About Me



taken from : KibummieWaifu  




Name Danielle
Gender Female
Age 19
Screen Name MissChie
Birthday 01 July
Race Asian
School/Grade Second year of college
Job None
Status Student
Hometown ----
Current Town ----
Parents Still Together? Yes
Siblings 2 silly older brother a little brother
Pets A cat names Puma
Smoker Nope
Drinker Nope
Orientation Straight
Hair Color Black
Is It Dyed? Nope
Eye Color Dark brown
Height 160cm
Style Simple & comfortable (snekers and skinny jeans will do)
Glasses/Contacts/None? None
Freckles None
Body Type Average
Shoe Size 4 for all stars
Piercings Ears
Want More? No
Tattoos? None
Want More? No
Braces? None
Overall Best Feature: Eyes
Overall Worst Feature: Bottoms
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? Both. 50/50
Favorite Color Black, Silver & White
Worst Color Pink?
Favorite Number Se7en
Favorite Animal Cats & cabs
Least Favorite Animal Poisonous like scorpions and centipede
Favorite Flower Tulips of all colours
Favorite Food Anything....
Worst Food Too Sweet or too bitter...
Favorite Junk Food Pickles... of any kind
Worst Junk Food I love most of em.. So it is hard to find the worse one
Favorite Restaraunt PizzaHut?
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Minthe and cheese
Favorite Candy Minthe & Chocolate.
Favorite Alcoholic Drink None
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink Soda.
Worst Alcoholic Drink All of em
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink Malt drink.
Favorite Genre of Music Hip Hop
Worst Genre Black Metal & Opera
Favorite Band/Artist Korean? Why ask. The worls knows i love Block B the most... ^_^
Worst Band/Artist Fakers(?).. uh i dunno...
Favorite Song There are a lot but for korean songs. It's Block B's songs including mixtapes.
Worst Song The one which have too many autotunes and the genres which just shouting from the beginning till the end of song.
Favorite Radio Station I don't really listen to radios
Favorite Book Diary of the wimpy kids... Childish? LOL I know...
Worst Book I don't really read books but if you asks about comic ten i know the answer right away.
Favorite Type of Movie Action, Comedy
Worst Type of Movie Horror, Romance, Drama
Favorite Movie So Far. Harry Potter.
Worst Movie Ever I'll never know because i don't watch it.
Favorite TV Show Running Man
Wost TV Show We Got Married
Favorite Season of the Year Spring
Worst Season Summer
Best Friend Hairil, Uann, Cfa
Worst Enemy Jay
Favorite Day of the Week Saturday
Least Favorite Day of the Week Monday
Favorite Sport Netball
Sport You Hate Field sports
One thing you cant get enough of Can't think of anything
One thing you hate more than anything Fakers & those who thinks that they are perfect enough.
Are You Single? YES. Just breakup
If not, who is your bf/gf? ---- 
How Long Have You Been Together? ----
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? Yes
First Kiss What kind of kiss? 
Ever Kiss in the Rain? No
In a Movie Theater? Yes
Underwater? NO
First Love Him
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? No really cheating if i could say.
Been Cheated on? yeah
Used Someone? Unintentionally
Been used? Yes
Lied to your bf/gf? Yes.
Ever Made out With Just a Friend? No
Do you Flirt a Lot? No
Longest Relationship 3 years
Shortest 8 month
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? yeah from my counselor
Ever Get Flowers? Uh-uh
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? No
Do you Believe in "The One"? Yes No
Do you Fall in Love Fast? No
Ever cried over someone of the opposite ? Yes
Ever Been Dumped? Yes
Ever dumped someone? Yes
Ever been rejected? No
Ever dated someone more than once? Yes
Do you ever make the first move? No
Double dates or single? Single
Do you want to get married? Yes
Hair Color Anything
Short or long? Short
Eye color? I don't mind
Style Normal
Age A bit more older
Height Taller than me
Weight Average
Muscular or skinny? Not both
Boxers or Breifs? Boxers
Do you care about looks? Not really, i goes for humorous person and those who gives err kinda bad-boys vibe
Can you drive? Yeah
Do you have a car? No
Do you have a cell phone? Yes
Are you online a lot? Yes
Can you speak another language? Yes
Do you do well in school? I guess so
Do you collect anything? Money? haha... 
Have an obsession? Yeah but i lost interest quick too
Do you hate yourself? Sometimes
Ever smile for no reason? Yes
Talk to yourself? Yes
Do you have any regrets? Yes
Believe in magic? Yes
Do you support gay marriage? No. How to make babies?
before marriage? No
Do you trust people easily? NO
Forgive easily? No
Do you have a secret no one knows? Yes
Do you get along with your parents? Hrmm.. I can laugh and joke together but i prefer to keep problems to myself
What about other people? I like making friends
How do you vent your anger? I talk it out
Do you like George Bush? Heul~~
Goal Before you die? Makes people around me happy
Biggest Fear Betrayal
Biggest Weakness Emotional, Always avoid problems
Do you play an instrument? Clarinet
What do you want to be when you grow up? Multimedia Designer
Are you...
A daydreamer? Yes
Shy? Not really
Talkative? That's what they told me.
Energetic? Same as above
Happy? I am the mood maker in ma clique
Depressed? Sometimes
Funny? Unintentionally but yeah.
Boring? Maybe
Mean? Depends
Nice? Depends
Caring? I do on some people that deserve it
Trustworthy? Let other people decide
Confident? As a blood type O person. I am very.
Friendly? That's me
Smart? Haha... 
Sarcastic? Yes...
Dependable? True
Quiet? With strangers
Weird? Yes
Adaptable? It's hard
Strong (emotionally)? No
Strong (physically)? Yeah
Mature? Nope...=(
Logical? Uh-huh
Religious? I shouldn't say this myself..
Modest? Yes
Indesicive? Yes
Sympathetic? Yes
Polite? Yes
Creative? Uh-huh
Fun to be around? Yeah
Loveable? Maybe
Easily Amused? Yes
Outgoing? Yes
Daring? No
Clumsy?                                 Yes
Nosy? Kind of
Lazy? Yes
Scary? No
Optimistic? Not really
Persuasive? A bit
A good listener? Sometimes
Curious? Yes
Determined? No
Artistic? Yes
Honest? Depend on situation
Respectful? Yea
Concieted? No
Cocky? No
Controlling? No
Playful? Yes
Easygoing? Yes
Carefree? Yes
Hot Headed? Sometimes
Serious? Not really
Thoughtful? Yes
Considerate? Yes
Stubborn? Yeah
Romantic? Maybe not
Ambitious? Dunno this
Jealous? Kind of
Insecure? Yes
Obsessive? No
Attentive? No
Helpful? Kinda
Punctual? Most of the time
Rational? At times
Sincere? At times
Tolerant? Yes

my answers keep getting shorter haha.. but well . DONE


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