New House and CPU'S BACK, ES

Omyagni hai thur. AsianHuntress in le house  seriously these puns are killing me

I've moved into a newer, bigger house, still in the provincial area, but it's a lot cleaner then the other one. And no more termites. Then again, there's this problem with the water constantly going out. Ugh. At least we have running water, though, and electricity.

So...I just got my cpu back, so updates will  come soon, but I'm not gonna promise that they'll be every two seconds or anything, The file for chapter two of 'Runaway' is gone....that depresses me. Anyway, I will rewrite it soon BUT I have recently gotten into the Avatar fandom and, I'm telling you, once you start reading and writing ATLA fanfiction....there's just no going back XD

Anyways, that's all for now. Kthxbai


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I LOVE AVATAR!! Gahh I miss that show, it was the most epic thing that ever happened to me... Beside KPop obviously XD