The Music Library≈ Secret Love ≈


The Music Library Application
                            Secret Love

Personal Info.
     Username : tiffism

     Activeness : About a 7 to a 8 depending on the day and time.


The Basics.

     Name: Song Soomi
               Nicknames: Mimi - this is what her parents & close friends call her, and it is just an affectionate way of calling her. 

                                  Mini - this is what her lover calls her whenever they talk on the phone & what he put her name as in his phone. That way, it keeps her identity a secret. He chose Mini because it sounds similar to Mimi and because of her petite size.
     Age: 22
     Birthdate: 11/04/91
     Birthplace: Seoul, Korea
     Hometown: Seoul, Korea
     Ethnicity: Korean
     Blood Type: O
     Languages Spoken: Fluent in both Korean and English. 

Getting Personal.

 Song Soomi is a spitfire with an attitude as tough as sharp nails. The resident loudmouth reigning as the social butterfly, Soomi is one hard person to miss when venturing down the bookshelves. Perky long hair and a smile that shines just a bit too brightly, she seems like the symbolism of Barbie Sunshine, however, looks can be deceiving. Growing up with two tough brothers was not the ideal setting for a princess. Therefore, Soomi was taught from an early age that if a girl wants to roll in the grass with the boys, she better toughen up. Having a sort of tomboy  mindset when it comes to certain things – mainly when it comes to sports – Soomi is not a pushover. Instead, she is rather outspoken and opinionated. If she has an opinion about something, and she always has an opinion about something, she is not afraid to speak up, even if it can be harmful to others. Soomi much prefers the ugly truth to a beautiful lie, so she feels like she should extend the same thing to those around her. 

                   Overly protective of those who she deem worthy to be her friends, Soomi is willing to do anything to ensure that her girls are safe and happy. Not being one who likes to open up about emotions, she values those who managed to get past the great wall she had built up. Her veins are sparked by her impulsive nature, and what she wants to do she will do it. Life is too short to sit idly by without doing what your heart desires, so Soomi prefers to follow her impulsiveness, and she let spontaneity rule her actions. And she has fun. A natural socialite, Soomi can often be seen chatting it up with people, and out with a group of people. Although, she has a tendency to be a bit too friendly to guys, and thus categorized as a flirt – or a in extreme cases by people who frown upon her – but she could care less. They do not know her, know who she is, and therefore, their opinion does not affect her. She is the princess of Seoul.

                    Firmly believe that sarcasm is the way to go, she used it as a form of wit. But if she were to dig deeper, she would realize that sarcasm is a form of self-defense. This is her way of lighting up the mood, of being herself without having to truly open up all the way. Sarcasm defines Soomi. Always talking, but never talking about herself, she leaves people clueless about herself, about her past, making it hard for most people to know the true Soomi. She laughs like blue jays, walk around with a grace of a butterfly, and have a bite of a black widow, Soomi is magnetic. Often times drawing people in with her charming persona. Unfortunately, she does lack a sort of intelligence, and can often be seen with a blank expression on her face. It is her trademark, and overall, she is just a girl trying to survive this dog eat dog world.

               Song Soomi came from a privileged background. Her father is the owner of a small company that slowly blossomed into a pretty decent size company throughout the years. Her mother was a professional ballerina who gave up her dancing dreams for the love of her life. Living in Seoul, Korea all her life, she and her three other siblings had everything they possibly wanted handed down to them on a silver platter. New clothes? No problem. New shoes? It is a must. She had the life free of any tragedy for the first half of her life, however, not everyone is that lucky. When Soomi was about fifteen years old, the most horrible thing happened to her and her family, one that nearly torn the family apart. Her elder sister was diagnosed with brain cancer and it only took weeks before she cannot escape the cold, harsh death. It was the darkest moment of her life, and Soomi was filled with a grief that she cannot comprehend. For days, her mother refused to leave her room, and her father barely came home. She had to lean on her two older brothers, and from that moment on, the three remaining siblings formed a bond that cannot be cut. However, because of her sister’s death, she nearly failed her sophomore year, and if it were not for her friends, she would not be where she is right now.


               In the present, Soomi is thriving on her own. A recent graduate of a fashion school, she quickly secured a job with a fashion magazine – except she only got the job because of her name – and she is working hard to achieve her goal. Now living with a roommate in a loft, she rarely visits home. It is not because she hates her family – she often eats with her brothers – it was the memories that the home held that drove her away. So she stays away, choosing to spend more time at her work and with her friends. 



  • She loves to eat ddeokbokki. 
  • Coffee - she is a coffee addict and can be seen leaving coffeeshops often.
  • Beaches - she loves the beach, and this would be her ideal place to vacation at. There is something about the smell of the salty ocean, the breeze, and the serenity that draws her in.
  • Red - her favorite color.
  • Lilies - her favorite flower
  • The city lights
  • Kittens


  • Being pushed - Soomi hates being pushed, and would often lecture the person that pushes her.
  • Taro
  • Being woken up by loud noise
  • Spiders
  • Being asked too many questions
  • Velvet materials
  • Coldness
  • The taste of potatoes


  • Home decorating
  • Creative writing
  • Hiking
  • Twitter-ing


  • She sticks out her tongue when she is in full concentration
  • Jumping up and down when she is very excited
  • Laughing in awkward situations
  • Biting her lips when she is trying to think of a way to answer a question


  • Her favorite musician is this Taiwanese singer - Anthony Neely - and she is determined to learn Chinese because of his music.
  • She has an obsession with cheetah print
  • Holds a Stitch stuffed animal when she sleeps
  • She likes to drink, and feels quite proud when she outdrinks boys.


