Tempo Application! - Lee Mai

Tempo Application 

Lee Mai




Oola la la 

AFF Username: Panda3093

Profile Link: x3

Name: Abz or Panda


Beautiful stranger, I've fallen into your big eyes ►

Name: Lee 'Leah' Mai

Nickname: Mai-Mai

Age: 17 going onto 18

Birthday: August 15, 1995

Ethnicity: Chinese-Korean

Birthplace: Hong Kong, China

Hometown: New York, USA


Whoz that girl 

2NE1's Member Name: Minzy

Photos: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 

Back-up 2NE1's Member name: Dara

Photos: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 


Extra/s: headphones that are always around her neck || bracelet || ring || sneakers || knee-length high-tops


Everything you do is super duper cute 

Character traits: unpredictable, sarcastic/devious, tomboy, intelligent, dense

Personality: [What the Hell ya do?!]- She is a huge prankster and very sarcastic. She is an expert prankster and pranks everyone at least once. She can't really help it, since it is more of a habit than hobby to her. She has a sharp-tongue that can make any grown man cry. She can make come-backs as quick as lightning an isn't very hesitant in what she says or does. She in not the type to second guess herself, and once she makes up her mind then it is set. She isn't the type to regret her decisions afterwards the action is done. She has much experience as a prankster and has learned to get away with it home-free. She is sometimes addressed as "fox in sheep's clothing"since she is very sneaky, somewhat dangerous, and highly unpredictable. You may think that she is mysterious and likes to keep to herself at first sight, but then the next thing you know is that she is pranking everyone left and right. She also has a straight forward personality, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She is the type to tell someone straight up the truth, she being very blunt with her words at times. She does not sugar coat her words, so sometimes it can be a little hurtful to others. She is very stubborn and doesn't take "no" for an answer. She is also quite persuasive and can turn any situation in her favor. She knows how to use the right kinds of words to get out of any problem, and is able to sometimes make others turn on themselves. She is also very persistent and will not give up or in so easily! Which does portray her as a hard-worker in a way. She is the type to go all in and face any problem head-on. She is head-strong and isn't afraid of the consequences of her actions. She is very competitive and will not back down without a fight. Mai has quite the list of flaws. She knows she is not perfect, actually she believes to be far from it. She knows her flaws and isn't afraid to admit to them. Truthfully, she may like her flaws better than her good points. She means that they even out one another, so she does like her flaws. Her flaws make her who she is, and if no one had flaws then it would be a boring existence in a way. Since everyone would be too..."perfect." Perfection is only a word, nothing is really considered "perfect," no one is "perfect," and she hates those that act like they are. Besides being a prankster and sarcastic, she also doesn't show much emotion and mostly acts neutral around others, except those she is close with. But, she can also be very devious and come up with the craziest and evilest plans. Being the youngest and never really ever going out before, she is EXTREMELY dense when it comes to love or anything related to it. She has never "liked" someone before and doesn't know when a guy likes her. Someone could be waving a sign spelling out "I LOVE YOU" right in front of her face and she would either be confused or not notice it all together.

[Oh, baby just tell me why. Yeah.]- She is very smart, street and book smart that is. She knows her way around many places, mainly since she is very curious and likes to explore. She is also smart book-wise, she knows a variety of facts, that may or may not be helpful. She does read sometimes, but she hates to to learn something that is not of her interest. She can slack sometimes, but only if she considers the topic "boring," and if she dislikes it then she would not give any mind to it. So, she is somewhat a horrible listener. If you want to vent out any problems or issues you may have, I would suggest not going to her for advice or just to talk to someone. She is mainly street-smart for she can protect and fend for herself. She knows how to get around on her own, and is able to find her way out of some situations.
[Things are goin' crazy sometimes, y'know?]-She sort of has a split-personality. She can be mysterious and devious around others, but at home, it's a different story. Mai is caring and kind, she has a soft spot for her loved ones and family. When at home and sometimes around her bandmates, but mostly at home, she is portrayed as the "perfect daughter" always helping out around the house and cleaning up after herself. She is very independent and can care for herself, but she likes to help her parents out as well. Which makes her very handy and helpful around the house. She only acts this way at home, she doesn't know why herself, but it seems that her parents just make her a better person. She is very loving towards her mother and step-father, although she hated her step-father in the beginning she soon warmed up to him. She also is the type stand up for what she believes in--she loves what she does, and does what she loves, even if it may go against other's decisions.

