War Of Zanburik - Application Form



AsianFanfics Username: Edragonista



Appearance: Angelababy

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 with a tattoo on her back


Name: Song Aei Yong


- Yongie: Called by her father and real close friends

- Aei Yong: Called by everyone who knows her

- Dragon: Codename

Birthday: 02 | 04 | 1992

Sign: Aquarius 

Age: 21

Height: 5'8.5''

Weight: 121.3 lbs


Class: Assassin

Race: Half breed; Vampire-Human

Clothing Style: 

- Casual: 1 * 2 * 3 * 4

- Formal: 1 * 2 * 3 *

- Battle: 1 * 2 * 3 * 4


- Inhuman speed, strength, vision and cell-regeneration

-  Blaser R93 LRS2

Para-Ordnance P18.9

Live: Sorry, but no

Dead: Quick and clean, efficient and ruthless

Extra: Dragon would opt for long-distanced assassination. Using her Blaser, she would kill the target from afar without any mercy in one shot. But, if she is required to obtain informations or objects from the target, Dragon would go for close-distanced assasination. Torture first, questions second and third: kill. She is merciless and the best in her field. Although she is a half breed, Dragon is gifted with special vampiric ability. She could sense if someone is telling the truth or lying. It's been her secret all along and even her father didn't know until she became a part of the army; since she wanted to come clean with her father.


About You


Loner - As a loner, Dragon is a person who would avoid or she does not really prefer human interaction and likes to be alone most of the time. There are no real reason for Dragon's solitudeness, but she does not hate people. It could be said that she is actually shy since she does not have a friend since she was a child and she only talks to her father. Many at school called her 'Freak' and she does not give a damn since she knows that the public is too thick-headed to understand the meaning behind: "Leave me alone."

Perfectionist - Adding to what others call her the 'Freak', she is also a perfectionist which makes Dragon crave for perfection. She would be the top student with excellent athletic achievements. Whenever she is around to join an activity or to compete in a tournament, the other students would sigh at the sight of her since they already know the result of the whole thing; the 'Freak' would win. For her studies, she would score on the top, not even leaving any spaces for anyone to actually go against her. Her report cards are clean and perfect, jsut like her. She is also good at hiding her own feelings. Even if she was husrt by their words, she kept a straight face and ignore the harsh words thrown at her. 

Animal lover - Dragon who lacks human interaction and likes to be alone would prefer furry animals' companion. She could be seen sitting alone under the tree with sometimes a dog sound asleep beside her, a few cats playing around with her; which would probably be the only time you get to see her smile or some birds chirping along on top of her while she sings to some weird opera songs. She also keeps a mythical panther at home as a pet. 

Arrogant - Being a true Aquarius, she does not run far from the true meaning of being one. Although it is a flaw - which she has many - but Dragon does not think of changing. Being an arrogant person, people dislikes her mostly because of this trait of hers. Yes, of course she likes to study and all, but being a know-it-all is a major turn off for other people. She would be this walking, talking enciclopedia that not many needs, but later on this trait is very important as an assassin. Arrogant is important? Yes, for her it is the most important thing for her. It's all abut her pride. 

Understanding - Do not fear, Dragon is not a bag full of negativity. She is an understanding person. She could understand what people says between the lines. She would respect others when they needed time, and would leave them alone. She is not the type to pacify others since it does not happen to her. The only person she would comply to is her own childish father who sometimes act as if he is Dragon's son and Dragon is the single mother. Sometimes, people woud even mistake them as lovers, since her father never ages although he is already more than a century old. 


She is named after both her father and her mother. She lives with her father in an Spanish U-styled mansion near the jungle which takes almost a 30-minute drive to reach the little town she lives in. She finished school at an early age since she is brilliant and she had skipped a few grades. Although she is half-vampire, she chooses not to feed on human blood. Although she does, once a month to ensure steady regeneration, vision, speed and strength abilities, she would limit herself so that she would not crave it. She could even eat normal human food, and, oh how she loves Korean dishes. She has a strong physical appeareance and people would turn to look and even stare at Dragon if she is at a crowd which displeases her very much. She is quite tall for a girl and she has a normal weight. Her father would go crazy if she is too skinny for his liking.