     Ulzzang Name: Choi Seo Hee
               Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

     Back-Up Ulzzang: Park Sora
               Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

     Style: Soomi's style is very much comfy and fashionable. Often times, people would find her in a cute bulky sweater, shorts, and boot heels of some sort. Other time, she would be roaming the streets in skinny jeans, plaid shirts, and boots. She does not go out of the way to put clothings together nor does she wear clothes that is flashy. Although she does have a thing for high-waisted shorts, snapback hats, and beanies.

1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

     Addtl. Info: Soomi stands at 158 cm & weighs about 46kg. She is petite in both height and weight.


     FamilyFather || Song Jaeyoung  || 65 || successful business man in Korea. He came from a wealthy Korean background and is the type of father that loves his work and is so involved in his work that he sometimes bail on family vacations. He is a disciplined man with high morals and standards. He is hard on his children just to push them to be their best. From the start, his attention has always been on the eldest boy and that is why Soomi craves for attention.


Mother: Lee Seo Min || 60 || Housewife|| SeoMin a Korean ballerina whom Jaeyoung fell in love with, and he had met her through a mutual friend one night after her performance. She came from a middle class family in Seoul and had a child out of wedlock, therefore she had to marry Jaeyoung. It was a marriage out of love and adoration, although their relationship had been broken with recent events. She was an insightful and grateful women who taught her children how to just be themselves. She was kind, motherly, and the light in her children’s eyes. Now, she lost that light, leaving her children to take care of her.


Eldest Brother: Song Mark || 30 || currently taking over her father's business. He is the apple in Jaeyoung’s eyes and takes after Jaeyoung alot. He is calm and collected, never showing emotions other than happiness and proudness. He is stern yet patient, overall he is the typical businessman. He is engaged to his high school sweetheart.

Older brother: Song Jin "Song Tyson" || 24 || a bartender at a well known bar in Seoul. He is the brother that Soomi fought with for attention. He is outgoing and playful and always have a different girl on his arms. He is bright and always smiling and cocky. He is hot and he knows it. Soomi and him always seem to fight and tease each other but at the end of the day, she would only go to him for hugs or if it is a bad day. 

Elder Sister: Song Minah || would be 27 || Deceased || Minah is the person that Soomi looked up to the most. Having an older sister means having someone to relate to, someone to love, and someone to look up to. Minah was the ideal older sister, always so caring towards Soomi. She was passive, introverted, and detail oriented. Minah was Soomi's inspiration, her role model, and her death was tragic. 

     Friends: Longest friend with a flirting friendship || Kim JaeJoong || 26 || They are about the same age and met through Soomi’s older sister when she was still alive. JaeJoong started off having a crush on Soomi and after several failed attempts of set up blind dates by Minah, Soomi and JaeJoong agreed to start off as friends and friends is the only thing they become. He is the person Soomi would run to whenever she has troubles, and she would consider him to be her best friend, her shoulder to cry on. Their friendship consists of many laughter and tears; both often claim that they would marry each other if they cannot find their soulmate in the end. He has a tendency to be slightly cocky and arrogant, but he balances Soomi out. He is calm, collected, and devoted to his friendship.

Closest girl friend that always seem to find each other|| CL || 22 ||  The first time they met was when CL was the one to show her around their old fashion school and the second time they met was when they ran into each other at a clothing store. It started off as two students with the same passion that would get together after school to eat and it evolved into them telling each other everything and helping each other out. CL is the type of person that will tell it like she sees it. She is honest, trustworthy, and ambitious. She is also Soomi’s roommate and they have plans on owning their own fashion line in the future.


Her Pabo || Choi SeungHyun || 25 || Choi Seunghyun is one of brother’s friend that have been there for most of Soomi’s life. He is her childhood Oppa, the person that steps in to take care of her whenever Tyson is busy with his work or his girls, and SeungHyun had always viewed Soomi as a younger sister. She had a crush on him during her teenage years, but that had long disappeared. He is strong, quiet, arrogant, and completely a goofball around people he deemed worthy. 

Secret Love.

