We Got Married - Episode One

Today, I watched We Got Married episode one and half of episode two, and to tell you the truth...




Yes, chincha! I'm really jealous of Sora for having a Teukie as a husband.. I mean.. Kyaa! Look at him!

Wae? Because he's my bias from the very start! Meaning : First bias in SJ and Korean Stars. I think he's my very very first bias, I don't remember liking Sunny yet... And I never regretted choosing him!

One : He's cute!


These are my current favourite gifs of cute Teukie : ♥


Two : He's funny!



Three : Awesome leader!


Four : Do I even need to explain ... ?




OK, mianei... I was merely venting my feelings... Into gifs... Besides, my friends are still anti-ing Leeteuk. I think it's their right to not like someone, but do they need to criticise and badmouth him in front of me? Well? I mean, they do! TT^TT

That's why I'm so angry about! If I say just one bit of comment that I really don't mean to say something bad about their favorite group, they get mad instantly! D: That's absolutely unfair! And made me anti-them, not anti-their kpop group. Aish! Can't they just grow up?! -___- 

NEW : They've started to hate IU now... -____-"

Sorry for the long post, by the way. Hope you understand. And can you also give me advice how to deal with them? Seriously, they need to learn to respect people. :( Gumawo, chingu!

♥ ('_<)v

PS: What'll happen to TaeTeuk?! :O


It's not that I hate Sora, I'm 'starting to like' Sora, but I love TaeTeuk! :O



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Haha, new tactic! Writing my 'comments' with only the front letters.. Like : Wmcwotfl.. Quite fun, too.. ^^ But I won't remember what it means, so .. :)