The Do's, Have's, What's, and Who's + About You [stolen from GeekReader]


Do you believe there is life on other planets?  No idea...
Do you believe in miracles? Gurl, of course
Do you believe in magic? Yesu!
Do you believe in Satan? Idek.. maybe..
Do you like roller coasters? Yeess, i was really scared of them first but when i went on my first ride, i really loved it. ouo
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? No..
Have you ever asked someone out? Naw man.
Have you ever been asked out by someone? Yes.. but they only wanted me because i'm Asian otl.
Have you ever been to the ocean? Yupp. ouo
Have you ever painted your nails? Well duh, lolol.
What is the temperature outside? Errr.. 72c? /using google. xD
What radio station do you listen?  Idek..
What was the last restaurant you ate at?  Er.. at this far buffet that is call Kobe? e_e
What was the last thing you bought? I don't remember. xD
What was the last thing on TV you watched?  Not sure.. Kickin' It?
Who was the last person you IM'd?  None...
Who was the last person you took a picture of? Umm my dog, because she's so fluffy and cute. ;w;
Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?   I dont think i say that anymore..
Ever really cried your heart out? Wat.. no. xD
Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes, when someone yells at me and sometimes it keeps replaying it over my head.. i'm sensitive so..
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? No...
Ever cried over the opposite ? what, no..
Do you cry when you get an injury? Naw, i just smile and laugh it all out saying "IM OKAY!"
Do certain songs make you cry?  Yupp.
Are you a happy person? not sure.. sometimes i just want someone to notice me but i guess im happy everyday. lol
What is your current hair color? Dark brown with blonde highlights
What shirt are you wearing? Uhh.. a dark grey aeropostale shirt, that has big green letters on it..
Shoes?  Naw
Necklaces? Nope
Underwear? Duh lol. It's green.
Eye color: Dark Brown
Short or long hair: Not sure.. my hair is growing and it's like up to my s so... idek xD
Height: /blinks. Maybe like 165 cm? lol


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