Likes: animals || music || art || sports || sarcasm || pranks || raps || dancing/b-girling || sneakers || rain || Pikachu || hot chocolate

Dislikes: heels || fakies || skinship || players || cheaters || being ordered around || being judged based on her appearance || coffee || aegyo

Hobbies: rapping || b-girling || singing || secretly composing music || pulling pranks || soccer || fencing

Habits: bites her lip when sad || goes to bed late || not a morning person-so if woken up early she will hit the first person she sees || not afraid to cuss or may become violent when pushed over the edge || cracks her knuckles when angry[not furious] || will always/usually have her hair up

Trivia: loves horror movies || loves heights and "has a need for speed" || has a shepherd puppy name Rei || is a HUGE procrastinator || is a HUGE fan of LEDapple, BAP, F(x), and Secret || usually has a pker-face on, but no one can really tell whether she has a poker-face on or not || her weakness is her family and animals || smirks more than smiles || likes to scare her bandmates || always/usually has something sarcastic or witty to say


  • losing her loved ones | her family is her life, her world would crumple if she lost them
  • abusement | she has a fear of beig abused sinve she was bullied many times when younger so she is scared of being hit again, though she can stand up for herself now, she still is very frightened


You know I'm unbreakable 

Past rumours/scandals: none

Scandals/rumours: 1) Article: "JongUp found dating the newbie rapper of Tempo?!" [so really it's that Mai is found hanging out with her step-bro again, but no one knows they are step-siblings]

2) Article: "Rapper of Tempo sneaking out of her dorm late at night?!" [sorry, couldn't really think of anything >< basically, Mai "sneaks out" of her dorm room...sorry I can't think of a reason as to why ><]

3) Article: "Confession on Strong Heart!" [Okay, so this would be after the debut of course, and may be a scene where the members attend Strong Heart? So basically, she "confesses" to admiring Seungri from BIGBANG for his out-going nature, which starts up a whole thing of how she "stated" she "likes him."]

Surgery: none


I love you more than myself 

Family members: Moon Tae-Hyun | 48 & June 12th | Lawyer | step-father

Lee SunHi | 45 & february 14th | Designer | mother

Moon JongUp | 18 & february 6th | B.A.P | step-brother

Family background: She was born in Hong Kong, thus being Chinese(more specifically cantonese). However, her father was American while her mother was Korean and Chinese. When turning the age of two, Mai and her parents decided to go back to the states, where Mai will continue her studies there. They moved to New York in the USA, and lived in a condo. Mai was little and innocent at the time, vulnerable and needed someone to depend on, but she had no one when being bullied. She was the new girl at her school, and caught most of the boys' attention with her up-beat attitude and cute appearance, not to mention she wasn't scared of getting dirty or of sports. She was also thought as different, since she didn't really speak English that well at the time, her first language being Chinese. But, her difference difference is what made her special, but it also hurt her. She was bullied by other girls, they would verbally attack her, but Mai payed no mind to it, not just because she couldn't really understand them, but she thought their words were point-less. Thus angering the girls for being ignored and they would start to get physical. At times they would do petty things, such as trip her in the hallway or slap her things to the floor making it scatter everywhere. However it only got worse, after school the girls would sometimes gang up on Mai and beat her up behind the school, in a secluded area. Mai would come home with newly formed bruises and cuts, but was somehow able to hide it from her parents fairly well, no one knew of her pain.

