A Life Update

So... I stayed up to 3am this morning finishing up my astro paper. And I have to say, as interesting as protostars are, I would've prefered sleeping... but then again, I prefer sleeping over just about everything... but oh well. I got my paper done, though I'm kind of dead right now. But I rather not sleep than destroy my 4.0 xD

My fingers ache all over because the Xiumin symbol is a beast.... it looks sooo easy to make, but on my Gawd, it's like as sharp as a knife and loves to slice your fingers >.> Oh well, I'll deal with it. I've cut out the main thing and now, I just have to cut out the little arrow thingies, make everything smooth and solder it all together. If I'm good, I'll get it down tomorrow and I'll be able to start on my Matoki Bunny and Baekhyun's symbol... I have a feeling Baekhyun's going to cut me too.. ;A; oh well xD

Yeah, life's super good. Um... so... I've had like 9 new subbies on SISOT so far today and I'm like "O_O what's happening?" I'm not complaining, but damn... O_O I haven't had people sub like this since I released Mission xD


I'm still sick, but I can breathe now and things are getting a lot better (:

So how are you guys? Talk to me people! (:



Edit.... oh mi gerd... my 18 year old sister just got a boyfriend..... I need to sit down... O_O 


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TOPKpopfan #1
Oh mi Gerd I know what you mean! When my sister gets a boyfriend Im likeO.O W..T..F...
LOL! The protectiveness older sisters have against their young ones:) gotta love it~
you have a GPA of 4.0 ?!
Um your life update is so much more interesting than mine kekeke but that's really awesome for you (especially about the xiumin symbol lol)*sigh*. And hey! We're both 18 and sacrifice sleep for school! But I still haven't had my first boyfriend *shrugs* oh well hahaha.
cumwhale #5
>I have a feeling Baekhyun's gonna cut me too
If you need me I'll be dying outside
;_; I'm so jealous of you cutting out EXO's symbols...I don't have a xacto knife OTL
Pfft you deserve your subs.
Aww I hope you recover soon...WHICH MEANS SLEEPING UNNIE. -fake glares- (As my mother says now and then when a harvard student dies, being alive is more important than having a 4.0 gpa >.< I'm sure you know your limits though)
I finally got over prom thank god :3 And also my date was a senior, so YES no more awkward confrontations as he has finals this week before he's gone :) I also had my first marching band camp as drum major today...gah I felt incompetent compared to last year's. Apparently she'll visit though...hopefully -crosses fingers-
Congrats to your sis! Aww is your mom freaking out? :P
How are you doing in other areas?
what do you make them out of?
my friend is cutting herself, I have a crush on this boy and this girl, and I'm really confused about my feelings, and I just made ancient paper, and I have a concert in two days, and i have 5 science projects.
UNNIE! ^^ How do you make those stuffs?? :O