulzzang i'll end up getting. ;orz) as someone who doesn't bother about a lot of things, eundok doesn't do much about her appearance. her hair, often tied into messy braids, or a bun, is a light tint of brownish-red, as requested by her mother. being a person who also spends her days screening a computer, gives us a girl with some poor, poor eyesight. thus, becoming a girl who wears a large frame of glasses. though she does have contacts, she rarely ever wears them complaing that her eyes get ichy, and finds it too bothersome. but, if you were to untie those braids, and rid of those glasses, she'd be pretty fair. her hair would be slightly wavy at the tips, and it'd be easier to see that her eyes are a dark shade of brown. there is also one feature that is made very clear: eundok's cute, baby-fat cheeks. squishy and adorbs is the outcome of it, as well as eundok always feeling a little fat. another imperfection (that eundok is most bothered by) is her slightly, imperfect teeth. which, is one of the reasons why her smile is limited.

« style » — simplicity is best, and that's how eundok likes it. in a custom to her laziness, eundok is more of the type to dress a little more comfortably than to be wearing something fit for a party. with a closet full of large, knit sweaters, leggings and plentiful piles of booties (and perhaps a small pair of moccasins or two?) she prefers to not wear anything that reveals even the slightest bit of skin, which also includes shorts. be it in the blazing sun, or somewhere in a desert, eundok refuses to wear anything that may expose her of what she calls "fat".  eundok can barely walk in heels, and thus, she's used to wearing slippers, sneakers, boots and maybe flats (but, not likely). there also comes those times where she'll get especially lazy, and will even go ahead and borrow some of jongdae's clothes. with, or without his premission. 

« what makes you, you. »
« in a nutshell » — blunt and truthful, is a girl named cha eundok. a girl who will speak the truth no matter how hard it rains on your parade. she's a grumpy sort of character, and doesn't like to be pestered. she does what she wants, when she wants, and is often told she's similar to a cranky, olahjumma. 

« the complete story » — referred to as the grumpy old lady is the naggy, and short-temepered cha eundok. the girl who has many troubles keeping all her feelings in- especially feelings she really doesn't understand. sometimes, she comes off as y, for telling people off, and speaking her opinion whenever she feels like it. eundok doesn't often mean to come off rude. it's a setback she has that she doesn't bother to control. most of the time, she's just grumpy. grumpy, grumpy, grumpy. in fact, it's not just one thing that has her grumpy, but many, many things. the bright sun burns her eyes, the clouds make her gloomy, there's too much laughter, there's not enough laughter, it's too thrilling, it's too boring, the food is too hot, the food is too cold- too happy, too sad- anything, and everything just seems to get her peeved off at the world. she's just a person who doesn't know how to relax, and is too often pestered for doing the things that she wants to do. with that, she isn't a people-person. she prefers to work alone, and prefers to be kept alone. for one of those facts being that a cheerful atmosphere makes her feel awkward. she doesn't get a lot of jokes- doesn't see what's funny when someone says, "it's your duty". there are things she won't understand, and things others don't understand, and that just makes her more frusturated than she already is. eundok is a person who stresses really easily, too. especially when she is pushed to do things she doesn't want to.

as someone who isn't so fond of others, eundok rarely ever talks to those she's unfamiliar with, and will barely even make small talk.  most of the time, people are seen as annoying in eundok's eyes, since she's one of those people who just don't like going out, anyways. so, why would she need to talk to anyone, anyhow? when there are chances when people actually talk to her, she speaks decently. but, one thing leads to another, and out comes a remark such as "that's a weird way to dress.", "you actually walk in those?", "you should cut down on the eyeshadow next time", and other un-intentional comments. eundok never truly means it as she says it.  it's a habit she just hasn't grown out of yet. because of it, she doesn't have very many friends- and apparently that's okay. because, "friends are too loud. all i need is a computer."