  • Likes:

- Peace and quiet

-  Animals

- Running in the woods

- One-to-one combat with her father

- Music

- Chocolate

  • Dislikes:

- Romantic movies and all of the fluff

- Noisy and crowded places

- Vegetables

- Backstabbers

- Dirty places

- Inefficient people

  • Hobbies:

- Combating with her father

- Running in the wild with Spinstar; her panther

- Camping

- Jungle trekking

- Reading and doing research

  • Habits:

- Wakes up real early in the morning

- Picks out all the vegetables from her plate and put them aside in a different plate

- Eats a bar of chocolate when she is shy since she would always carry one or two around with her

- Climbs up trees to haunt for food with Spinstar when the panther is hungry

  • Fears:

- Her father's childishness; she would cringe at the sight of it

- The sound of a grandfather's clock that chimes

  • Trivia:

- Dragon dislikes it when there are passers by coming through the woods where she regularly comes

- Dragon always practice shooting and throwing daggers in the woods

- She would always fight with her father; yes, he would win most of the time, but it became her life goal to beat him

- She would run for hours and hours just to make sure she really feels tired

- Her family; her father and her, goes on 'plasma' diet, where they would only feed maybe once or twice a month

- She would only smile to her father and Spinstar

  • Family and friends:

​- Father | Rhyder Song | 175 | Vampire | He is a really caring and dependable father, although he could be childish at times. He loves his daughter very dearly. He is one of the most feared vampire knights in his country, but when he met Dragon's mother, Rhyder decided to move to the North Kingdom of Zanlani. The human maiden did not know that Dragon's father was a vampire and they lived happily until Dragon was born. Her mother went through a painful pregnancy and labour, and when she gave birth to the baby, she died. His wife told him that she would never want to be like him, but she loves her daughter very dealrly, whatever she would be in the future.

- Mother | Kyoko Fujiima | Deceased | Human | While she was alive, she had been a really kind woman, who took quite her time to process the fact that her husband was a vampire. She felt deceived, but learn to accept the fact slowly. By the time was pregnant, then only she would understand why Rhyder would never let them conceive. Although she does not hate his kind, she never wanted to be one. She went through a lot of difficulties bearing a child of a vampire, but she never showed it to her husband. They did not get much help from  the outside since there weren't many vampire clans that could help them. She loved her husband and the daughter that she would never meet very dearly and smiled in her death.


Ever since she was a little girl, she never felt a mother's love and she learns to live with her father only. Her father, despite showing physical childishness and all-the-smile, it was just a part of his mask. He was actually a ruthless vampire knight back then before he ran away to the North. He took care of his daughter well, but without Dragon's mother, there is probably nothing much her father could do. He could teach her combat skills and all, but being courtesy and manners, it's not his best field, so that is why Dragon grew up to be the way she is. He would always apologize to her, but she took none of it.

An understanding daughter she is, Dragon would never blame her father for anything. She loves her father as equally much as he does to her. Growing up with Rhyder, she learned to be ruthless and skillful as well like her father. She was spotted by one of the royal warriors who happened to pass by the woods where she regularly practices at. She was called to the Palace and was given a proposal to join in the Army. She rudely declines and everyone was shocked at the 'Freak' who was not minding her manners in front of the Ruler of North. He knew what she is like since he is quite well acquaintanced with her father -secretly.

He had put her to test at once and made a deal with her. If she loses, she would be put together under his team of army and if she wins, she would be set free of anything and she could do anyhting as she pleases. While thousands of his men were guarding the battlefield, the King sent few of his best men to be put against her. She fought hard and well, well, you could say that she lasted more than an average royal female assassin. The King of North is very pleased and at once put her into his team of army. Reluctanly she accepted the deal they made and became one of the top best 15 in the North Kingdom's army; as an 'Assassin'. 

