Dragon Lords of EXO - Updates you may want to know about


So, what is happening guys? I know some of you would have school, did you have a nice day? I hope so! ^3^

And now, because I want to continue writing - Mianhe! - I shall cut to the chase.

It's about the Dragon Lords of EXO....

It won't be....

Nah, I'm joking! Sorry, I felt like doing that T^T Yeah.... *Runs away and hides in corner for a bit*

Well, to be honest I'm actually writing chapter 5 and it's done! I've just got to correct it now - edit it rather - and then upload it.

I will try to find pictures for each chapter, whenever I get around to it -_-


I'll be starting chapter 6 real shortly and I will upload it by the weekend! Mianhe!

I really am sorry, I take so long in updating!

But, I shall try to update more frequently! But I have like heaps of assignments and stuff, so I may not be able to update every week.

Oh AND i have Naplan testing next week...Waaah!!

Lol, oh well. See you later!



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