other than being a little bit of a grump, there's a side that's barely ever seen. although she may say she "despises" everything about the bright, and sunny world, she can't lie to say that there aren't things she appreciates about it. the fact that she's secretly a romantic just drops her grumpy-grandma image by 50%. she's one of those girls who'd love to experience romance, but are confused to how it works. what is love? what's it for? how does it work- or how do you use it?! are constant questions that run through her mind every other day. afterall, she's still young, and yes, attractive guys make her swoon. like, big-time. but, she'd rather die than have anyone witness her calling a guy "attractive". admittedly, she even finds her cousin attractive, which is also one of the reason why she treats him the worst out of everyone. you could say she sometimes fangirls about guys too- especially good-looking ones, and chen is probably the only person who's actually witnessed this romantic-loving, eundok (besides eundok's older brother of course). besides the secret romantic-lover, also comes a girl who is sympathetic. sure, she can be stubborn, and sure she may not make word things in the nicest way,  but she's capable of knowing when to not go beyond someone's limits. she knows when she should be sorry, even though apologizes are probably the worst thing she's at.

reassuringly, eundok is a kind person, who can't express herself easily, who knows she's attracted to someone, but can't tell if she's just attracted to them, or falling for them, thus becoming a person who's always throwing her emotions in your face. she's a little impatient sometimes, and kind of demanding (because even though she likes to depend on herself, she doesn't mind having others running errands for her. she'll do things on her own, as long as it doesn't involve getting up), eundok is what you'd call.. a tsundere. a blunt, blunt tsundere who says what she wants, does what she wants, despite being a little bit harsh with words, eundok is a person who's willing to understand you, if you're willing to understand her. with lots and lots of patience and care, i think it'd be safe to say that eundok's just an animal, waiting to be tamed.

« the history » — growing up as the youngest child was eundok. the girl who was brought up into an average kind of family, who was often a little too carefree about things. a dad who was risky, and a mother who was childish, along with an older brother who was beyond idiocy- well. that was a bit of a challenge for grandma, eundok. even as a child, she was always somewhat grumpy. always throwing tantrums, and never getting what she wanted, for she was always dotted on and treated as a kid. she was always told what to do, but never scolded about things. her parents were never the type to yell or hit their children, for their kind of discipline was the time-out chair. in this family, eundok was the fragile little proclean doll that was never allowed to play outside (although, she really didn't mind, because outside was just dirty and rotten in the first place). because her parents rarely ever nagged her about her attitude, she grew up to be the blunt person she is today. she was always told not to lie, anyways; babied for almost all your life came a frusturated girl who hated being told what to do. hated to be given boundaries about what she could and couldn't do. it just pissed the hell out of her. and it still does today. though, she loves her family very, very much, she still hasn't gotten over their over-protectiveness yet. they still make calls, still struggle to skype with her, see how she's doing and whatnot. even at 20, it's still difficult for the cha family to see that their little girl's practically an adult.

« lifestyle » —

( mornings ) ; seeing that eundok's never been the type of person to wake up early, eundok is often waking up late around 7:40 to 7:45. if it wasn't for jongdae waking her up every morning ("YAH, YOU LAZY AHJUMMA. GET YOUR UP. /flips.") then eundok would be most probably be late for her classes every single day. In that short span of time, she usually brushes her teeth and washes up first before getting changed, and doing her hair lazily into braids. thankfully, she doesn't wear contacts so putting on her glasses makes it easier. after that, she'll either eat a bowl or cereal, cinnamon-apple oatmeal, or taking an apple to go if she's running extra, extra late. although, somehow, even when she has a bad habit of waking and preppy late (because she never prepares her stuff the night before) she somehow manages to make it to the bus in time. and just enough time to sit beside mr. 302, who happens to board the same bus.

( afternoons ) ; during the afternoon is around where she has her break, and gets to ditch classes for lunch. at times like this, her journey always varies. sometimes, when jongdae's kind enough to loan her money, she'll go to the cafe near jongdae's university and get herself a sandwich, or a slice of cake. if she has a packed lunch, she'll usually go outside and eat alone in the court-yard while reading a sick romance novel. if neither of the first two, she's heading to the library, to find herself some more twilight, mushy-mush, with a hungered stomach, which will be full when she can watch her beloved, 302.