Love Rival


Class: Warrior

Race: Half breed; Human-loup garou 


Quiet - He is a quiet and reserved person. DongHae is serious when he is on a mission or if it is something important. His quietness earn him a codename: 'Silent' and they call him that most of the time especially the new recruits in the South's Royal Army team. Being the top in his class, DongHae is needed to educate the younger and less skilled which needs to communicate with the others by telling them what to do and how to do it right. Instead, he would do this work and the only way one would know he is satisfied with something or someone is that he would smile and his features would soften. He is especailly quiet around people he is not well acquaintaced with but he does not hate them.

Playful - Ahha! The side of DongHae that not many knows except for a very few. He is very playful when he is seen hanging out with his closest of friends, but this playful side of him is not really easy for the public eyes to see. It also does not fit him to be seen as a playful warrior although EunHyuk had scolded him a few times about this 'silly point of view of yours'. At other times, people will just see him as a no-monkey-business type of guy although sometimes he is just your average guy who lacks love.

Introverted - This trait actually fits with his quiteness. He does not hate socializing with people, in fact, that is the total opposite. He prefers joining in a conversation, listening to what others have to say, analyse and finally he would speak up. His points are aways useful and he has finally finished saying what was in his mind, DongHae would slowly drift into a little corner or at the balcony alone, and 'recharge' himself after using up so many energy to interact with so many people. That is just DongHae being DongHae and everyone understands; even the King of South.

Childish  - And again, you would be the luckiest person around the South Kingdom is you actually get to see Silent DongHae being childish with his hyungs or friends. But then, every serious person would always have a surprise element in them don't you think? That goes the same to DongHae. He actually hold the principle of being matured only when it requires him to be. The childish side of him is hardly seen and he does well in hiding it.

Caring - All in all, even as a 'Warrior' and top in his class, this guy's heart and soul is not made up of steel and stone. He is a very caring person towards others. This trait is developed since he was a teenager. Figuring out that he is lucky to still be alive, he pities for others who goes through the same thing as he does. DongHae would try to help anyone who is in trouble and show them that he really cares. DongHae is quite popular for this around the South Kingdom even if he is a quiet person. 


Growing up as an orphan, DongHae lived most of his life on the orphanage. The people there were nice and they gave him everything he needed and even more. DongHae was given the opportunity to attend school and even graduate. He was thinking of becoming a commoner who would just work as a farmer or practice medicine by using herbs, find a decent woman, have a few children and die with the one he loves at old age. Little did DongHae knew this dream of him was short-lived when he entered the forbidden woods one night to obtain some ancient herbs. 

  • Likes:

​- Being left alone

- Poems

- Street musicals

- Puppet shows

- Animals

- The sea

  • Dislikes:

- Bullies

- Fortune tellers

- Horror stories

- Graveyard

  • Hobbies:

- Reading

- Researching

- Combating

  • Habits:

- Scratching the back of his neck when he is shy

- Face becomes flushed when he says too much

- Changes into a loup garou when he is extremely angry

- Fiddles with the gold bangle the King gave to him when he is bored

  • Fears:

​- Silver

- Girls, yes, girls 


- DongHae helps out at the orphanage secretly

- He is one of the loup garous who does not have any hatred towards a vampire

- Would only smile and fool around with EunHyuk and SiWon

- DongHae is the head of the 'Warrior' class

- DongHae hardly smiles at anyone

- Due to his shyness towards girls, DongHae would end up glaring at them when they try to talk to him 

  • Family and friends: NONE


When DongHae decided to practice medicine using herbs, he really put all his effort into what he wants to do. So, an old lady came in with her sick grandson. She told him that she had been to many other medical practinioners and even tried the shaman but to no avail. Hence DongHae decided to help and he tried to find the cure. In creating the cure, DongHae's search had led him to the forbidden woods. This woods actually separates the North and South border. And many unthinkable creatures lurk around this woods. While he was searching for the one and only piece of herb left to complete the cure, he heard rustling noises. Out of the blue, a loup garou appeared and bit him. DongHae tried with all his might to fight the creature of him, crying with all his might, but knowing that it would lead to nothing and no one was going to come and rescue him, he stopped resisting and let the creature sink its teeth deeper into his soft human skin. 

