Alphabet Quiz


Alphabet Quiz

A-Available: Yes.

B-Birthday: January 7th.

C-Crushing On: Nobody.

D-Drink You Last Had: Sweet iced tea.

E-Easiest Person To Talk To: My best friend.

F-Favorite Song/s: At the moment, it's 2PM - A.D.T.O.Y

H-Hometown: ia.

I-In Love With: Nobody.

J-Juggle: Yes, I can.

K-Killed Someone: Not quite yet. But I've come close.

L-Longest Car Ride: 11-12 hours in a traffic-filled car ride to New York.

M-Milk Shake Flavor:  Cookies and Cream or Chocolate.

N-Number of Siblings: Two.

O-One Wish: More wishes.

P-Person You Called Last: My mother.

R-Reason To Smile: There is none.

S-Song You Last Heard: 2PM - A.D.T.O.Y

T-Time You Woke Up: 6:45AM

U - Underwear Color: Right now, blue.

V - Vegetables: Carrots, es.

W - Worst Habit: I bite my nails. Sometimes.

X - X-Rays You've Had: Other than on my teeth at a dentist check-up, there are none.

Y - Yoyos Are: Stupid.

Z - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.



Random Questions About You:

Spell your name without vowels: Fn

Your favorite number: 7.

What color/s do you wear most? Blue and White. And some green.

Least favorite color? I don't know...

What are you listening to? Nothing.

Are you happy with your life right now? Not really.

What is your favorite class in school? We have a class called Interactive Media. Best class ever. My second favorite is Art.

Who is your best friend? Not telling~

Are you outgoing? Sometimes.

Favorite pair of shoes? I love all of my converse shoes.

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Yes. After a lot of practice.

Can you whistle? Yes.

Write with both hands? Yup. It looks pretty good, too. Cuz I write with my right hand, but my left hand does pretty much everything else in life, so they're both trained.

Cross your eyes? Yes.

Walk with your toes curled? No.




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