( evenings ) ; after a long day of sleeping during classes, and not working hard, eundok will finally come home. with a bag full of assignments, she'll toss the bag aside and go straight to the computer. because there are certain shifts where jongdae isn't a home, eundok takes advantage of this time to not do chores, and not do work, and just waste the day away. she's usually always on the computer, lurking around on youtube, watching dramas- even reading online shoujou (influenced by chen of course). at this time she'll use up as much time as she can becaue eundok and chen only have one PC. by the time chen comes home, the computer is his, and this is when she hurries to her room and draws the curtain. at around 4:38, will be the only time eundok will ever leave the house. no shopping, no hangouts- nope- just a simple bus ride to the library to borrow books, and to spy on handsome tenant 302 (who happens to work as a librarian there~)

nights ) ; around this time is when the work gets done, where laundry would be made, and lazy dinners are set up. of course, eundok supposedly supervises, or claims, she's too tired or something like that- just so she doesn't have to do labour. because chen usually complains that she's not working, he bans her from the computer, and thus she has to use her lagging, smartphone (which sadly has a cracked screen). around maybe 11:40-12:10, eundok is moving around. from her room to the living room, dining room to the couch- she's constantly moving around. she'll brush her teeth while walking, be staring out the window, be reading as she's lying on the floor. whatever it is, she's not sleeping. around 12:30 is when she'll go to bed because of chen's nagging that it's late. but, she's not really sleeping, because by 12:45, she's in her bed using her phone, watching dramas or reading books online. it's then and only then by approximately 1:00 or 2:00 is this girl finally asleep, which brings us to why she wakes up so late in the morning.

« trivia »

( likes )
— to eat icecream straight out of the tub
— to be lazy
— romance and anything fluffy
— personal space
— likes to eat favourite part of food first
— reading (especially think novels)

( dislikes )
— getting treated as a kid
— getting pestered about her choices in life
— not being able to make her own choices
— when people touch her stuff
— when doors are left open
— hearing / saying apologizes
— the outside world (nature. dirt. etc.)
— winter
— ddokkbokki
— washing dishes / drying dishes / anything having to do with work / chores
— talking on the phone

( habits )
— always late for occasions / events / etc
— sleeping late / waking late
— doesn't eat properly, and often skips meals
— borrowing stuff without premission from chen
— blunt comments / attitude
— sleeping with her glasses on
— forgetting to silent phone during class
— swearing and lots of it
— always saying "shiero"; "i don't want to", "i don't like it"
— swears a lot, as in a lot

( fears )
— needles / knives / sharp things
— the dentist
— spiders
— mice
— snakes and other reptiles

( trivia )
— rides the same morning bus as tenant 302 ( kim "xiumin" minseok )
— travels to the library often, not only for books, but also to watch tenant 302 work
— doesn't really know what she feels for tenant 302- eundok feels that it's just admiration(?)
— always calls chen dumb because he likes anime and anime girls
— sometimes sneaks into chen's bed and pushes him out in the middle of the night, because she feels that his bed is always warmer
— allergic to cats; will sneeze repeatedly
— snacks in the middle of the night
— favourite beverage is soy milk (in a box)
— can't handle spicy foods well, nor alcohol
— is the only person who calls jongdae, "jongdae" instead of chen
— doesn't know how to swim / ride a bike
— at sports (can barely run a block)
— really good at drawing / painting / but doesn't put an effort to show it off (despite art being a bit of her passion)
— has a lot of sketch books / drawing books and some cheap art supplies; draws only still life (like tress, flowers, animals and portraits), likes to draw with just a black pencil crayon and likes to deny chen when he asks her to try drawing anime..
— love confuses her, but attraction to handsome men does not

« those you cherish and those you don't. »
« family members » — 

father — cha gyungpyo / 53 / alive / college professor / this is a man who tries acting young, despite being half of an old fart. he's quite jolly, really- and is the type to cherish his daughter as if she were the most delicate little princess. because father is such a worriwart, he always makes descisions for his daughter, thinking that she's still too young and naive to do anything on her own yet- and even if she can, he just won't believe it. cha eundok is cha eundok- cha gyunpyo's little, princess baby girl.

mother — cha (kim) seulji / 51 / alive / housewife / a little more carefree than eundok's father is a woman who also acts younger than she seems. this woman is a bit more- exciting. a woman who likes the thrill of rollercoasters and the wind in her hair. she's actually quite troublesome compared to her children! mother is also quite the fashionista, and seeing that eundok is her only daughter, often tries to smuggle the little brat into cute, fuwafuwa dresses and to smear a whole bunch of makeup on that pretty, hidden face.