DongHae fainted and he woke up maybe days or weeks later. When he got on his way back into the city, many people asked about him. Even the old lady was worried about him. But DongHae despite being in pain after the horrifying encounter with a silver-furred loup garou; said that he was fine despite the dirty clothes and unshaven face. DongHae managed to find the cure and had given the old lady the cure to save his grandson. At another time, when he was fully recovered, DongHae decided to visit the boy; whom the old lady had inform was getting better. On his way, when he saw some Palace soldiers were bullying terrified homeless children, he suddenly got angry, with every possible sense in him burning up and right there and then, he transformed into a loup garou . The King of South was there to witness everyhting and called upon his best Priest and Mage to stop DongHae and to take him to the Palace.

DongHae was put to sleep and brought into the Palace. He was given a proposal to save the Kingdom to serve under His Majesty. DongHae declined while he was in his wolf form and slowly returned to his normal body. He was given the chance to speak to the King idrectly and DongHae voiced his view on justice and all, how he hated corruption even if they were just 'joking' around with the children. The King had agreed to punish a few of his men and kick them out of the Palace in exchange of DongHae's loyalty. DongHae agreed and since then he was trained and taught to control his loup garou's power and how to use it at it's best. 

Relationship: (Occurs when the North and South have to combine together)

AWKWARD - Originally, DongHae doesn't even know that Dragon is a girl. Honestly, when he came across her, she had her hair all tied up into a tight bun and well hidden in her hood. He had informed the King about her and he was really surprised to hear His Majesty told DongHae to bring Song's DAUGHTER into the Palace. DongHae had paled at the fact that he actually thought that Dragon was a boy and even worse he had to escourt the girl into the Palace. He was really quiet when he went to her house, and he never looked at her even once. He only talked to her father and this type of relationship went on until finally she came across him fooling around with EunHyuk. He had to bribe her not to tell anyone about it but she declined it and Dragon told him to stay away from her.


They actually started at an awkward pace. Dragon first met him when he came to the house to escourt her to the Palace. She didn't know what was happening as she walked into the Palace. DongHae happened to be one of the men who were sent int0 the field to go against the girl. His Majesty should have known that he fear girls the most. He had looked reluctantly at the King and he was given a permission to attack his target. That was all he needed; it doesn't matter if his target was male or female, he serves only the King. DongHae had transformed into a loup garou and they battled at a close distant. DongHae felt the girl grow weaker ad weaker by the minute and finally she collapsed to her knee. Never had he seen such fiery spirits in a girl. Later on, DongHae was assigned as her personal close combat partner. They would practice together every evening. They never talked, it was justa comfortable silence.

But one day, Dragon came across DongHae who actually did a childish posture (aegyo) at EunHyuk and Dragon had walked on, which EunHyuk noticed. DongHae tried to bribe her but Dragon took none of it. He had known her for quite a while, well aware of her loner and understanding attitude, but the thing is he just wanted to bother her. He feels kind of warm and fuzzy when the girl actually replies to all his nagging and teasing and even pleading. The girl talks less than he does and it made him think is he as quite as that? He tried to make the girl talk every evening before, during and after practice. He would even feel bored and sneak up on her sometimes in the morning when she was to appointed to do something else. EunHyuk would make fun of him and point out that DongHae actually likes the girl without him noticing it. DongHae had blushed at the thought of it and since then, he avoided the girl and stopped talking to her since he felt very shy and confused with the new feelings he felt.

She felt the lost; DongHae's laughter -which she is the only lucky girl to hear it-, DongHae's nagging -which she is the only who has to stand it-, DongHae's pleading -which she never intend on telling anyone his secret at all. She had to admit that she missed all of it when she felt him slowly groeing apart from her. She wanted to see the guy face to face so that she could confirm on her feelings since it was all new to her and everytime she sees him smile from a distance, she felt that sparks were flying and blushed on her own. All these secret interactions among the two idiots didn't went unnoticed by DongHae's other two friends and they set up a meeting for the two idiots at the King's private lake. With the King's permission, the Mage's magic, and some planning, the lake was turned into a very romantic atmosphere and this is where they shared their first kiss. Dragon or DongHae dominates? I'll let you decide. 

