something i can agree with

so, i have no love in my heart for anyone who wishes death upon an idol/person in the form or comments posted on a website (or by saying it). maybe it's 'cuz i view that kind of act as behaviour similar to serial killers (BTK wrote letters of death, Son of Sam did it, Jack the ripper did, Zodiac wrote letters).

i think we can all agree that sending "go and die/i wanna kill you/og off yourself" messages to an idol is wrong. it's mean & we wouldn't like it if it happened to us. so, why do it? and why don't idols call "fans" out on this more often?

well, i might not be a major Miley Cyrus fan, but she had the guts to call this behaviour what it is: psychopathic. total respect for any idol who calls "fans" out on their bulls__t


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