older brother — cha "kwon" eunkwon / 23 / alive / clerk at an anime&manga store / idiotic, moronic, impulsive and just plain stupid is eundok's hopeless older brother eunkwon. this is a guy is what you would call a "tamaki-sama". because, this man here has a terrible case of sister complex. having a close relationship with his cousin chen, means that he is also part of the anime fandom, and dots on his sister like she's his world! he wants to see her dress up in maid dresses, and wear cute cat ears. give her this whole moe-moe effect! but, because he's so.. tamaki.. he's always turned down by eundok, which results in a corner, some mushrooms and an overdramatic cry for his okasan, chen.
uncle — kim "jun" kangjun / 55 / alive / police officer / this man here is eundok's uncle, the brother to cha seulji. this man has also taken the role of the cool family member. the one who drives into family meetings with a motorbike, and a tazer in his back pocket. uncle jun is what you'd call cool. the cool parent or guardian if you will. the type to burst into a party and be like, "Hey! What the hell is this?!.. (dramatic pause).. YOU GUYS HELD A PARTY AND DIDN'T INVITE ME?!" the way he treats eundok is like how he treats his own son. giving lots of trust and care, but just as long as you're responsible, because hey- he's got reinforcments.

cousin — kim "chen" jongdae / 20 / alive / lifeguard at comunity centre / dorky. oh, so completely dorky is the otaku boy, kim jongdae. the type of guy who does his best to act cool and badass, only to fail in the act whenever there seems to be anime around.. (someone say fanboy?) the way he treats eundok is a little different from how he treats others. why? because, she's a complete ! chen is a little upset to how his uncle gyungpyo forced this stupid, party pooper into his dorm. and he's a bit regretful or moving so close to his uncle's college- because that's where eundok was forced to attend.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

« love interest » —kim "xiumin" minseok

« back ups » — panda tao; xiao lu

« personality » — on the outside he's quite- adorable. cute, cuddly and seems to be one of the nicest guys around.. when, really. he's not. to put it simply, he's a lot like eundok. some people bug him, and lots of people get on his nerves. there are certain things that can piss him off, and little things that just makes him want to strangle you. but, being a little better at controlling his temper, minseok is seen as just a quiet, librarian boy (who eundok finds kind of princely). in comparison to a prince, xiumin is no where near. sure, he speaks formally, and politely, but his mind is saying something else. despite that though, he's kind when he's suppose to be. he'll help you if you need, he'll talk to you if you need it, he'll do anything, really, if you're reasonable and not an . to sum it up, minseok is an intelligent bookworm born with a cute face, a sarcastic mouth, and a mature way of doing things. still though, this guy is kind of mean. like eundok, he speaks bluntly, but unlike her, he apologizes, even though not a lot of people accept his apologizes. again, i'll say that kim minseok is just another tsundere, who likes to be left alone, and minding his own business. as an added note though, romance and skinship makes him really.. shy. he'll actually get flustered, and get awkward around when girls or guys hug or cling to him. whether it be a male, or a female, his cute cheeks and adorable face burns up a beautiful, tomato red.

« first meeting » — the grumpy old ahjumma didn't even know his name- but, she felt she knew almost everything about him. from his room number, to the size of his shoes, cha eundok knew minseok from head to toe, his schedules, and work hours, and even his dog- but not once had the two ever offically met. it was usually, only ever elevator rides, or bus rides, or even some coincidential meet at the market or something, but the two have only ever seen each other by appearance. kim minseok, being kim minseok didn't really notice cha eundok at all. she was just there, and that was that. you could say their first official meeting was a little.. argh. when you have two grumpy kids in one, single, cramped and broken elevator- things are bound to be put into some danger. the both of them having a bad day was probably the worst part of it. the meeting itself was just bad. it started out with names, of course, eundok being thrilled that she actually got to talk to the oh-so-handsome-yet-adorable-tenant-302- when she learned just how much of a jerk this guy was, her entire world crumbled. it started with minseok blunty commenting about how different she dressed from other girls. "why do y0u dress.. like.. that?" which really, wasn't the best comment towards the girl, and things just got messy. constant shouting, and screaming of "idiot!" "moron!" "bastard!" "!"and loads of irritant arguments. one girl's admiration was sent right out the window, and the other found another reason to dislike people.