Back-Up Love Rival


Class: Priest

Race: Half breed; Human-God


Funny - KyuHyun is a very funny person. Most of the girls in the North Kingdom -even the Southerners- swoon at the sight of the semi-God guy. He takes things lightly and would make a joke even during the most intense situation. He thinks that if everyone is serious at the battlefield, he at least needed to entertain himself by loosening up the tension filled in the air. The funny trait in him is the opposite of Dragon and she gets annoyed with him although he is the only person who could make her laugh other than DongHae and her father.   

Sarcastic - Oh the sarcasm in this boy is so obvious. He is sarcastic when needed. This trait complements with him being funny. Once or twice, during a meeting or practice or when he helps out during a battle, you could always hear a few sarcastic comments coming from him. No one dares to go against him since they wouldn't want their secrets to be let out. This sarcastic boy, is also a secret keeper, uses the secret he knows to shoot comments at them when he is annoyed.

Helpful - Being the Priest he is, he is very helpful when the people needed him. He is naturally gifted with healing hands since before he was brought into the Palace. KyuHyun serves the people well and he is frequently visited at his home to help cure the sick people. But the case of the grandmother with a sick grandson never reached him since he was on his way into the Palace.   

Intellectual - As a smart boy since he was a child, KyuHyun is gifted with an intelligence of a matured adult. Despite being funny and naughty, people respects him for his brains. He is also the strategist when the North King needed a plan to attack or to stay strong in defense. They would win most of the time due to his correct calculations on the the attacks from the South.

Naughty - KyuHyun is also undeniably a trickster. He is very naughty despite growing up to be few of the King's most trusted  men. He would always play a prank on anyone with fellows warrior; DongHae, assassin; Yesung and ninja; EunHyuk. KyuHyun would be the mastermind among the four of them and they would always have loads of fun together, although DongHae always try to conceal his laughter.


KyuHyun is a good looking Priest with short wine red hair which is obvious among the crowd for his tall, lanky figure. He is well liked by many girls and mayn have come to seduce him. The boy is a choosy one, indeed, and he would always turn them down. He would also sometimes trick the girls and make them meet with one of his single friends instead of meeting him. His mother even tried to match make for him, but he declines it and told her mother that none of the girls are 'sarcastic' enough or 'quiet' enough for him. They all just talk too much with him it makes him sick. Especially when they come to his home, as patients, and whines and clings their way to make him treat them.    

  • Likes:

- Medicine

- His mother's cook

- Books

  • Dislikes:

- Whiny and clingy girls

- Fakers

- People who annoy him 

- Bullies

- People who talks too much, but if it is his friend, he'll let it pass

  • Hobbies:

- Pranking others

- Helping out others

- Reading at the Palace library

- Match making his single friends with the girls who try to flirt their way around him

  • Habits:

- Throws sarcastic comments when people annoy him

- Rolls up the sleeves of his clothes before he starts to heal or help people

- Wipes his sweat with the back of his right hand

  • Fears:

- Loosing his mother

- Lizards


- KyuHyun would treat people seriously even when it's the littlest amount of injury because he likes to save people's life

- He grows up fatherless and many bullied him because of this

- He healed himself when he fell down for the first time at the age of 9

- KyuHyun started serving the King as soon as he turned 16

  • Family and friends:

​- Mother | Mei Tachibana | 55 | Human | She is a very loving mother who cares for her son really much. She is a patient mother who always had to put up with KyuHyun's personality. She would never scold him but gives KyuHyun good advices that KyuHyun will learn slowly in his life while he grows up. Mei is always there for him when KyuHyun needed her. She would also be childish at times and try to match make her son with some unknown girl and he would reject it, as always. It is quite difficult for them to live since she does not have a husband and it is difficult to feed a mouth for two. So from the North country, she escaped into the South border without anyone knowing and started a new life there.


