student bodies "Moon MyungHee"

       student bodies     


 Moon MyungHee             miss heretic                 space-time manipulation  

username: Panda3093


nickname: Abz or Panda
password?:dead or alive

general info

name:Moon MyungHee

age:16 going onto 17

date of birth:15/ 8/ 1996

place of birth:Hong Kong, China

ethnicity:Chinese-German [Chinese mother-German biological father]



step-dad | Lee Tae-Hyun | 48 | Lawyer | dead |


mom | Moon SunHi | 44 | designer | dead |


step-siblings | Lee InHo | 18 | part-time waiter | alive |


the start of it: She was born and raised in Hong Kong until she was about 8 years old. Her parents moved back to Germany where her father is from. But, something seemed to affect their little family once her father had his job transfer back to Germany, since her mother and father would keep bickering and fighting everytime one little mistake or situation/problem appeared. This broke down to the point of someone having to go. When MyungHee was about 10 years old, her dad left she and her mom for a younger woman. He took all of the money in their bank account and never came back. Her mother was heartbroken and depresses for sometime. MyungHee hated seeing her mother that way, and since her father's leave she had trouble trusting others. MyungHee took care of herself and her mother, getting up early in the morning to go on her skateboard to deliver newspapers around her area. She did this very early in the morning, and once she was done she would go back home to make her mother breakfast. MyungHee's mother was still depressed by MyungHee's father leaving. However, once she noticed how hard her daughter was trying to keep what is left of the family functioning. Her mother went back to work after a while and MyungHee kept up her busy days.

About 3-4 years after, her mother found someone new. She introduced the man to MyungHee, and at first sight, MyungHee hated him. She didn't trust easily anymore, and didn't usually give others a chance. But, she saw how happier her mother was around this man, happier than when she was with MyungHee's real father, and her mother's happiness is her happiness. She loved seeing her mom happy once again, and wanted her to stay happy. Her mother got more serious with the guy, and MyungHee found out he had a son from his previous marriage. MyungHee didn't trust the son either, but after spending more time together she slowly warmed up to him. She got to know the man that was dating her mother, more. She started to warm up to the man as well, and started to feel happier around him, and would think that she is glad that it is he that restored her mother's love.

The year of MyungHee's 14th birthday, her mother officially became the fiance to the man. MyungHee was glad for the soon to be husband and wife, and was a little glad that InHo would be her step-brother. A month, after her 14th birthday, the happy couple got married. And the two small, broken families became one large, happier, and content family. MyungHee was happy and content with her new family, and hoped it would last.

However, the year of her 15th birthday, disaster struck. Her mother and step-father were out on a business trip in another country, a week before her birthday, and were planning on getting home the week of MyungHee's birthday, as a surprise present. Unfortunately, the plane they were on crashed down and killed everyone on board. The step-siblings heard the news from the police, MyungHee's world started to crash before, once again.

Her depression and angered boiled inside of her, she had taken enough of this crap. She didn't want to take this any longer, she hated her life. She wanted a simple life but everything went wrong and turned the opposite way. She was sick and tired of it...she was done. She was angry and didn't wnt to listen to anyone, even her step-brother, she wanted to leave, she wanted everything to just...stop. So, that is what she did. She stopped everything. She cried and yet there was a deep dark rage that just unconsciously let itself out, since she couldn't think clearly anymore, and the next thing she knew...everything did stop. It was as if she was doing this by herself, but she didn't believe it, she believed it was only a delusional dream or that she cried too much. But, the next thing she knew was that she was out of her room and saw her step-brother trying to get close to her but instantly pushed away and soon in a puddle of blood with bruises lining his arms. This is when she snapped back to reality, this is when she knew her step-brother's pain was her doing. She went to her step-brother, sobbing furiously and kept apologizing, her step-brother only sat up slowly and hugged her trying to comfort her. But, her tears were never ending. She only then found out of her special ability, and because of what happened to her brother, she swore to never use it again.

