Exo Comback

So I just realized something funny about the exo teasers coming out that really made me think about it. I have many reactions to it that.



To all the Exo fans out there remember the last time the teasers came out, you realize that it will take like a year for them to actually release it.First they will do picture teasers of the indiviual members, then they will do indiviual video teasers, then group video teasers, then the music video teaser. That will take about 5 months before the song comes out.


There is always a possibility of the song big time. If any of you got the chance to listen to wolf you understand what I'm talking about. Let me be honest I like exo but I'm wondering what direction they can go and before hyping up the song don't ruin it to other people with making it sound bad.


There will be an extra rise in exo fits which mean more Teoris which I love.  But I don't like that it will be the only thing that will be on the homepage for awhile and that will annoy me.


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i'm totally agree with you :D