Illness, illness, illness...

I've been in bed all weekend with tonsilitis and high fever. I've felt so bad and I have slept a bare minimum. And now I've been to see the doctor only to discover that I have middle ear infection as well. Which would explain why my head has been literally torn apart in pain from my ear at times whenever I yawned, swallowed or had hiccups. I am on antibiotics now and some serious painkillers and I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep. Which I won't, since I am at my favourite coffee shop, enjoying my favourite iceblend and trying to write the anniversary chapter of Everyday Miracles for tomorrow. I can't believe it's already been a year since I started that story. 


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*hugs* I just had 3 different types of inflammation recently (I still have the dregs of it now). I hope you get feeling better soon, especially with the drugs you're on XD But man, now I wish I had some coffee.
TallGirl #2
Oh dear... Hope u get better soon.
1st Anniversary of Everyday Miracle.. Wow.. One of my fave ff so far^^ can't wait for the Anniversary update..

And take care... Please have enough rest so u can get better soon^^
Hope you'll get well soon :) Eat ur meds ok? ^^