disaster strikes: MyungHee had gone too far. MyungHee was starting a new school once again, since her last schools she got expelled from. The reason being the cause of destruction, not only to the school itself but to the students and faculty. MyungHee was not yet able to control when and how to keep her emotions in andwhen her power will just take over. But, this time--this time--it was the worst. She has only injured the people badly enough to get them hospitalized, but her anger was tested by this one person. It was not a girl nor a single average bully, but of a single young boy. He did not do it alone, but he was the main man that led the whole "attack" only others followed him. He and his followers kept pestering and perstering MyungHee of the "rumours" they had heard[from her old school]/started of MyungHee killing her own parents and of her "freaked-out" ability that made her weird and feared. MyungHee was the loner of the school, she kept to herself and hoped no one bothered her, how wrong she was. The boy was always the one to start up the issue, going up to her and saying "Hey, freak." or "What a disgusting creature you are. Have you no heart for killing your own parents? Maybe God just struck the wrong people and you should've died instead, I'm bet everyone would've been a whole lot better out living without you ruining their lives." MyungHee listened to his rantings everyday, there was no day that she wouldn't be told this. But, one day, she snapped and broke down on the spot, she couldn't take it anymore, since the boy said "What? Nothing again today, Weirdo? What, did your poor older brother fianlly admit to hating you as well? But, I thought that freaks have to stick together? I guess not even an idiot and weirdo like that guy would want someone like you. Hahaha"[sorry for my horrible insults ><]. MyungHee snapped, they could laugh at her all they wanted but NO ONE would bring her brother into this, since her brother is very caring and is very patient even with a troublesome girl like hereslf. Her anger blew up within and the non-existent force took over her once again, but it was different from it being like her previous school experiences, no, it was like how she first discovered of her power. It was of her being in her worst state. Her mind went blank and her mind was filled with only one word "KILL" that and nothing else. So, that is exactly what she did. She unconsciously ripped the boy limb from limb until his disembodied limbs and pieces where covering the classroom floors and walls, it was a death pool in the class. She snapped out of it once the deed was done, she broke down without an expression or thought in mind. She had finally killed someone with her demonic ability...she felt sick.

i got thepower

what is your power: space-time manipulation || ability to distort, alter, and manipulate the space-time continuum 

what are the drawbacks: If used for an excessive or specific amount of time, it may "over-load" her brain--since she must concentrate on controlling it--and soon go into a panic attack or be paralyzed for a mintue or so at the very least, but she could be put into a coma for about 2-3 days at it being the worst.

fighting style: She is maily into fighting straight on and using hand-to-hand combat, knowing many forms of fighting. She rarely uses her power unless she believes it is absolutely needed. She likes to take the oppponent head on, but she is not that reckless in just going full blast without expecting anything, no, she not only uses her strength but her agility and stealth ability. She likes to fool around with her opponent's sanitybefore taking them down, she sort of makes a game out of it. She dislikes using her power since it takes too much energy and she believes it to be utterly useless, but she will use her power only if it were to be an "emergency" or needed.

how do you feel about it:She utterly hates her power. It would be a rare fight to see her when she is using her power, she believes her power is too reckless and rather just fight hand-to-hand with her opponent. She hates her power with a passion, she rather of not had it in the first place, she is never or rarely seen using it, she does train her powers, but only her best friend knows what her power is. Some have never seen her power so they think and believe her to be either too weak or not have a power at all. She rather show them with her bare-hands and intelligence then with some "power" that does the work for her.

summoning ability: She may not use it in fighting, but she does train her power. She has learned to contain it fairly easily and is able to use it upon her call. It does not react as much to her feelings as it does to her command. She has learned to control her power and use it when need be. She may not use her power in a battle but she has as much experience with her power as she does with hand-to-hand combat.

reactions: Her agressiveness almost pushes her power to it's peak, since her anger is how she discovered her power, her anger "pushed" her ability out of her. When she is mad or furious, it is when her power would automatically go into "auto-pilot" and she would almost act as if possessed by an invisible force, since her mind would be almost blank of everything except distorting and manipulating the areas around her. She would be unaware of her surroundings and destroy anything and everything in her path. When she is angry/pushed to her limit, she is in her murderous mode when. When she is sad, she can't take anymore and lets all of her emotions out. She is most dangerous yet vulnerable in this state, but even though she is very vulnerable when like this, it would be even very difficult to get near her. This is the same when she is very sad, almost depressed.