« relationship » — what relationship? those two ing hate each other's guts!.. or, so they say. they may not talk to each other, and may come off with a glare or two, but they're not into a zone where they'd despise being next to one another. perhaps, they insult each other a lot. maybe bicker about the most stupidest things whenever they meet- but, i guess you could say it's a lovers' quarrel? eundok, despite knowing that the princely persona she thought the boy had was a complete show, somehow can't understand why she's so attracted to this jerk. minseok, not taking interest into other people, can't understand why he gets so curious when he hears her name. sure, they say they don't like each other, but that doesn't cover up the fact that they're obviously interested. sometimes, their fights aren't even real. sometimes, it's teasing. complete flirty without realiziation. "are you playing hard to get?", "wow, look at you pretty boy." it's basically just two tsunderes mixed into one. 

to elaborate on it, just picture them being in the elevator again. eundok will be on one side, xiumin on the other, their backs facing each other and no words being exchanged. but, even if there isn't words, you could see them glancing at each other through the mirrors. and of course, endless thoughts going on and on and on about the other. "why does he always take this elevator with me?" "when did she get that new sweater?" "is he going to the library again?" "what book will she read today?" "he looks tired.. what were you doing last night, xiumin?.." "has she eaten? she looks famished.." and so on, and so forth. they may not speak their feeling out well, and there may be times where they just break out into useless arguments, but denial, is denial. they're attracted to one another. they just have too much pride to admit it.

« conclusion » — slowly, the two somehow learn more about each other. somehow, they end up getting into each other's lives, and along the line, one of them finally realizses their feelings. minseok, would be the first to realizie this, and be the first to try to hide that fact, but it probably doesn't go out to well. eundok on the other hand, is unsure. what is love anyways? she still doesn't know. through whatever happens, they do end up falling for one another. but, being two inexperienced individuals make it difficult. the two of them being partly short temepered doesn't help, from the constant thinking of who would dump who; it was out of nowhere. another fight was broken, over something stupid, and something over jealously. words of why are you so curious? who cares? you don't give a about me. "but, i obviously do!" even if that came out the weirdest way. "i do give s about you, minseok.. or, i mean.. i care about you.. at least.." or something like that. days after that, they hadn't talked. that time was wreching, and hurtful, but they didn't know what to do. with help of their friends, and relatives though, they do realize, they love each other. but, they wouldn't start a relationship. when minseok would brought the guts to tell her his feelings, and ask her to date him, she flatly said, "no," and he was shocked. "i don't want to be with you, just yet. i love you, and i know i do, but first.. we'll start out as friends. better friends. but, kim minseok, you keep that heart reserved- because when i'm ready, i'm moving in."

« tenant questionnaire. »

« so, why are you moving into these apartments, anyways? » — "my dad's a college professor, and because he thinks i'm a dumb , he's forcing me to live with jongdae, because it's pretty much the closest place to my dad's college. it'd have been better if we moved to a new house, but since both my mom and brother don't hold any jobs- and, also because i don't have one either- we don't have the money to buy a new house. so, woop-do-dee-do- i've become a roomie."

« are you moving in with a roommate? » — "like i said, i'm moving in with my cousin.. it's not the greatest thing in the world, but there's wifi, so that's a start. plus, i don't have to cook anymore- hopefully. i don't have to be stuck with my moron brother, or my dad.. or my mom.. jongdae's not that much of an , but he's an anyways.. so, whatever. as long as he doesn't touch my stuff or bug the out of me. and, if he just.. i don't know- left the apartment for like, 10 to 11 hours a day, then i'm pretty much fine."

« if yes, can you tell me how you'd interact with your roommate, hypothetically? if no, ignore this question. » — "hypthetically? uh, well.. i'd just.. act like i always do? i don't know, what kind of question is that.. uhm. well, i'd be pretty rude to him, i guess. because, honestly i am. i kind of feel bad about iiiit, buuuut.. not really. i mean, he's rude to me too. he's always calling me stupid nicknames. seriously, what the ? how do you expect me to act? i might not even talk to him much. so, i don't really know.. can i just say 'no' to this question?"

