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Cho YoungHee; Scrou



|x| Twisted Self |x|

Aff Name: Edragonista
Daily Activity: 8

|x| I am, who I believe I am |x|

Character Name: Cho YoungHee

  • Youngie
  • ChiChi (combo of Cho + Hee)

Age: 22
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 53 kg

YoungHee is an optimist who takes everything in life positively. Even the most negative thing happening around her, she would always think that there is always a good thing behind every bad thing. To YoungHee, her motto is: 'after the hurricane comes the rainbow'. She would always look at the bright side of things until the people around her could be affected by it. She is a very loyal person too. She is a filial granddaughter to her grandparents and a dependable friend to her schoolmates. She would always be there for them if they need her and she would go all the way to help those in need of help. YoungHee is undeniably worth to be made as a friend. She is also very forgiving for a girl her age. People did things to her and apologizes -some insincerely- and she would forgive them easily even if that person had made her cry her eyes out the night before. Sometimes, she would even ask for forgiveness for someone else's fault and she would never notice how people were using her. 

YoungHee could be stubborn at times. When she decides to do something, she would go through her decision even when others try to stop her or to change her mind. Even her strict grandfather has a hard time making the girl change her mind since she was young. Her grandparents would have a hard time when the girl makes up her mind because in the end she would always come home with scraps and bruises; but with a smile on her pretty face. Finally, YoungHee's biggest flaw is her timidness. She is a very shy of people who she doesn't know especially the opposite gender. In her whole 22 years of life, the blooming lady never even kissed a guy before. She actually lacks self-confidence and in the end it would sometimes lead to being neurotic which worries her grandmother a lot. 

|x| My Past is yet to be revealed |x|


Living at the countryside, YoungHee grows up with her grandparents, farming their way to survive. She was told that her parents were lost in the woods when she was still a baby. She then grows up happily with her grandparents, becoming more and more of a beautiful young lady every single day. Her grandfather was a former General in the army while her grandmother has been a home-maker ever since YoungHee could remember. The people of the village also like the girl a lot and everyone is fond of her optimism and laugh at her stubbornness. One day, YoungHee goes to school and suddenly she was approached by a boy.

Being the timid little girl she was back then, YoungHee blushed several shades of crimson red and wished so much that she could evaporate, disappear or hide in the shadows. The boy had confessed to liking her and had shut his eyes close while holding something out to YoungHee. That was when she felt herself dissolving into the shadows of the tree near them and she saw that the boy was surprised when he opened his eyes and his crush was gone right in front of his eyes. YoungHee was so surprised since she could see the boy but he could not see her. When the boy finally disappeared while shouting her name, she fell onto the ground and cried.

Later, when she came home, YoungHee was welcomed with the sight of her worried grandfather which hardly happens. Grandmother had told her that the soil is infertile and they couldn't do much about it. Maybe they should start praying to the Gods to give them more rain in the coming season. That time, once again, YoungHee wished that she could save her grandparents' crops. She excused herself with the reason to go to sleep early and when midnight came, she went to their huge patch of land with their dying crops. YoungHee had sat down on the dry soil and wished so much that she could do something to make the soil better and make her grandparents happy.

Then she felt herself as if liquified and she slowly became water that flows into the soil and slowly the crops didn't wilt as mush as they were a few minutes ago according to her. She was done and she returned to her original self. She was astonished with her body and nothing, no one could explain to her what was going on. But, slowly, very slowly, YoungHee learns to control the 'magic' she thinks she has and never shows it to anyone, not even her grandparents. Now, she has finally grown up and learns to accept herself for who she is. She even helped people without them knowing and everyone in the village is very happy. YoungHee's grandpaents decided to send her away to the big city to continue on with her studies even when she strongly declines their idea.

But, they know just how much she likes to study and she has a dream on becoming a teacher. YoungHee wants to teach and be around kids since she likes her school teachers a lot. Now, she lives in Seoul, an undergrad at SNUE under the Department of Social Studies Education. 

