How to handle haters

Know what...?

We can never satisfy every soul existed in this world... (I know you know this)

So when someone can't accept our opinion

there's nothing we can do...

Maybe they think they are way better than us or bla bla bla...(as in their opinion)

Not everyone will respect our opinion because they think they are perfect enough to do so...

They are 'all-way-right' and whenever we have an opposite option or preference from them... It's a sin...

We will get bashed...


Whenever i face this...

The thing i do is just treat them nicely



anonymous : Your idol are like @#$%^&*! . They just better off die than living in this world giving me an eyesore

Me: really... Hrmm.. Sorry for that... You should just close your eyes then, because i can't kill them for you. Or if your eyes got worse you should go to the clinic...Or else you couldn't see the world again... (T.T). It's a pity.



anonymous : i hope they will disbanded... shame of you for shipping that group...

me: shame/ shy... oh.. hehe.. i'm really a shy person. Is it a compliment? Does it bother you?Should I change?.. Just for you. Should I be PERFECT JUST LIKE YOU.. =D... 



anonymous : your idol!

me: Do you really want them that badly... Woah! You are so straight-forward.. Hehe... I know that they are hot after all. That's why you can't resist them...=)



anonymous : we hate xxxxxxx and we will never die!

me: seriously...? so you are immortal? woah cool... teach me how to be immortal too... woah!!



anonymous : all (name a fanclub) hates xxxxxxx

me: to all the (name a fanclub)... i'm really sorry... not all (name a fanclub) are like this... i am a (name a fanclub) too. My friend up there just reach her/his puberty. she/he still growing.. Sorry5...



anonymous : on them. xxxxxx are trying to copy yyyyyy!! look at the hair, the shoes, the pants, the tee. the voice...

me: look at you . you are trying to copy me... you have a pair of eyes. a nose. a mouth.... how can we be so identical? amazing!! Your voice? did you get a surgery to get a voice like me? Omo~~ i though it is a gift by God...because we are talking about voice here .. err right? i mean... voice.. human can't "make" voices.... =)



that's all first... i don't know why but whenever i reply this way to a hater comment... i feel at ease... i don't bashed them back... and trust me... this effect is greater than just bashing them back....moreover, we didn't say anything bad... maybe it sound sarcastic (yeah! dats what i'm trying to do) but still there are not bad language used right... 

don't fight fire wif fire...

it burns both sides....






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This is epic

sometimes i do this too :3