Vampire Academy Enrollment ( Ahn Hyorin )


      Vampire Academy Enrollment


-Ahn Hyorin

    contact information-

username: Edragonista

    the basics-

full name: Ahn Hyorin
other ethnic name(s): 

  • American: Elizabeth Ahn


  • Rin
  • Beth

age: Seventeen
birthdate: February 29
birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA
latest residence: Erie, Pennsylvania, USA


ethnicity: American-Korean
race: Moroi
height: 1.77 m / 5'8''
weight: 55 kg / 121.3 lbs
model/ulzzang: Yurim
backup model/ulzzang: Ahn SuKyung

    background info-


  • Being left alone
  • Fast foods
  • Combat boots
  • Long hair
  • Dogs
  • Grandma's cooking
  • Krav Maga


  • Cats
  • Back stabbers
  • Bullies
  • Winter
  • Girly stuff
  • Fakers
  • Cotton candy


  • Making friends - Rin always have to move around since her mother doesn't like staying at one place, so even if she makes any friends, she'll have to end up leaving them sooner or later
  • Supernatural power - Rin fears her own 'unnatural' ability. She would taste a cotton-candy-like sweetness spreading on her tongue when there is danger. Every time the taste comes, her mother would always decide to move out of their current house the very next day


  • She would always pack the heaviest things first then the smaller ones later, She's been very adaptive in moving in and out
  • She would always tie her hair in a neat ponytail when she wants to start on something
  • Rin rubs her eyes quickly when she wants to avoid eye contact
  • Rin would her lips when she talks
  • She would blink rapidly when she is surprised


  • Decorating her new room although she could get really tired
  • Going one-on-one against her Master at the various dojo she joins in the many places she's been to
  • Practicing her Krav Maga moves
  • Swimming


Cold is what mostly portrays her character. Rin is well-known as the 'Ice Princess' at most of her schools. She knows that they nicknamed her that way and she let them be, At first, yes, it did hurt a lot. But slowly, adapting to her lifestyle, she became used to it and let what others do what they wanna do. As long as they don't touch a single hair on her body or her stuff, you'll be just fine. Some did try to talk to her, but all they could get is a few good sarcastic sentences and a cold stare. Rin will always be the outcast new comer and she has grown accustomed to it. Added with her cold attitude, Rin is also a loner. She does not despise people, it's just that she feels that it would be better if she stays away from them so that she and the people who she would-be-friends with would not be hurt in the future. Rejections, oh, she is used to them already. 

That's why she chooses to be lonely. Undeniably, due to her Mom's constant absence, Rin has learned to be independant. She is always home alone with her pet dog that she received as a gift when she was a little girl from her Grandma. She could make a decent meal for herself, wash the dishes, her clothes and do her homework like any normal teenager would do when they live in a dormitory. Rin is exceptionally stubborn. She would do things her own way and no one, I repeat, no one, could make her change her mind. The only person she would bow down to is her caring and lovely Grandma and to anyone who could beat her in a match of Krav Maga. But all in all, Rin could be an understanding girl. She understands that her Mom has work to attend to in order to keep them both fed, but what her Mom does, she would never know and her Mom has been shady on the topic ever since. Living in a household with shut doors and unanswered questions, Rin learns not to ask questions and just do as she is told. 


Ahn Hyorin basically was born on an unexpected date and was actually expected to arrive later. She learned that she is fatherless and just that, full stop. Rin always tried asking her Grandma and her Mom the cause of her father's death, but all she get was a sweet smile from her Grandma and a change in topic from her Mom. She then eventually forgets about her Dad and faked stories about her Dad whenever someone asks her about him. All her life, she had always moved about and never stayed at the same home to last even for a few years, let alone a full year. She never attended school festivals, prom nights, parties; in a way, she never had gone through a normal teenager's life and she felt kindda sad about it. But, despite all of it, she loves her Mom dearly and stayed quiet about the things she felt. The only time she could express her depression is when she practices her Krav Maga and when she visits her Grandma who lives in sunny Florida.

Her Mom is a loving and caring mother despite her often absence at home to take care of her daughter. Sometimes, she would come home bruised and limping, yet Rin never questions her Mom. Even with the bloodied scars and the broken bones, she comes home with a smile and Rin would sometimes cry on her own without her Mom knowing. Then, Rin would taste the sugary cotton candy sweetness in , and the next day, her Mom would be up and about, packing things. One night, when the cotton candy taste came again, she was really worried but she went to sleep like she normally would after tucking  her Mom to bed. She dreamt of a man whom she calls 'Papa' and 'Mama' in her sleep and she started crying. There was blood everywhere, and everything was spinning around and she felt so dizzy.