« will you be able to pay your rent as well as basic necessities on time? » — "i probably won't pay rent. my dad's covering for me, and jongdae's probably paying on his own anyways. plus, i don't have a job, so i have don't really know how that works.."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

if you're applying to be jongdae's or tao's roommate 

« relationship » — is it weird to say that they act like an old, married couple? always yelling at each other, and bickering- sometimes, not even talking. especially with chen, because he always acts extremely violently. chen is usually the one always pushing and dragging the girl around- literally, too. taking her by her legs or her arms and just dragging or tossing her on the bed or the floor. eundok, of course, is all about verbal abuse. calling him stupid, and a freaky otaku because he likes anime girls. though, chen has his fair share of words too, for calling the girl useless, and a fatass. even so, they don't really hate each other. there's times where they're just randomly close. no talking or anything, just maybe one day, sit and watch a movie, and that's about it. between the two though, chen is always complaining. always asking why the girl doesn't have a ing job, and why she doesn't do anything in the house. can you guess who the husband is? (loool. /dies) eundok absolutely hates it when chen bugs her about getting a job, because honestly, she doesn't want one. heck, she doesn't even do work around the house. chen is the one who cooks, and cleans, and shops for them to eat. bascially, chen is the over-worked wife, while eundok is the lazy- husband. but, despite their on and off relationship, they've always got each other's backs. you mess with a cha, or you mess with a kim, and you're probably half-way to china by now. what makes chen mad about eundok though, out of all her laziness and such, is that she never calls him chen. only jongdae. and as much as he wants her to call him oppa (for the 10 day difference) she doesn't. which brings him to calling her ahjumma- and because of it, she wont call him chen. and because of that, he won't call her eundok. and because of that she won't call him - yeah.. you get the idea.

« tying up loose ends. »
« comments and more » — ugh. like, ugh. that was the loNGEST TIME I EVER TOOK TO FILL OUT AN APP. OMFG. AND I CAN'T HELP BUT FEEL THAT THIS APP WAS SO DULL. LIKE. ASDFGHJK-- I WANT IN SO BADLY, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT ANYMORE. ;AAA; I TRIED SO HARD. not to say that i'm not satisfied with it, though. i'm just not sure if it's good enough. i don't know if i put enough detail, and my writing is bad, and i double-checked it, but sometimes i miss things, or they make sense to me, but don't make sense to you and-- asdfghj! i originally wanted tao for this, but i wasn't sure how to make eundok kind of stalkery. plus, eundok likes books, and since minseok's a librarian, i'd like him being a bookworm. :'D UGH. THIS APPLYFIC- I COULDN'T HELP THINKING OF FLOWER BOY NEXT DOOR. LIEK. ASDFGHJ-- I LOVE IT. i don't know what else to say except that i love you, and i love your fics. ; u ; 

ALSO, THE PASSWORD:: by is the song, and myself is the translation / lyrics. i think it suits eundok if you picture it as someone else's perspective of her~~ anyways! thanks for looking at my application, and i'm looking forward to the review, because i love reviews. omfg. i just- do. lool. /dies of eternal paboness.

« scene suggestions » — scene one #confession one ) eundok is outside at the park, out of random for not being in the mood to go to the library or anywhere else anymore, and minseok ends up finding her after shopping. sitting beside her, there isn't any talking, but he hands her a steam bun that he bought, and they just silenting eat together. afterwards, they just begin talking, and an event happens where xiumin brings up the situation of how she's living with chen. one thing leads to another, and eundok asks if he's jealous of her cousin. xiumin being so prideful says "no. why do you care if i'm jealous or not?" and arguments start. "who says i'm jealous? it's not like you care about me anyways." and that just ticks eundok off, making her stand up and yell, "i do care, so shut the up. you ." (or whatever comes to mind, as long as he offends her about her feelings and she's angry. xD) which then brings eundok storming back home and a lonely xiumin.

scene two #confession two ) when xiumin realizes his feelings, he comes to eundok's house, and apologizes, actually taking the time to talk to her. when the time comes, he confesses his feelings, listing off her good traits, and how she's pretty, even with the dorky way she looks. and, with that, it'd be nice if he asked her out- but, eundok will turn him down. saying that she wants to start out a mutual relationship as friends, before they go into a serious relationship.

scene three #transformation ) where chen and his friends give eundok a complete make over, when they tell her that she actually likes xiumin. when that happens, and xiumin sees her all dolled up, he's impressed, and not sure what to say- but he chuckles, which makes eundok this everything backfired, and she pouts angrily, walking away~ (add more to that because idek anymore. :'D)

« password » — « i want to live by myself »

« back to the apartments. »




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