An Interesting Idea and Offer



Hello everyone!!


So going straight to the point, I had an interesting idea, and I need someone that would like to be a part of it (that’s the offer part from the tittle ^^).

I don’t know if anyone has done this in this site yet, but even if someone has, I still want to try! Now, I’m not really good explaining things, so bear with me, ok? Here it is:

I want to create a new story, together with one (or more) other author(s), but in a very interesting way.

We’ll discuss the basics of the story, such as genre, the group it’ll be about, the length, and some other things, but that’s it. No more communication or planning on the story. And then, we’ll alternate writing chapters. *One* will write a chapter, properly continuing the previous chapter, and the next person must properly follow *one*’s chapter, and so on. But never knowing what the other would do, leaving almost infinite possibilities to the story. (At the end of each chapter, put ‘Chapter written by *Username*’, so the readers knows who wrote it.)

So, if you’re interested, just contact me (PM, wall post, comment here, whatever way you want), and we can see *wiggles eyebrows*.



Thank you for you attention!!


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Im not a writer but id definitely read it! What an awesome idea!!!
Well unnie, I would love to try that out.^^
Awesome idea !!!