personality: She is a huge jokester and likes to play around very much so. With her ability to distort or change time itself, she is able to play around with her surroundings and those around her. But, since she would rarely use her powers in any situation, she just rather play her jokes very publicly and be straight foreward about it instead of having to rely on her abilities. But, if someone ticks her off too much, she will have no choice but to teach them a lesson they will never forget.

she's amachine

plotline:Miss Heretic

basic traits: sarcastic/devious, troublemaker, keeps-to-herself/observant, unpredictable, persuasive, intelligent, laid-back, rebellious, Merciless

theme song:  No Mercy [BAP]

personality: -Won't let you go easily-

She is not the type to show mercy or feel any remorse or regret her decisions. She is not  the type to second guess herself but instead go with her firdt choice, and she has never onced regretted her decisions even if they were considered "wrong." When fighting she feels nothing, she almost loses all of her feelings[as if she had any in the first place] and becomes very clood-blooded. She does not intend to kill anyone, but at most put them into the hopsital with some major injuries. She believes only the strong survive while the weak die out, so if one is weak she wonders if they deserve to live. She loves challenges and competition. Fighting is almost similar to breathing for her, she will  not let a challenge go easily and would face anyone and everyone head-on! She likes to go full blast in fighting and rather not use her powers. Though, she does like to play around with her opponents, probably because of her sorta playful nature, and does like to mess with their minds before really going at them. She likes to be stealthy and rather use her agility and strength in replacement of her powers. If an opponent would want to surrender or give up before the match is "technically over" MyunHee wouldn't take it and instead it would add to her rage which would give her a bit more of a drive to beat the person, since if someone were to give up she believes that they think that she is not worthy or goood enough to be their opponent, and she would show them why she has the worst rep. of the school.

-I won't follow you like a fool-

She follows her own rules in a way. she is very rebellious and would go against anything or most things that she is told. She doesn't care about the consequences of her actions, she just only looks foreward to the enjoyment and emtertainment she may get out of it. Many may and most likely will disagree with most of her decisions, but if she loves her decisions then she doesn't need others to[the quote at the very bottom for the "motto"]. She would not be the follower but the leader instead, she hates being ordered around and if someone would use force to make her do something she doesn't agree to, she will show them no mercy. Her motives and moves[when fighting] are unpredictable, one second you may have figured out hher pattern of fighting but the next second she has a whole new routine, it may be a little confusing but she really just doesn't want any figuring her out. she can be mysterious and very laid-back one second and then she can be very sarcastic and make snarky remarks ad plays pranks on everyone around her. she is actually very persuasive which would also be why she does and canot follow others, since her words are very certain and sometimes dangerous at times. For example, her words can be dangerous without her having to yell, but her words could be icy and make one stunned. she only has to use the right kinds of words and the right kind of tone that would make anyone listen or pay attention to.

-Just stop and quit it-

She should just stop and quit it. She acts as though she is someone that she really isn't. No one knows of the girl behind the bad rep. because they on't choose to know her. She is actually quite intelligent, but may use it to think of new pranks or to help in her fights. She can actually be quite the caring girl when she wants to be, but she has only been caring to her family. He brother would actually think of Myunghee as a bunny since she could be cute at times but also very curious and that's what could get her in trouble. Of course she would NEVER show this side to ANYONE. [sorry this part is so short, I may add more later ><]

