Good gracious. I just got my bottom braces on today, and oh my lord, I didn't think it be this bad. I mean, what in the heck! I can't eat my precious food the same way for a while. It's horrible. I can't eat my junk. My mouth is restricted, I can't even. 

Worse, my mom bought my favorite food/snack/dessert  of all time today and here I can't even eat it.

*Sigh* Trying to keep my cool but it's hard too!

A week.

I'm praying that this only last a week. 

Because majority from what I heard said it was about a week.

Oh but of course you can't have bottom braces without the gift of getting a speech impediment!

I have this lisp now. Oh joy.

But hey, in all it's worth, I'm grateful I have the opportunity to get my teeth fix.

Sorry I'm just ranting.

But if you made it all the way to end of this rant, I would give you a hug.

But since we are over the internet

I'll virtually touch you 

(>'-----')> Me  -------->  You<('-----'<)


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