When she tried to get up, she saw a huge snake floating on top of her; kissing sinfully while her pet dog; Trixie howled and growled at the creature. Rin tried to escape, but to no avail. Then her Mom appeared with a pair of malaika and the beast seemed to be afraid of her, but never left Rin's mouth. That's when Trixie suddenly evolved into what the supernatural world call 'lycanthrope' or a loup garou, and attacked it together with her Mom. The creature disappeared and Rin was unconscious. When she woke up, she found that her Grandma, Mom, her dog and a stranger surrounded her on her bed. Rin hugged her Mom and that's when her Mom and Grandma told her the truth. That she was a vampire child; a pure-blooded Moroi. Her parents were dead in order to protect her and the person who she calls 'Mom' and 'Grandma' are good friends of her parents while they were still alive.

Her Mom explained that the serpent that attacked her that night was a shape-shifting Djinn and her pet dog is a loup garou; a werewolf her parents trusted the most to guard their daughter. Then, the stranger stepped in and introduced himself. He was from St. Vladimir's, an academy for special beings like Rin herself. Her Mom told her that it was for the best since even a Djinn attacked her, and Rin could not agree less. She wanted to stop hurting her Mom who sacrificed her whole human life to escape from incoming creatures she later learned as Strigoi; who wanted her dead so badly and protectors - such as the man who came to take her to the Academy - of her kind, the Dhampir; who is devoted on protecting a Moroi like her. She wanted her Mom to live a normal human life and never get hurt anymore. Soon, with a luggage in hand, and with the accompany of a century old Dhampir, she left the house she just got used to with a tearful old lady she has grown up to love and a strong woman who protected her with all her life. 

The reason why Rin does not crave for blood like other normal vampires is because she has not fully bloomed like other vampires yet. Later on, at the Academy, she will go through a changing phase and fully bloom into a pure-blooded, strong and beautiful Moroi. 

    family tree-


  •       [ Father ] [ Louis Ahn ] [ 157 ] [ Moroi ] [ American-Korean ] [ Deceased ]
  •       [ Mother ] [ Kwon Yuri ] [149 ] [ Moroi ] [ Korean ] [ Deceased ]
  •       [ Guardian / Mother ] [ Jessica Jung ] [ 37 ] [ Human ] [ American-Korean ] [ Alive ]
  •       [ Guardian / Grandma ] [ Eugenia Ahn ] [ 58 ] [ Human ] [ American ] [ Alive ]  

best friends: N/A
friends: ( later in the Academy )

  •        [ Kwon Minjung ] [ 17 ] [ Dhampir ] [ Korean-Japanese ]

rivals: N/A


love interest:  
       [ Jang Dongwoo ] [ 19 ] [ Moroi ] [ Korean ] [ Frenemies ] [ Kingka ]

Personality - Dongwoo is this friendly and kind guy when he is around his Infinite members and when you really get to know him. Physically, he has this mean looking feature which gives the 'back off' vibe, but truthfully, nope, he is just a friendly guy with sharp eyes that could penetrate someone with just a glare. He is kind and always think about others. This Moroi is also well-known for being short-tempered among . He has patience of a lion which is on a scale of zero to ten; a four. Dongwoo is also has an excellent fighting skills which grants him to be athletic. He is always seen sparring with four to five other boys and will have so much time using his fists and legs. He even practices with his elemental power and sometimes, people would just turn a blind eye and know it's just typical of Dongwoo. He is also one of the most competitive members in Infinite and in the whole Academy. He even challenged the freshly bloomed Moroi who just transferred to fight against him because he heard through the grapevine that she beat 3 Moroi vampires and 3 Dhampir vampires on her own; and they were all male!  

password: dukkbokki
alternative choice of role if not chosen: She could be one of the trainers at the Academy, a teacher or a Strigoi. I don't mine if she gets butchered. I'm still going to read your story. I really like it
suggestions/comments/scene requests: 

  • Can I request a scene where she would have a dual against Dongwoo? This is when they slowly fall for each other, although Rin would deny her feelings most of the time. The first time they went against each other, Dongwoo would win and the next time the fought again, Rin would initiate it. They would go head-to-head and the outcome is, they would always end up with an even score. There was once when they fought on the field after nightfall, and in the end, Dongwoo would pin her down on the grass after a long fight, they would both be out of breath. And that's when he confessed to her. Maybe they would kiss? Or she would reject him? I don't know. Let your imaginations go wild. I'm sure I'll like it.
  • Can I suggest that maybe there would be a war between the Strigoi and the Academy?
  • Finally done! I really have no more comments than just to hope that my app would be fine and you would like my character. If there are any misunderstandings, please let me know? I'll do my best to maybe explain or adjust to make it better. Thank you for your time. Good luck with your story :)



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