-Your flaws are countless [Hate you : 2NE1]-

She has countless of flaws ad she knows it. She doesn't admit to being perfect, in fact she would never want to be "perfect." She thinks being perfect or normal is too boring, and she likes her life fun and entertaining. She is a huge troublemaker and has the worst reputation of her grade and probably the school. She doesn't give a damn about anything that goes on around the school and rather just keep herself out of the whole drama situations, since it would save her a whole lot of time. Though, even though she doesn't want to be in any drama situation she may be the one to actually cause the drama and trouble, most of the time. She is sarcastic and devious, she can hurt someone physically, emotionally, and mentally. She is not only a huge prankster but also known as a "Devil" in the school, because of her snarky and sarcastic comments that could make even a manly-man like Minhyuk cry. Her flaws just keep piling up and up and they are never ending.

make youcrazy

class: 2-D


-- Bang Minsoo: He was actually one of the first to greet her once she became his classmate, of course their first meeting not being a pleasant one. He tried to pick her up, but she shoved him down. Literrally. He kept flirting with her and she was getting a bit annoyed by him, so she literrally used most of her strength to punch the guys head which ultimately made him fall to the floor. He is still very persistant and likes to try again and again, but since she doesn't have the energy to deal with "idiots" and annoyances 24/7 she just plays along with his act, "getting to know" the guy and really love of his motives and moves.

-- Lee Chanhee: She hates the guy with a passion. But, she likes to fool with people, and her favorite target being this guy! She likes to play along with his little "game" and make him believe he has a chance and he made her swoon over him, but it is only to test how smart and observant the guy really is and how hard she has to work on her acting to convince someone. But, this guy isn't much practice since he falls into her traps way too easily, she would've hoped he could've been a harder target. He jokes and pick-up lines and actions are overused and corny, she has heard better lines from the back of a cereal box. She also believes this guy to be one of the "two "manly" girls" of the class, considering his over-excessive giggle fits.

--Lee Byunghyun: "All bark and no bite." that's all she has to say, yea he yells and seems scary but what does he really do that is truly scary? She would like to see him take action before being afraid of the guy. She rarely communicates with him, and he stays pretty distant from her, but she keeps an eye on him, and of course her ear-drums are blown by the guy as well.

--Jung Daehyun: "The bottomless pit" she has a nickname for practicully everyone of her class, it's a way she can keep tabs on these people. She is a little fazed by his eating habits and sort of freaked out by how he can eat so much and not be full! This guy seems like he has experience and probably won many eating contests with out puking the next minute. She is a little curious in the guy, she wonders if her can fight as well as he eats.

--Woo Jiho: This guy she is able to stand. She thinks of him as another loud-mouth competitor. MyungHee thinks that Jiho thinks he rules the class, but she is determined to prove the guy wrong. She actually does enjoy sparring with the guy, since he isn't too shabby, but she thinks that he could be better with his mouth zipped. She is able to understand most if not all of his cussing, she may even retaliate in English as well or German, just to throw him off. She is intrigued most by this guy, she finds him an interesting person indeed, she observes his moves and words, this is her way of getting to know someone.

--Kim Yukwon: "Whining little brat" that really all there is to sum up how she feels about the guy. She hates the guy because of his constant noisiness and annoyance, she thinks the guy is just another brat that makes her wonder how he survived this far in the school. She sometimes believe his ability is to control water, considering the amount he produces from his eyes everyday. His whining is never ending. almost as if he never gets tired, he is similar to like a little baby or kid throwing a tantrum over their ice cream dropping on the ground. But, she must admit that his dance skills may be a little impressive, though she also has to admit that may be the only good quality about him.

--Park Kyung: Way too easy. This guy is always an easy target for MyungHee's practice pranks. Yep, she likes to test out her pranks on this guy to see if her pranks are at least "level 1" scare worthy. She thinks of the guy as her...test monkey. She doesn't take her scaring or pranks too far on the guy to make sure he doesn't faint, again--you only make that mistake once. But, sometimes MyungHee wonders of how he got so freaked out in the first place, since he can't be here and survive even to this year--the way he currently is--without something going on within him. This makes her very suspicious of the guy, which is why she keeps a close eye on him especially.