KyuHyun's mother actually conceived with a Healer God (Yakushi Nyorai) when she was kept as a prisoner at the South when she was found collapsed at the grounds of the forbidden woods. It came in a dream and when she woke up the next morning, she felt that her tummy had a little bump. Later on, she was helped by the Healer God for her kindness and her willingness to carry his child; she was set free to live in the South kingdom. Mei lived a quiet life near the edge of the village and fianlly gave birth to a beautiful baby boy which she named KyuHyun which meant 'gracious and 'merciful' in Korean.

While growing up, KyuHyun was mistreated and was bullied and often called 'Fatherless'. He never cared what they said because at home  his mother always reminded him of how special he is and how his father is someone very special, godly even. It is true, but he knows explaining to the other children would be useless and he kept it all to himself. There was once when he was bullied by a bunch of village bad boys at the age of 9. He didn't shed a single tears and slowly picked himself up after the boys were satisfied. That time, they did him real bad and he didn't go home directly. He cried behind the bushes and placed his hand softly on his bruises. He focused all the love his mother give him and slowly soft glowing light appeared from his palm and his wounds slowly healed. He was very surprised and slowly he did it again at other parts of his body. Before nightfall, KyuHyun came home smiling to his mother like nothing happened.

He told his mother what happened and she cried. His mother finally told him the truth his father and KyuHyun had calmly accepted the news although he was surprised inside. He thanked whatever God his mother was praying to and he added an extra thank you to a certain 'Healer God'. Since then, he grows up perfecting his healing gift and more people came to their little hut at the edge of the South village to seek for a cure for their sickness. KyuHyun helped anyone who came to their doorstep and even helped the ones who used to bully him. He was cool and respected that way, KyuHyun never keeps a grudge and he knows that he is special, even when the other children tortured him when he was still a child. One day, he was brought into the Palace to help heal the King's sick little sister and later on the King decided to place him into his troop of special army as a 'Priest'.

KyuHyun was reluctant at first, thinking about how far he is away from his mother. He politely declined the King's offer, stating his reasons which mostly revolves around his mother and finally His Majesty decided to bring his mother into the Palace. KyuHyun had to agree and finally became the top in his class plus as the Royal Strategist. And later on he also follows the King to the North country when a war was declared against the two kingdoms.

Relationship: (Occurs when the North and South have to combine together)

FRIENDLY - Maybe it's a one-sided thingy, these two, or maybe not. KyuHyun would always prank Dragon and she never gets annoyed by it. Most girls would scream and cling to him or cry their hearts out, but not Dragon. He has taken quite a liking to the girl since she is the quiet and mysterious type he has been searching for in a girl. As for Dragon, she simply finds this boy annoying but challenging at the same time. She know that he is always up to something, and there was that one time when she really had to endure the sound of the grandfather clock striking when he palyed a prank on her in the Palace library. He might have noticed this and Dragon collapsed to the ground, clamping her ears tight while she forced her tears back. It was the first time he saw her vulnerable and he hugged her just like how her father would have done. Since then, of course, they were on friendlier terms.


*Just come up with anything. I'm fine. I can't have both so better not disappoint myself. I'm so selfish, aren't I?*



- The battle of course

- A little drama among the two Kingdoms

- Some fluff moments with her love interest


- Nope. Sorry, I at suggestions. But maybe along the way, I'd try to give some suggestions if there are any ideas that pops into my thick skull.


- Do you do ? LOL. Sorry if it's a sensitive issue ;)


- Sorry, the 'Love' section for both of the guys, they're just some random thoughts put together. If you decide against it, feel free to do so. It's just a suggestion, I'm not really a romantic person. I at fluff. And finally, I am done after two days. Sorry for the delay. I hope my app has come to your expectations. If there is anything wrong do let me know, I'll try to change it. I'm sorry if I missed the spelling errors. I'm bad at detecting one. But, I'll repair them if I see any. I hope this app will be considered and thank you for your time :)



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