K-POP TAG! ♥ I was tagged by ginaxmae..


1. What was the first Kpop song that you've heard?

Well, to tell you the truth, my cousin showed me Nobody - Wonder Girls a few years ago, but I didn't know it was Korean, so that doesn't count ...? So, it's Hahaha - SNSD .. ^^

2. What was the first Kpop band you liked and still do 

SNSD → Super Junior

*Thanks to my awesome chingu!!*

3. Who was your first biased ever in the Kpop industry?


I didn't know anyone in the Kpop industry at that time, but when I saw SJ on TV, I saw Leeteuk talking and immediately I started to like him. It's not easy to like Leeteuk, as my friends don't like him... Aish! See this post for more detail.

4. What is your current favorite Kpop boy band?

Super Junior, SHINee, Boyfriend, Infinite... :)

I like a lot of groups, but that's because maybe I only like some of their songs... So... These are the only groups that I really really like and know, I think. But I like Super Junior the most.

5. What is your current favorite Kpop girl band?

SNSD, 2NE1, Miss A, Secret... :)

I like a lot of groups, but that's because maybe I only like some of their songs... So... These are the only groups that I really really like and know, I think. But I like SNSD the most.

6. 3 current favorite Kpop song?

1. The Boys - SNSD

2. A-Cha - Super Junior 

3. Victory Korea - Super Junior (I listen to this a lot.. ^^)

7. All time Kpop song for you?

Ah, mianei.. Because it changes a lot. ^^ I love KPOP songs!

8. 5 current bias (girl band or boy band) ?

1. Leeteuk

2. Siwon

3. Kyuhyun

4. Taeyeon

5. Jo Twins!

I have a lot, sorry!

9. Who would you like as a boyfriend/girlfriend in the kpop industry?

Before this, of course Leeteuk!

Eventhough he's old for me... Kekeke... But now he's married!!! >o< Jealous, jealous...

So I guess, Kyuhyun! Hahaha...

10. What comes to mind when you hear the word "KPOP"?

A w e s o m e.



♥ ('_<)v


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