--Do Kyungsoo: His stare does make her feel a little awkward, but she sees it as another challenge and maybe as a sign that he wants to fight, which she is up for always. She death glares back at him with a smirk lining her face, trying to say that she is up for his challenge. They seem to not talk with one another, but instead communicate through their eyes, even though neither of them have any telepathy type power. There little conversation through their eyes sort of freak and confuse others out. MyungHee likes the guy, since she doesn't have to physically talk to him, but he still understands what she is trying to say.

--Byun Baekhyun: "Gosh, this guy wears more make-up than girls...maybe he is really a "she"?" This is what she thinks everytime she sees the guy. He is actually one of the first people to approach her and try to communicate with the girl, but she shrugs this guy off as well, she just doesn't want to associate herself with someone that may be more preppy and girly than an actual girl. But, there is something about the guy that intrigues her, MyungHee being very observant, she notices others moves and of her surroundings, she just has never seen this guy fight and would like to try it out with him as her opponent sometime[fighting is her way of scanning others].

--Park Chanyeol: When ever someone would ask her about the guy she would always say at some point "and I thought I was weird" but seriously, this guy has to probably be the kindest[is that a word?] of all of them. She can't stand kindness, yes it sounds weird, but she thinks kindness is just another form of tricking someone or a sign of weakness.

--Huang Zitao: She rather stay away from the guy, he looks a little too...creepy in a way. She just goes with her instincts and rather not get involved with the guy, plus he seems to be buddy-buddy with the guy she hates the most in the class [Jongdae].  But, she does have to admit he is sort of cute when she messes with the guy. She is always testing the guy's patience by playing around with his wushu stick, sure he acts like a raging bull when someone even breathes on it, but she sure does get a kick out of his reaction. She cringes a little at his aegyo,, she really hates aegyo and his is no exception.

--Kim Jongdae: Hates the guy's guts. She has only really communicated with the guy once and it was an immediate "loathe" at first sight. They are always clashing, Jongdae is more of an up-beat prankster, while MyungHee is sort of the mysterious and stealthy prankster. Both love pranks, but for some reason two people can not be anymore opposing than these two.

--Lee Sungjong: Doesn't know the guy well and doesn't plan to anytime soon. His "flower boy" exterior just makes her cringe at times, she really dislikes cutesy-flowery-guys, she prefers guys that live on the edge and look a little...manlier, in a way. She makes no effort to communicate with the guy, but he seems to have other plans since he would sometimes go up to her when she is alone and try to talk to her. But, she just ends up shrugging the guy off. Not bothering or giving him any mind.

--Kim Myungsoo: "The bipolar guy" is what she usually calls him. Actually, for once, she likes this guy, not romantically though. She likes his split-personalities, she thinks they are interesting, which makes him interesting. She likes to test when he will change, she likes to play around with the guy's mind and see what makes him go off or "switch," as she calls it. Both of his personalities are wonderful, at least she thinks so, since they are both "unique" and easy to play around with. One consistant trait of both of his personalities is that they guy is sligtly naive and a little dense, which enables her to sligthly relate to the guy. Of course she would never admit it.

class interactions:  She rather kill herself than associate herself with any of these people, she doesn't like to communicate with others and rather keep-to-herself. She is almost thought of as the "loner" of the class, yet she is the most troublesome. In general her class is pretty wild, as if there is no rules and no one to stop them. They challenge one another to fights all the time and may even gang up on teachers. MyungHee just likes to watch the chaos unravel itself and may join in when it starts going downhill. She doesn't get along with any of these people, at least she believes she doesn't, and thinks none of them as friends. She becomes easily bored in this class, and so do some other classmates, since when there isn't really any action going on they would use the time in class to catch up on their sleep. People in her class see her as a person that "keeps-to-themselves" so it seems to her that they make it a mission to see who can make her crack first and get her to talk to them. Even though she isn't physically talking with the guy, Kyungsoo seems to be in the lead for this little competition.


love interest (primary): Choi Junhong

his theme song: Troublemaker by Troublemaker [HyunA & JS]

position in the class:  He is known as the guy troublemaker of the class, but he is almost like the maknae of the whole class[since he can be thought of as the most cute and "innocent" of the class, that is if he isn't actually doing anything]

personality: He almost has split-personalities in a way:

