《 Sensoria ⋮ Hwang Chaeyeon ⋮ Mae 》






username ⋮ Chyahwang 》《 activeness ⋮ (8/10) 》《 what to call you ⋮ Min



Who are you?

Country ⋮ Mae 
Name: Chaeyeon, Hwang
Nickname(s): Chemmy. It was her own claimed. She said that Chemmy is more "cool" than Chaeyeon. Besides, Chemmy is easier to mention than Chaeyeon.
Age ⋮ Birthdate: 19 ⋮ March 27, 1994
Height ⋮ Weight: 166 cm ⋮ 58 kg
Blood type: B


How do you look like?

Ulzzang ⋮ Ryu Hyeju
Back-up ulzzang: Ahn Su Kyung
Pictures: onetwothreegallery
Appearance: She has long straight dark brown hair. but sometimes she cut her hair into half length over her shoulders. She also has bangs covering her face. She has plain facial expression. She has petite figure. She has no piercings but she wears this earcuff on her right ear. She has milky white skin.
Style: Basically, she was comfortable in any type of clothing. But she usually wears something that perfectly covering her body from cold weather. A jeans, plain t-shirt and a long coat that combined with knee-lenght boots are her most use items. Don't forget to mention that she loves to wear beanie. She will look like this


How do you act like?

Personality key traits ⋮ Active, honest, sarcastic, easygoing, perfectionist, revengeful
⋮ She’s an active girl. Participating in lot of activities is one of her favorite things. She loves to be busy with lot of schedule to do. She’s also a type of girl who cannot stay quiet for long time. To make her stay for long time, you should give her an activity that caught her attention such as making origami or something like arranging the flower. She really loves those activities too.
She’s an honest yet sarcastic girl. She will tell everything what’s exactly in her mind. She won’t keep any secret except she’s willing to. Sometimes her honest words are a bit harsh for the other. And sometimes she can’t control herself to keep the others’ feeling with her words.
She’s an easygoing girl. She’s easily adapted with new people and new environment. Being an easygoing girl makes her have lot of friends. But honestly, she didn’t really like it to have lot of friends. She prefers to have a few friends than having thousand friends. She isn’t a social butterfly anyway.
She’s a perfectionist girl. Everything should look perfect in her eyes. She pays more attention to small details. She won’t let any small mistakes ruin her hard work. Because of this, she prefers to work alone than work in a group because it was easier to avoid those small mistakes that would appear when doing something. In other words, she's an individualistic girl.
She’s also a revengeful person. She can’t easily forgive someone. You might make a mistake on her and apologized to her. She will say that she forgiving you but she wouldn’t give you another chance to be around with her. She still has some “strange feeling” about something that you did in the past.

⋮ Ice cream
⋮ Wolves
⋮ Puppies
⋮ Beanies
⋮ Coffee
⋮ spicy foods
⋮ spiders
⋮ worms
⋮ banana milk
⋮ green peppers
⋮ grape juice
⋮ unconsciously touching her hair
⋮ stretching the back of her neck when nervous
⋮ her ears turns to red when embarrassing
⋮ puffed her cheeks when bored
⋮ cooking
⋮ drawing
⋮ she's allergic to dust
⋮ She has a siberian husky inside her house
⋮ she has a twin brother named Hwang Chanwoo
⋮ She can whistling
⋮ she can't sleep with the light-off


Where did you come from?

 Only one ⋮ Her twin brother; Hwang Chanwoo
Background: Her father was a teacher in the Academy while her mother was an ordinary wife with no occupation at first. The financial status of this family wasn’t that good. One day her mother made some bread for her family. Chemmy said that the bread taste very good. She suggested her mother to open a bread shop. She agreed and started to promote her new shop. Chemmy and her twin brother, Chanwoo often helped their mother to deliver the bread to the buyers. The financial of her family went better after that until now.
Lifestyle: This Hwang family is a nice family. They rarely have fought each other. They very understand each other. The only fight that may appear was only between Chemmy and Chanwoo. Sometimes they fight because of jealousy. But this fight didn’t affect to their strong . They can’t be separated for long time.
Father: Hwang Jungmin ⋮ 54 ⋮ Operator, Electric Manipulation teacher in Academy ⋮ Secure, decisive, dauntless, caring, wise ⋮ In fact, he's not that close with Chemmy. He's closer to Chanwoo. But he always trying to make his family happy
Mother: Jeon Minseung ⋮ 47 No ⋮ Baker ⋮ Honest, loving, communicative, carefree ⋮ Another family member who is very close to Chemmy. She often share her problem to her mom. Her mom will give her lot of wise words after that
Sibling(s): Hwang Chanwoo ⋮ 19 Operator, Telepathy ⋮ student ⋮ loud, troublemaker, responsible, caring, short-tempered, honest ⋮ Since both of them were twin sibling, they have strong relationship. They can’t be separate for long time. They would felt uneasy. Even though when they were together there will be lot of troubles, they exactly caring each other.
(Best) Friend: Bora ⋮ 20 ⋮ Mae ⋮ Operator, Invisibility student ⋮ easygoing, simple minded, free, brainy, fearless ⋮ Her bestfriend in academy. They were very close
(Best) Friend: Hoya ⋮ 20 ⋮ Yong ⋮ Operator, Telekineses ⋮ student ⋮ Brave, independent, strong, protective ⋮ Another her bestfriend. A friend who is looks scary outside but warm inside. He can brighten Chemmy's gloomy day.
Rival: Kwno Sohyun ⋮ 19 ⋮ Mae ⋮ Operator, light manipulation ⋮ student ⋮ Childish, active, talk active, joyful ⋮ She's Chemmy's classmate. As the most active girls in school, both of them always trying to be the first in some activities in Academy. They always compete each other to do a thign fastest and beign the best.


