I neeeeed advise!

So, I was thinking maybe I should start writing fanfics now...but I'm kind of self-concious about it. I have already written a Taemin oneshot that still needs editing but I don't know if I should post it...maybe ill see how it goes with the oneshot and then i'll start a chaptered length fanfic! :S So, what do you think?!? Help me out Unnis nd Dongsaengs!! Thanks, Always Shining, Sadaf <3


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sadafsos #1
Awww, *teary eyes*<br />
thannnnks to all of you! <3 <3 <br />
Thannnks for the great advise,<br />
because of you, i will soon ost it, i'll try to make it a two-shot! =S<br />
It really meant alot, thannnks again ^_^<br />
You girls are tooo kind <3
jeniscool100 #2
I say post it! :D<br />
You shouldn't be self-conscious about your work.<br />
Well, I'm not really one to talk because I'm actually self-conscious about my work too...BUT, YOU KNOW WHAT? We shouldn't be! <br />
As long as we like what we write, everything should be alright, am I right? :3<br />
I say you should post it! If you worked hard on it and you're pleased with the outcome then that's all that matters! <333
OOOOOooooooooooooooH. I wanna see it *_*. <br />
If you really feel so self-conscious, maybe you should get someone to check over your story first. To give you some advice and edit it a bit for you.<br />
:D I wouldn't mind ^^ (hint hint[jk, but seriously I wouldn't.]) <br />
If the oneshot goes well you should defintly get to a multi-chapter story. I'd recommend a three shot or a short story (ten or less chapters).<br />
Good Luck, can't wait until you post your oneshot.<br />
TAEMIN FTW. :)(Sorry for the long comment >_<;;)
u should give a try then.<br />
good luck and do your best.