Persona: Scrou
Powers: Shadow mimicry, Inorganic mimicry, Magma mimicry
Back-up Persona:
Fleur (Animal morphing, Doppelganger morphing)

|x| Mirror Mirror On The Wall |x|

Idol Name: Lee 'T-ae' SeulMi

Backup Idol Name: Kim 'Di' DaRae

|x| You hold the Key to my Heart |x|

Bias name: Lee DongHae
Age: 26
Birth Clan: Collector
Personality: Friendly, funny, intelligent, perfectionist, clingy and childish
How you met:

Having the current heart throbe a.k.a the President of a well-known business company waiting for you each and everytime you go to class and you finish your classes isn't what this timid girl is used to. Previously, they met when YoungHee became a temporary secretary at the Human Resource Department. His secretary had gone 'kamikaze' and ran away from her job for absolutely no reason. Everyone wondered why would she leave a charming and perfect Lee DongHae and left the secretary spot empty. Many had said it was because of the group of jealous DongHae shippers that scared the new girl away. Behind the intellectual mask he always put on to the public, he is actually clingy and childish and his former secretary was fine with his attitude.

But, putting that aside, DongHae needed to find a new secretary a.s.a.p and he, the man himself went down the Human Resource Dept to find one. That was when he saw her distributing some papers efficiently yet with the grace of an angel that he adores at the photocopy room and directly asked for her name. YoungHee blushed like there's no tomorrow and he went straight to her superior's room, which happens to be one of his best friends. DongHae had asked the fatherly man, LeeTeuk; they nicknamed him, about a certain 'Cho YoungHee' to be sent up to replace his secretary right away. LeeTeuk had reasoned with him not to take the girl since she is just there to replace a sick friend, but DongHae took none of it.

What DongHae wants, DongHae gets and he went all childish around his favourite hyung. DongHae made a deal that she becomes his secretary on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (as if he'd always works on Sundays, but he had to strike a deal) while LeeTeuk has to find him a MALE secretary for the other days. The younger male won and finally YoungHee was sent to the top floor of the building. They worked efficiently together combined with her stubbornness on not to fail the people she should be loyal to added with DongHae's perfectionism, they form a really unbeatable business-figure team. College then started, and DongHae would offer to give her a lift since he says that they live close to each other.

YoungHee was really scared of what people would say, but  DongHae, once again, took none of her silly ramblings and pulled the girl into his car. Later on, she confronted him about the statement that 'we live close to each other' when he actually lives miles away from her and that was the time when he confessed. *throws confetti* *slapped*
Relationship: Flirt

Bias name: Lee JongHyun
Age: 22
Birth Clan: Hunter
Personality: Perfectionist, quiet, intorvert, understanding and calm
How you met:

They met for the very first time when DongHae brought her over to his house for a family dinner. He is DongHae's younger brother who works as a private investigator. The brothers are really close to each other; although they differ in personality traits (except for being perfectionists), they have so many things in common when it comes to food, travelling, sports and music, and even on the type of girls. You could say that it is an unrequited love but JongHyun never felt the pain. JongHyun is happy whenever she is and sometimes when her brother is overseas for any one of his business trips, he would always look over and take care of her. He would be the same as his brother, send her to her classes and picks her up after they end.

YoungHee would decline his actions but JongHyun would only give her a silly reason like: 'It's my brother's order.' or 'I'm a private investigator. I know about crimes.' Which the first reason would always give YoungHee's feature a blush he enjoys watching even if it isn't meant for him and as for the second reason she would nod vigorously in agreement and quickly climb into the car into the safety of JongHyun's protection. In time, YoungHee would also have a tiny crush on JongHyun and the feeling would be mutual.   

Relationship: Taboo

My Other Half:

|x| My own World |x|

Suggestions: Nope, not much of a suggestion would be useful from me. 
Scene requests: Fluff? Drama? Battle? I don't know. I like surprises.
Comments: Sorry if I overdid on her love interest part. I got too absorbed with myself. I would delete the stuff if you want me to. I'm even writing a drama between sibling. Oh do hate me for being greedy. Anyway, hopefully my app is fine and doesn't annoy you when you've finished reading. Hope to hear from you soon, author-nim. Please let me know if I should make any adjustments.


Thank you for your time :)




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