How much?

 Operator ⋮ Healing, water manipulation 
Description: Her powers are healing and water manipulation. With healing power, she can heal her injuries or people around her if they want to. While with water manipulation she can control the water by her hands. Basically, her healing power is a combination if her water manipulation and healing. Because at first, she needs to absorb the water to her body then by touching her injured body part/people’s injured body part she can heal the injured/wounds. Besides for healing, she also can control the water for a protection for her. She can control the water to her armor.
Back-up power: Freeze vision ⋮ This is a power where she can freeze the object just by starring at the object.
Weaknesses: One of her weaknesses is fire. She can’t handle it when she’s in a battle against the fire manipulation. Her other weakness is the sonic scream. This sonic scream can make her ears aching badly.
 Social rank ⋮ Middle Rank
What would you do if you found out you were a sensorium?: Me? A sensorium? Are you sure> Well..... That's a good thing. Being a sensorium means I'm the chosen one to have this ability as a sensorium. But still............. I can't believe that I'm a sensorium
Fun facts: She rarely uses her powers to make some pranks to her friends. She only uses her healing ability if someone asked her to. But if she really wants to, she will use her water manipulation to attack her annoying friend. Embarrass the annoying school-mate by controlling the water to wet their pants is one of her favorite pranks.


What have you learned?

 Type of student ⋮ An energetic student 
How do you act in the academy?: You know I'm an active girl. So I always have my way to be the number one in every activities. Actually I'm a clever girl but I don't really show it in my academic subjects. I love non-academic things more than the academic subjects. Psstttt.. I hate rules. Don't blame me if I break some rules. I doesn't mean that I'm a rebel. But yea, I need freedom~~!
What do you think of your own country?: Cold. Need some sunshine. And the wind is way too much. But still, I love this country. I really love snow. And this country is the best thing in my current life
What's your view of the other countries?: I always wanted to go to Mae! It has 4 seasons for real!! and I wanna go there someday! And about Yong...... Hoya is one from that country. I don't really like that country. Making a tournament to determine who's the best fighter among all? Oh please. Don't waste your time to do those stupid things. kthxbai.
Who do you get along with best?: Students of course! You know sometimes teachers are too blah-blah-blah. I can stay long with a friend who is easygoing. Don't forget to mention that I need a friend who can accept my sarcastic words. A person who can understand my true feeling is a plus point too. Besides, I hate backstabber. SO, being around a honest person can make me stay along with a person
What happens after the Academy?: After the academy...? I still want to travel around the world with Bora. I want to make a looooong journey together with my twin brother *if he want to*. I want to feel the differences between the countries


What is love?

 Love interest ⋮ Kim Wonshik from Beom 
Age ⋮ Birthdate: 20 ⋮ 1993
Nickname(s): Ravi / Rappyong (Ravi is actually his nickname from his friends. There's no special reason for Rappyong anyway)
Back-up love interests: Bang Yongguk
Personality key traits: outgoing, over-confident, hardworking, stubborn, unpredictable
Occupation: Criminal/Thief. He's a part of the criminals in Beom
Operator?: No
How do you meet?:  They met in a market when Chemmy was going to deliver the bread to a buyer. Ravi was doing his usual job which is stealing people’s belonging, especially their money. She caught him and ordered him to give back the money to the owner. But he refused it and ran away.
How do you act around each other?: Honestly, they weren’t that close. Chemmy was still aware when around him even though he assured that he wouldn’t do anything to her. She always made a far space between them. She didn’t want to be that close with him.
Would you want a lot of drama or a possible love triangle?: Uhmmm.... I don't mind c:
How do you want your story to end?: I leave this section to you guys~
Would you want to see them again if you two separate?: YESS


Have I seen you before?

 Newcomers ⋮ none
Stranger: (name ⋮ age ⋮ location (academy, birth country; prone to change) ⋮ state if Operator and if yes, the specialty ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality key words (4+)
Stranger: (name ⋮ age ⋮ location (academy, birth country; prone to change) ⋮ state if Operator and if yes, the specialty ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality key words (4+)
Stranger: (name ⋮ age ⋮ location (academy, birth country; prone to change) ⋮ state if Operator and if yes, the specialty ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality key words (4+)
Stranger: (name ⋮ age ⋮ location (academy, birth country; prone to change) ⋮ state if Operator and if yes, the specialty ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality key words (4+)



What else would you like to say?

Comments: Nice story!!!! Sorry for my grammar mistakes ><
Questions: none
Scene requests:
⋮ Chemmy makes a prank on Ravi by her water manipulation to make him quit from his thief gang. But it doesn't provide any deterrent effect to Ravi to stop stealing.
⋮ none at this moment~
 Turn ⋮ Back

 'turn back' returns you back to the story; layout by -catalyst 





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