     Love InterestKwon Jiyong & Big Bang
               Age + Birthdate: 24 & 08/18/88
               Occupation: Music Producer.
               Personality: Kwon Jiyong is an intense person at first sight. His deep stare, voice, and well-shaped figure bring an overwhelming presence. But he really is a child at heart. Having the ability to joke when he is comfortable around someone, he is a fun person to be around. He is mature for his age, polite, well mannered, and is a kind-hearted man. He is not one to do things half-heartedly and if he has nothing to say, he will not say anything at all. He is someone who is always there for someone, he is passionate about the things he cares about, and he is a bit temperamental when he feels like he is wronged.
               How you met: She supposed it was fate to meet Kwon Jiyong. Their first meeting was not all that romantic, but it was memorable. They met on a rainy day in a local bakery when the pair fought over the last strawberry cake, and after a couple minutes of bickering over it, Soomi was the one to persuade the baker to give it to her. And so she left with the cake thinking that she would never ever see the arrogant guy, but she was wrong. She was very wrong. For the next day, when she visited her brother at his place, she ran into Jiyong once more. The smirk on his face only grew as Tyson introduced them, and it turns out, Jiyong was an old friend who her deceased sister was in love with. He was the important guy that Soomi never met.  From that day on, it was impossible to get rid of him.
               How you act around each other: When together, both in public and in private, they bicker like cats and dogs. Both opinionated in his and her own way, Soomi and Jiyong fight. But even though they fight, there was still a tense chemistry between the two. When the times are good, it is really good. And when the times are bad, it is really bad. Their relationship is electric, passionate, and overwhelming. He can be sweet to her, give her the world if he can, but he can also frustrate her to no ends. They get along, of course they get along, but there was no fluff in their interactions. In front of everyone else, they keep their distance, only giving brief eye contacts and smiles, but they still talk like normal, still bicker like normal. In private, however, was a whole different story. In private, they cannot keep their hands off of each other – as if to make up for the times of not being able to touch – and they are much more comfortable with each other. They would laugh about something silly, talk about anything and everything, and he would love her the way she deserved to be loved, but not in the typical romantic manner. It was special, and it was their own.

     Back-Up Love Interest: Choi SeungHyun
               Age + Birthdate: 25 & 11/04/87
               Occupation: One of the employees at her father's company
               Personality:  Be cautious and discreet, Choi Seunghyun is not a man to be messed around with. With a mind that works faster than speed, a face gifted from the Gods, and a powerful stance, he is the most popular guy to set foot in this place. The worst part of it is? Heknows it. Believing that he is better than anyone here, he walks around with an air of arrogance. He is sharp, confident, and does not back down when being challenged. No, instead, he fights back with a vengence. However, deep down, there is something lingering beneath the surface - a warm heart. He has the potential to be sweet, caring, and kind when given the chance.

               How you met: They met when Soomi was just a little girl because he was Tyson's elementry friend. He has been in the family for a while now.
               How you act around each other: They would act the same as they did before. She would pretend to bug him until he talks to her, and he would pick on her as if she was his own little sister. Around the eyes of others, their relationship remains the same - oppa and dongseng - but in private, he treats her as an equal, as his queen, instead of some little girl.

     How long have you been dating?
               They have been dating for about a year now. The tension was always there, but neither of them really realizing it until her 21st birthday. Tyson had promised to bring her to a pier to celebrate her big birthday, however, he was not able to make it. And in order to make it up to her, he sent Jiyong instead. So they celebrated her birthday by going on all the rides, playing all the games, and towards the end of the night, they shared a kiss on the Ferris wheel. Ever since then, she was not able to take him off of her mind, and she begun to text him. It was attraction, they were attracted to each other from the start, and it only clicked in both of their minds after their kiss. So they had more private outings together, not exclusive at first, but after he confronted her about her close friendship with JaeJoong – he had gotten jealous after seeing the friends together – did he decide to make them exclusive by claiming her to be his. 

     Why are you keeping your relationship a secret?
               ►They are keeping it a secret because of her older brother who would surely murder Jiyong for touching his baby sister. They are keeping it a secret because he is Minah's first love, first boyfriend, first everything. Because she was not supposed to like the same person her precious sister did before.

     How do you two meet?
               In the library. At her place when no one is home. At the coffee shop on the other side of the city. During vacations where he would take her to her favorite beach.

     Has there been anyone who somehow got to distract you from your relationship?
               You could say that Kim JaeJoong has always been a distraction in some way or form. He is her best friend, and she is his on again and off again crush. There have been times where she had wondered what it would be have been like if she got with JaeJoong instead, but their friendship is one that she cherished so much. 

     Have you had any thoughts of stopping this secret love?
               ►Many times, each time when her sister pops into her mind.

     Have there been any problems in keeping your relationship a secret?
               Of course. Close calls like Tyson coming home too soon or CL coming back too soon.

The Library.

     What is your connection to the library?
               ►A regular visitor.

     How did you find out about the library?: 
               Through Kwon Jiyong.

     How did you find your destined song?
               She found it by accident when she was browsing through songs when Jiyong had cancelled on her.

     Do you plan on going back to the Music Library?: 
               Yes, to see if that song is truly her fate or if there were another one more fitting. She would visit the music library to see her fortune/fate.

Goodbye is the New Hello.

     Comments, Suggestions, Violent Reactions?
               ►This idea is so perfect and the plotliines seem so amazing.

     Scene Requests?: 
               ►One where her brother caught them together. Other than that, I am very open to any scene and anything you throw at Soomi. She is now in your capable hands.


     Anything Goes: 






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