--You'll keep getting irritated--

He is a huge troublemaker. He is probably one of the most troublesome of  his class. He can be quite the trickster and loves to pull pranks on practicully everyone. He doesn't only prank his classmates though, no, he would prank the upper-classmen as well, even the 3rd years. He always loves to luagh at the reactions he gets from his victims, he thinks they are interesting. He loves to goof off and fool around, not really listening to his classmates or teachers but goes out on his own and does his own thing. His acions can go a bit to the extreme at times that it may actually hurt the person, he would feel a tinge of guilt but do nothing of it. He can be truly a good person at times, but of curse if you want to survive at the school you can't show any weakness.

--I'm again infront of you--

He can just pop out of nowhere. He has much stealth and agility as well which can enable him to go behind others and scare them. He will do the unexpected. When around him always expect the unexpected" because you will never know what will happen or what he will do. He will just pop out of nowhere, which is what he does to MyungHee all the time. But the thing is that he has perfect timing. It may sound strange but he can tell where everyone is and at the exact time they are there, which is handy in just scaring them. You could just be walking and then when turning a corner, BAM, there he is. I tmay sound strange, and it really is a mystery how he knows the timing for these things, but he truly is committed in his pranks.

--The more I know you--

Remember how it was said that he may have split-personalities, well, it sorta is like that. Since one second he can be his up-beat and playful self, the next second he can be very flirty. Both of his persoanlities aren't that great. Yep, he can be acting like a playful "innocent" kid that just loves to play practicial jokes, but then he could change with a snap of the fingers and turn into a hormone-drived guy. He could, at times, even be worse than Minsoo and Chanhee combined! It's a weird sight seeing a tall, 1st year going around and hitting on some 3rd years, and his "cute' outer appearance doesn't help the cause. He would just go up to the girls and flirt with them, trying to act cute and innocent to lure them in, he might even bite his lip a little and wink at them to make them swoon over him. And, it works. Not to mention that in this phase he can also be quite cocky and self-righteous. Yes, he may have too high  a level of self-esteem, he's not as bad as Wu Yi Fan, but he could get there soon if he stays in the phase too long.

his power: Illusionist

it's drawbacks: It may back-fire on him and he would recieve the pain instead--this only happens when he tries his power out on strong-willed people

the meeting: This time it was Junhong, the newbie freshman, planning one of his pranks again. He was actually going to try out his new illusion trick that he just recently learned on an upper-classman to see if it works. It was another joke of his that he would only use for a minute or so, but when someone came and he tried the prank out on them, his illusion just shot right back at him. He had to take a while to shake it off while a dark figure approached him. When he finally regained his senses he looked up and saw that it was his initial target that he was gonna play the prank on, but from the looks of it she did seem older than he. He wondered how his power reflected back to him, he was thinking if it was not enough practice since his power has never reflected back before. But, he only tried to deny the fact that the girl before him could be stronger than he. The girl just looked down on the guy sitting on the floor and scanned his appearance for a second before putting on a slight smirk and walking away. It wasn't much of a first encounter, and he hardly even knew her name, but how his power reflected back for the first time and how she did it intrigued him. This was their first encounter and certainly not their last.

the standing: Myunghee could hate this guy more, wait, no she couldn't. This guy gets on her nerves too often, she believes him to be worse than a nuisance. She does sort of like him for his prankster sort of nature, but he is too hyper for her liking. He is younger than she, and sure does live up to ther title. She absolutely hates the guy for misusing his powers to trick others, since she believes that he is taking her title of having the "worst rep. of the school." They are almost seen as competitors, both having similar interests, but different personalities, similar to how she is with Jongdae. Whenever they see one another they would give a look of a challenge or a smirk to one another, nothing physically said but their actions speak enough.

