Kpop Songs Shuffle Game part II (From slat101)


Heads up: i don't have that many songs so they might repeat ><


How to play

- Put your Itunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle
- For each question, press the next button

- Choose your favorite song at the moment, then click next. Start!

1. Who is your best friend? (leader) 

-- Bonamana : Leeteuk (SuJu) [._. How was I able to get a Kpop star to be my friend in the first place?]


2. Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? (maknae) 
-- Ring Ding Dong : Taemin (SHINee) [I'm okay with this, but he's a little too old for my taste :P not that I would complain about having a Kpop idol for a boyfriend ><]

3. Who is your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? (first person who sings/raps) 
-- Burn it Up : YongGuk (BAP) [O.o Why am I always getting those older than I >< but I do like the idea a bit ^~]


4. Best singer in Kpop? (choose who) 
-- Gangnam Style : Psy [O.o well, he is widely popular and known, so...I guess?]

5. Who will ruin your wedding?(main dancer) 

-- Sorry, Sorry : Eunhyuk (SuJu) [Why? Am I getting married to Donghae?]


6. Best dancer in Kpop? (you choose) 
-- Spy : Shindong (SuJu) [Do I need to say anything?]

7. Who is secretly dating Gdragon? (maknae) 

-- Heaven : Ailee (Soloist) [I do not ship them :| I don't care what others say, just no.]

8. Who is secretly dating Yoona? (leader of the group) 
-- What the Hell : YongGuk (BAP) [I'm going to ask the same question: WHAT THE HELL?!?! No, no, no, I will not accept this!! BangSong forever!! ><]

9. Who is secretly dating Suzy? (main dancer) 
-- Secret Love : JongUp (BAP) [Eh, I feel so-so about this couple :/ I am not a huge fan of either but they are both fine]

10. Who do you really admire? (lead dancer) 

-- No Mercy : Zelo (BAP) [FINALLY!!! I can agree on a question!!! Yes, yes, yes!! >w< I LOVE ZELO, so of course I admire him ;P]


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