❅behind the screen - Jung Eunmi as The Heroine

okay, delete all the notes. first pic is your ulzzang; second is your love interest. woohoo.

Jung Eunmi &
the heroine.

  f ull name : Jung Eunmi

 nicknames : Mimi, Eunmi, Pearl (Stage Name)

 age + birthdate : 19 + December 12th 1993

 ethnicity : Chinese

 l anguages : Chinese (mothertongue), English, Korean (all very fluent)


faceclaim: Baek Su Min

links/gallery: GALLERY

backup faceclaim: YiYi

gallery/links: GALLERY

description: She normally has  a sweet style, wearing floral dresses and lace. She always wear a golden band on her left hand's pinky, as it was given by her grandmother, and she only takes it off during photoshoots. She has a small tattoo on her shoulderblades, saying "We R Who We R". 

character traits: sweet, kind, innocent, romantice, sensitive, naive, hardworking.

expansion:She's sweet. As in really, very sweet. Sometimes it makes even her teamates gag at how sweet she can be.  She can't stand violence, and would hide behind her teamates and cry when she sees vioelnce. Even if it's in a movie.

This kind girl that would bawl over the smallest thing: A wild cat in the streets. She would coo at it and then moan at how mean the people are to leave such a poor, innocent cat in the middle of the road to fend for itself.

Innocent and naive. Did not know anything about love or.. ahem... adult stuff until she was in high school. She thinks that "Shut Up!" is a very rude word and forbids her unnies saying it. She gets easily tricked because of this, and actually belived a con man that he was Lee Soo Man but after plastic surgery. Luckily, her unnie was there.

Romantic. Her idea of a perfect date would be having dinner at a candlelit table, then being presented with 999 roses, then being taken to stargaze on a lawn with mountains around it. She thinks love is a wonderful thing, but it brings her many troubles.

Sensitive. She perks up when she hears her name. She also takes her haters' comments as real words, and is usually greatly affected by it, even by a sentence of "She can't sing." She would stay in her room with the lights out huddled under the blankets cuddling her teddy (?) sniffling. Her unnies have blocked the anti-fan website from her computer and she just thinks that her haters are now all gone.

Hardworking. Whenever she gets a project or even a chore, she would use all means to do it perfectly. Evne if it's just sweeping the floor, she would work on it for an hour... and finally finsih the living room. If she gets a project, oh ho, the light in her room is still on at 3 am in the morning and when her manager pokes her head in, she's practising.

background: Born in a normal family in Hong Kong. Her parents were both Chinese. Her father worked at a organic food company, and when his boss requested him to go to Korea for his work, he brought his whole family over. Eunmi's faily liked Korea more, and even after the boss said they could go back, they chose to continue living in Korea. Eunmi was 5.

Eunmi once had a state of depression when she was around 13. Her most loved grandmother had passed away and had left Eunmi her most prized possession: the golden band which was passed on and  on in each century. Her mother hadn't evne recieved it yet but Eunmi had already worn it. Her family let her be an idol, because they knew that they couldn't keep their daughter under their care forever.

career history:  An idol-turned-actor. Her group is Jewelry Box (an apply fic of mine XD) and her position is the Aegyo Queen, vocalist, maknae, composer and triple threat.

lifestyle: They just had their comeback and will be practising again for a new album. Her company, grabbing the chance of the afterheat of their comeback, told Eunmi to act in this.


family: [Jung Suk Jin - 55 - Father - 55 - alive - Joly, weak, funny, loving, hardworking. - 5/5 ]

 [Song Cheon Im - 54 - Mother - 54 - alive - strict, trendy, humourous, posured, open - 5/5 ]

 [Im Ji Hyo - 79 - GRandma - 79 - dead - Loving, open, sutbborn, loud, understanding - 5/5 ]

friends: [Choi Sooyoung - 23 - alive - Loves eating. loud, funny, emotional, sensitive - 5/5]


love interest/plotline: Xiumin/The Second Lead

personality: Mischevious person. Alwyas play pranks on the other members. A childish, person who uses aegyo to get away with everythin. As he is experienced and protective, he sees Eunmi as a little sister at first. He's a very cring person and cares for each and every person on set, although he plays pranks sometimes. He sees very person equally and talks to the behind-the-scene people the same.

how they treat each other: They treat each other how thye treat others. When they were just sunbae-hoobae, Eunmi treated him with respect and Xiumin treated her with politeness. As they grew closer, Xiumin also started playing pranks on Eunmi. Eunmi disliked Xiumin for a while after that but then they just became closer again. Now, Eunmi just stands in the shadows when Xiumin plays pranks. After he finishes, she goes back out and they start tlaking and laughing again, sometimes cuddling and whispering.


comments/questions: Hey, your coding's perfect.

scene requests: -Accidentla kiss XD

password: HERE, School 2013.













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