Mei - Archer


Cradle Online

♠ Tokyo/Seoul ♠



[ M E M B E R S H I P  F O R M ]

[Please remove and paste the ullzhang that you will use here 300X446]


Name: Mei
Username + Link: jdh0928
Country: Indonesia



Name: Kim Eun "Boo"

Nickname: Boo (when Eun was a baby, she would laugh immediately when people played "peek-a-boo" with her, even until she's in her elementary, she still loved the word "boo" - maybe until now), couch potato (lazy personality), 4D (sometimes talking non-sense - even though it's quite rare...)

D.O.B.: September 28, 1995
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages Known: Korean and English (Eun learnt it from her school) 
Occupation: student



Ulzzang: Song Ah Ri

Links♧ ♧ ♧ ♧ 

Back-Up Ulzzang: Ryu Hye Ju

Links♧ ♧ ♧ ♧ 

Height: 165 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Style: simple clothes (shirt/t-shirt, jeans/short pants, sneakers) - no skirt/dress/heels except for special occation
Extra: two piercing on each ears (total pierces : four - like this)




It's hard to socializing for her. She prefers to stay at home rather than hanging out with her friends (reason : lazy - a reason why her friends called her "couch potato")

♠ Sometimes comes to school late, even though her house is quite close with her school. She just loves to come a minute before appointment.

♠ Usually, she'll play games, watching her favorite shows, or reading books - just killing her time.

Has a strong will, competitive (even though she doesn't show it, she must admit that she hates to lose), and quite stubborn.

♠ Has a great leadership - her hidden talent.

♠ A shy girl but bubbly. Easy to smile and laugh. Once she laughs, sometimes it will take a long time to stop her.


Has one of a kind father and nice mother. Father is so overprotective & naggy that sometimes Eun gets annoyed by his voice. He works from his home - reading and sending files from her computer. Her mother is just like another housewife - loves to take care Eun, her husband. She's a very tidy and neat person, even though she's not a neat/clean freak.

♠ She takes part in her school's archery team - she's literally the best archer in her school.


♠ Food & snacks! (locak beef, seafood, sweets like chocolates)

♠ Games

Music & arts - KPOP (currently in love with rookie group called EXO)



♠ People who don't know manners

♠ Cold (she often gets a runny nose because of allergy)


♠ Doing sports

♠ Sleeping

Browsing & online (SNS/games)

♠ Working on HTML or web designing (she literally loves designing/drawing/painting)


♠  lips (since her lips are dry)

♠ Drinking much water like a camel

♠ Touching her ears (when she has nothing to do)



Love Interest:

Jung Daehyun

Back-up Love Interest:

Jung Daehyun



Character Class: Archer

Skills: [You can pick  at least 1 max. 3. Don't pick skils that is not associated with your class for ex: Healing and you are a Mage.]

♠ Hunting

♠ Singing

Examples: Dancing, Singing, Cooking, Fishing, Trading items, Hunting, Acting etc.

Extra: None



Suggestions: -
Requests: -
Comments: I never play RPG before (sorry, but I don't even know what games those you mentioned on your foreward/description T^T), but I'm interested in this fanfiction ^^ I've never seen a fanfiction with game as its storyline :3 I'm looking forward on the story ^^


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