Mai still grew up in New York, and was still beaten down. She was use to it by then, thinking nothing of it, it was a daily routine, she had no emotion when they hurt her, she let them have their laughs, but she wouldn't let them win-someday she was going to get them back. However, when Mai was in her second year of Middle School(7th grade; age 12) disaster struck-her father had died in a car accident. It was said that he really died before the collision of the cars, he died from a heart attack. Mai didn't know what to do anymore, her father was always there for her to cheer her up, but now he was gone. Mai was in a state of shock, and lost all of her emotions. She was neutral around everyone, not associating herself with anyone. The bullies tried to bully her again, but she thought nothing of it. Then one day, Mai snapped. She was tired of all of their bullying and torment, her father's death was enough, so one day, Mai finally stood up for herself. She told the bullies to stop it, she was doen with their stupidity and petty antics that were just plain cruel and un-necessary. She was done with everything, she didn't want to take it anymore. The bullies just huffed and left without another word. From that day on, Mai obtained her independence and was not scared to stand up for herself, she was not scared of the bullies, and she wasn't scared to face them anymore. She still missed her father, but she didn't cry anymore, she believed he was looking over her now an that he was with her giving her this courage and strength she now had.
When Mai was in high school, her mother found another man. Mai automatically was suspicious of the guy and didn't trust others so easily. She thought her mother forgot all about her father, and she didn't want some guy just going to replace him. No random guy could fill her father's place. However, her mother was happy around the man and the mother seemed serious in the relationship, and the feeling seemed to be mutual for the man as well. Mai soom met the son of the man from his previous marriage. The boy's name was JongUp, Mai automatically was suspicious of him as well, first thinking he was a show-off. However, when her mom and the man got more serious, Mai and JongUp found themselves spending more time with one another. They soon got to lnow each other more and grew closer, finding similar interests. They almost acted as if they were siblings.
The year of Mai's 15th birthday, Mai's mom got engaged to the man. A month after Mai's birthday, they got married. The family soon moved in with one another in to a bigger house. The two small families became one, and they were happy and content with their new lives. Mai soon was able to regain some of her trust with the help of her new father. She knows that the man is her new father and she is happy about that, since she thinks of the man as her real father and they act as if they really were to be father and daughter; however, there is still only a spot in her heart that was for her biological father, and the man will never be able to fill that spot in. Even if this may be true, she is still happy for what she has at the moment.

Best friend: P.O. | 20 | Block B | He is very kind and caring. He makes her laugh and is sorta protective of her like an older brother. They have a sorta "sibling" relationship. Mai likes his deep voice and raps since she thinks it's cool and his aegyo makes her cringe a little but she finds it funny. She thinks he can be childish at times, but in a cute sort of way. | They were childhood friends [actually Amber was also their mid-childhood (preteens) friend] that all loved to perform. He is the only one that knows of her family background, not even Amber knew. They both loved to rap but they both signed to different companies. P.O. was first to become a trainee in a music label while Mai was still going through school life. After some years, P.O. debut and Mai became a trainee. P.O.'s schedule was sorta full so they could rarely talk anymore. But they still texted one another and sometimes when P.O. was free he would go visit her secretly.

Amber Liu | 20 | F(x) | While P.O. is the "oppa" of Mai, Amber is the "unnie." Amber has a sort of laid=back attitude but is truly funny and also protective of Mai. Amber is always supporting and cheering Mai on. They are very close and Mai can trust Amber and tells her all of her "girlish" secrets that Mai could never even mention to P.O. without it being awkward. They are very close and whenever they see one another Amber would glomp Mai into a hug as though they haven't seen one another to decades, even if they saw one another only yesterday. | Like as previously mentioned, P.O., Mai, and Amber were at some point childhood friends, well pre-teen friends. They all moved alot and soon lost contact with one another because of that, but at some point they were all neighbors. Well, Mai and P.O. met before Amber moved to where they lived as well, but it only lasted for a year or so. Anyway, they met since Amber was the new neighbor and once P.O. and Mai found out that a new kid was on the street, P.O. immediately dragged Mai to greet her. They all met and greeted one another, after that one greeting they started hanging out together too. They all became good friends. Of course they remember one another, but they rarely are able to speak with one another.