the end: Junhong was interested in MyungHee since they first met, neither of them noticed that it was the first "level" of crushing though. Myunghee sees the guy from time to time considering he is at every corner she turns. Junhong convinces himself that he only goes near or follows her because he likes to , but he really is just denying the truth that lies beneath. Considering he does feel jealousy/anger when she tends to talk or "flirt" with other guys, so he decided one day to put an end to it. He unexpectantly went up to MyungHee and randomly shouted to her that she should stop with all of her tricks, this made her confused and she just told Junhong that she can do what she wants and "who is he to tell her what and what not to do?" His anger grew and he randomly shouted, surprising MyungHee and himself as well, that he likes her so she should only look at him. Her confusion and surprised/shocked feelin grew, there was also a tint of a blush on her face, he just scoffed and proved to her that he liked her, by kissing her. She just stood there not moving, not kissing back nor pulling away, when junhong was done he just looked at her for an answer. She just plainly and snarkily stated "Whatever, a kid is a kid. But, I like your persistance and straight foreward attitude, so yes." She then gave a slight smirk to him and walked off, Junhong didn't understand the entire situation but he thinks that she just agreed to becoming his girlfriend, so he jumped up with happiness.

the scenes: --Junhong pops out of nowhere again scaring Myunghee and she reflexively hits/puches him, making him start to bleed a little and fall back--

--Junhong tries to prank one of the 3rd years with his illusion, but it is soon intercepted by Myunghee again[so similar to their meeting]--

--Junhong goes to her class just to bug her, but Myunghee just shrugs him off while the her classmates are looking at junhong weirdly and wondering as to why he is in the 2nd year section--


love interest (secondary): Kim Jongdae

his theme song: Hate You [2ne1]

position in the class: The "TROLL" of the class, he is almost as sarcastic and as great at being a prankster as MyungHee.....almost.

personality: --Words coming out of your mouth are lies--

All of the words that he speak may or may not be true. He is very unpredictable and youcannot trust his words. He mostly does what he does for his own reasons and to help himself. He can be very persuasive and can twist any girl around his finger, he is also able to make people do his bidding if he is able to use the right type of words. Many think of his power as charm-speak because of this, but really he learned to use the right types of words by using other's weaknesses. He can be pretty observant at times and can sense or notice if someone were to be nearby, such as how he noticed MyungHee upon their first meeting. He knows and isn't afraid to black-mail others, and he can use quite the sources and learn quite the secrets for his little "game." Though he is also the go to guy for info, although you can never trust if his words are to be true or not, he could be tricking you as well so one should better watch out.

--your unconcerned love--

He is a person that is oblivious to love as well, well, he is now. He used to love someone and actually had a girlfriend, but after an unfortunate incident of her cheating on him, he now has no concern for other's feelings and only stnad up for himself. He doesn't care about "love" or the feelings of others anymore so he would play around with a girl's emotions and then smash it, thinking nothing of it. He thinks of it as a game, and he is the main "player." He doesn't have any feelings for girls [nor guys!!] he just likes to play around with them in a way. He thinks of it as another joke, "love" that  is, he doesn't believe he needed it anymore to live, so he gave up on it. He doesn't feel anything serious for anyone, he just thinks that 'love" is a nuisance and thought that girls play around with guys all the time so he just wanted to turn the tides.

--You s-s---

He is a huge "TROLL" and prankster really. He loves to play jokes on others and loves to see their reactions to them, usually it makes him laugh. He uses his jokes and pranks as a form of entertainment, since he truly doesn't like school even if they rarely do anything in the class. He is always first one to go against other classmates and gang up on teachers. He loves to reak(?) havoc and piss others off, another form of entertainment. He usually has a smirk on, he smirks more than he truly smiles. he is very  loud and obnoxious at times, likes to scare others and sneak up on people, at times he would just pop out of nowhere. He would sometimes be mistaken as the "Woohyun of 2-D" since he acts like a bully at times but he just shrugs it off and states that it is only for fun.

