Shuffle Song Questionnaire [...or something like that :P]


1.) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, cell phone, etc on shuffle.
2.) For each question, press the next button for your answer.
3.) You must write the song title down no matter how silly it sounds.
from thederpchanyeol ; shineeboyfriend
[Heads up, I don't have that many songs yet on my Ipod -__-]
1.) Do you think you're a ert?
-- Heaven by Ailee [._.]
2.) What would your crush say if he/she sees you clothless?
-- Ugly by 2ne1 [Okay, that just stung a little >< I guess it's time to give up on that crush ._.]
3.) If a wolf is about to eat you, you say...
-- Power by BAP [yep, I'm a gonna die :/]
4.) When will be your favorite group's comeback?
-- I Am the Best by 2ne1 [I guess in 2011, or the "Best" year :/ even though that is a year before they even debut???]
5.) What do your parents think about you?
-- Lie Lie by BAP [that I lie a lot :P]
6.) What's your current underwear color?
-- Bonamana by Super Junior [....I don't want to say anything about this....JUST DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEAS!]
7.) What will your idol crush say if he/she goes to your debut showcase?
-- No Mercy by BAP [he will say the title of his group's own song?? or to show "no mercy" to in performing??]
8.) What does your teacher think about you?
-- Warrior by BAP [Sooo, I'm a fighter and I don't give up, right! I'll take that as a "yes"!!]
9.) How old are you?
-- Electric Shock by F(x) [old enough that I need an electric shock to keep me alive or keep my heart beating ._.]
10.) What will you do at your funeral?
-- Ring Ding Dong by SHINee [I'll be ringing the bell to death??? Sounds too sad, huh? ><]
11.) How will you react if your crush sings your favorite song?
-- That XX by G-Dragon [He sure is for calling me "Ugly" XD sweet, sweet Justice!!]
12.) What does your crush think about you?
-- Troublemaker by Troublemaker [That I cause trouble or troublesome?? ._. Harsh...]
13.) What do you want to be in the future?
-- Sorry, Sorry by SuJu [Sorry, Sorry, don't know yet :P]
14.) If you'll ever join a group, what would be your position?
-- Mr. Simple by SuJu [I'd be a guy first of all ._. then I'd be the simple type, so I'd by the Simple kind of guy, I guess? is that even a position???]
15.) What will you do on your graduation?
-- Fight for Freedom by BAP [I fought for my freedom to get out of school, that's how I'm interpreting it xP]
16.) What will your ex say if he sees you as a hot man/woman in the future?
-- NalinA by Block B [so he'd brag that he is so perfect and I should follow him? The Heck?!?!]
17.) How will your parents react if you invented something big?
-- Unbreakable by BAP [they would ask if it is "unbreakable" and if it isn't then they would destroy it ._.]
18.) How will you die?
-- Spy by SuJu [I'd die being on a mission as an undercover spy! Well, that was a failed mission then...]
19.) Does your crush like you?
-- Gangnam Style by Psy [._.]
20.) How will your cousin react if he/she finds you fangirling/fanboying over him/her?
-- Secret Love by BAP [then...we secretly love each other? O.o Oh, God....this won't end well]
21.) What will you scream on your idol's concert?
-- What the Hell by BAP [I'm gonna guess they will be playing the song ._. or that the song quality is bad or the person in front of me is too big that I can't see the concert...I'll go with the ladder]
22.) Are you tall or short?
-- Action by Block B [Ummm...let's just forget about this and "PARTY" instead xD]
23.) What is your ideal type like?
-- A-Cha by SuJu [._. *Idon'tevenknowhowtorespondtotheseanymore*]
24.) Will you ever find 'the one'?
-- Nu Abo by F(x) [ummm...yes? I will already have someone, I guess?]
25.) What will you have as breakfast tomorrow?
-- Fantastic Baby by BIGBANG [My breakfast will be "WOW"]
26.) What will you do when the world ends?
-- Burn it Up by BAP [I will help in the chaos >:D]
27.) What will you do if someone invents a time machine?
-- Nillili Mambo by Block B [I will go and steal things/treasures from different times]
28.) What do your friends think about you?
-- Heaven by Ailee [again? They think I'm heavenly and an Angel, even though I'm sarcastic and a little violent? :/]
29.) What does the principal think about you?
-- Troublemaker by Troublemaker [again? I guess I get in trouble a lot, though I only even got detention once!! it was from being in a food fight ;_;]
30.) Can you describe yourself in a word?
-- What the Hell by BAP [._. I don't know...I guess I can't be described in only one word ;P]
Sorry the songs are sooooo repetative, I only have dowloaded/bought so many at the moment ><


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