Friends: n/a[she was sorta an "keep-to-herself" kind of person]


I'm your biggest fan 

How did you get into Starship/Pledis Ent: scouted | trainee days: As a trainee she worked very hard. She wasn't one of those types to learn something with a quick snap of the fingers. No, she never got it the first time, but she never gave up. She knew she had to try her best for this, she wanted to help support what was left of their small family. That is what her inspiration, her drive, was. She never gave up, instead she would work on the technique until she could do it in her sleep, even if that means practicing it so much that she is unable to sleep. She would get tired out during training at times, but just shook off the drowsiness. Until one day, she fainted. She had lack of sleep and was using too much of her energy up by practicing until dawn. Of course, the trainers suggested her to stay out of training until full recovery, but she didn't listen. She knew that doing nothing would result in her not being able to do her part in bringing in income. She tries everyday still, but knows she can't be too tired or else her body will give up and she'll end up fainting again. So she does sleep at times now, but she still tries her hardest to keep up with the other trainees, she does show improvement as how the trainers and judges that saw her audition, predicted. She still keeps pushing forward, waiting until it's her time to have a turn on stage, in front of the huge crowd of people, and a mic standing ready at her lips.

Years of training: 3 years

Stage name: Mai || no real reason besides it being her name

Persona:  Devilish Angel || being young one might automatically see her as "innocent" or "pure," someone that would always listen and respect those older than they. WRONG! She is the opposite of that image, she may be young and sweet looking on the outside, but she is truly sarcastic and a huge prankster within, making her the "Devil."

Personal fanclub name/color: MAIniacs +     #990033    || She likes to go all out in her raps, so she thinks that her fancs should be a little "crazy" too. She chose the name since it has her stage name in it and portrays how "crazy" the whole experience has been and how "crazy" it is that she got where she was.

Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Lead Vocalist, Maknae

Singing links: 01 | 02 | 03 

Rapping links: 01 | 02 | 03

Dancing links: 01 | 02 | 03


You can't put price tag on this love 

Love interest: Lee Seung-hyun  | 22 | BIGBANG

How close they are: love-hate relationship

How did they meet: [it can be before or after debut, be creative no more "I spill my coffee on her/him" ]

How they act together: [1 paragraph, describe their relationship when they're alone and when they are with other people]

Back-up love interest: Choi Seung-hyun | 25 | BIGBANG

Ex-boyfriend: none [never dated before]

How did they meet: 

Reason for break-up: 


Run devil run 

Rival: Jung Krystal | 20 | F(x) | She acts sweet and cute on the outside, but really she is flirty and cruel within. She felt nothing against Mai until she saw how "close" Mai was with Seungri. Krystal has feelings for Seungri and she sees Mai as a threat and an obstacle of them getting together. She tries to act flirty to Seungri, which he goes with, and tries to make Mai jealous, which back-fires since she is sort of dense on what Krystal is trying to do. Krystal sees Mai as a rival for Seungri's love, Mai sees Krystal as a pretty good idol that is a little off her rocker.

Reason for rivalry: love rival [the reason is in ther personality for Krystal ^]


Don't say goodbye 

Comments: n/a x(

Suggestions: maybe something like TempoTV || WGM || Strong Heart || etc....x3

Other: Just hope it's all A-Okay ^^ also sorry for my horrendous(?) spelling and grammar >< || Scene Requests: Seungri trying to get close with Mai and , but Mai dodges his actions ; Seungri back hugs Mai, but she elbows him to get him off

Password: x3



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