--I figured yout out--

He can secretly be quite caring?! Shocker. Not many know of this part of Jongdae, but MyungHee figured the guy was hiding something when she compared the time he saved her upon their first meeting and to how he acts towards others at school. It shocked her at first considering she just believed that he was a jerk, but she found he could be quite the softy on the inside. He does have a caring side but only shows it to those he can trust and care for, he actually only has his icy and mean exterior as a cover up so no one thinks of him as a push-over. Plus, electricity is very dangerous and a icy[not literally] element to control, an element that one would need to remove all feelings to control it. He likes to keep his secret personality to himself and if someone were to find out about it he wouldn't hesistate to threaten them and maybe go as far as threaten to kill them.

his power: Lightning Manipulation

it's drawbacks: If there is no electricity or power supply anywhere, he is utterly useless

the meeting: They met upon being classmates. But, truthfully, it was before school even started. MyungHee hasn't been in the school since the beginning/first year, but they met by accident before MyungHee joined the school. Myunghee was just taking a breather by going out for a walk, since she just needed space to think from time to time. It was a nice quiet day until she saw lightning, but this confused her since the news did not call for a thunderstorm anytime soon. Her curiosity won and she went closer to wear the vright light was coming from. She looked from where the lightning point seemed to have struck and saw a guy with lightning in his hand, it was not as if it was hurting him considering he didn't seem to be in any pain, but she went closer wanting to look and see what was going on. She regretted it since the guy seemed to have noticed her presence somehow and told her to stop where she was, this confused her more but she didn't listen and kept on walking foreward. This seemed to have ticked the guy off cause the next thing she knew was that a lighting bolt was coming straight at her face, she acted upon reflex and used her time-stop powers to stop the lightning bolt where it was, Myunghee immediately realized what she had done and she let time continue once again, she forgot of her promise to herself since the lightning was coming too quickly. Also, her mind was oocupied by the promise and regret she felt of her power usage, that she didn't notice the lightning bolt still coming after her, the guy just scoffed before going at "lightning" speed to push her out of the way. When she was safe the guy got off of her and tried to help her up by lending her a hand but she slapped it away and got up on her own "Thanks for the help, but I wouldn't have needed it if you weren't the one that started the trouble in the first place." she said with an annoyed tone, she dusted herself off and left before he could say anything in response. [sorry, if it is a little too descriptive >< sometimes I go a little overboard with explanantions/meetings]

the standing: *same as above

the end: They would end up fighting again like they usually do, but what they are fighting over goes a little too far and soon Jongdae accidentally confesses that he likes her and that he hates how she keeps messing with his head without even doind anything. MyungHee was take aback by the sudden confession and didn't know what to do, Jongdae noticed what he just said and silently curses under his breath but he knew it was too late to take it back, so he goes all out. He takes the schocked MyungHee and randomly kisses her in front of all, MyungHee just stands there with her eyes widened, when he released her from his embrace she just took a step back and touched her lips. She regains herself and says in a very snarky and sarcastic tone "Wow, didn't know ya had it in you. Took ya long it enough though, but better late than never, huh?" He was a little confused with what she meant, but she just rolled her eyes and grabbed him by his collar, forcively making him kiss her.

the scenes: --they fight one another [like a match almost]--

--they recognize one another on the first day and when MyungHee is in his class, so he teases her about him sacing her--

--they bicker and fight whenever they see one another--

girl in themirror

ulzzang(primary): Mikki [Lee Yeon Ju]


hana dul set net

ulzzang(secondary): Lee Hyang Suk


hana dul set net

this isn'tthe end

questions, comments, concerns: Just hope it's up to par ^^ P.S. I have horrible grammar and spelling so please have mercy ><

scene extras: none at the moment, sorry ><

motto: "The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them"

famous last words: " I did what I want and I had a damn well time doing it--with no regrets." She lived her life to the fullest and she followed her own rules. Her life was composed of just her being her, no one to tell her what to do or where to go, she loved her life. But she does feel a little bit of regret of her life being lonely. She did everything, but she never had someone or understood what "that"[having someone you love] even meant or how it felt. Her death being one of an accident, once she dies her last thought was that she was only "weak." She was ripped limb from limb, but never shed a tear or gave her opponent the liberty of hearing her gruesome scream.


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