Song Song



username : tiffism
activeness level : ~7
i just wanna know your name
character's name : Song Soomi
nickname(s) : Mimi - It is just a more affectionate way of calling her || Tiffany - Her english name
age : 22/23
birthdate : 11/04/1991
birthplace : Seoul, Korea
hometown : San Francisco, California
ethnicty : Korean
blood type : O
height : 155cm
weight : 42 kg
i'm y and i know it
ulzzang's name : Park Sora
picture links : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7
backup ulzzang's name : Baek Sumin
picture links : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
appearance : She has a cross tattoo on her hand like this - picture
style : Soomi's style is very much comfy and fashionable. Often times, people would find her in a cute bulky sweater, shorts, and boot heels of some sort. Other time, she would be roaming the streets in skinny jeans, plaid shirts, and boots. She does not go out of the way to put clothings together nor does she wear clothes that is flashy. Although she does have a thing for high-waisted shorts, snapback hats, and beanies.
casual: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
formal: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
dorm: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
practice: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
what are you doing today
personality : With cat like eyes and a pretty smirk, Soomi is the epitome of mysterious.  Always talking, but never talking about herself, she leaves people clueless about herself, about her past, making it hard for most people to know the true Soomi. She laughs like blue jays, walk around with a grace of a butterfly, and have a bite of a black widow, Soomi is magnetic. Often times drawing people in with her charming persona. Unlike other people who do not know they have this affect, Soomi knows it and uses it to her advantage. ‘Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.’ Say that to Soomi and she will look at you like you have two heads and respond with something dripping with sarcasm. Sarcastic to a T, she relies on this as a source of humor, as a way to defend herself. Not born with comical talents, this is her way of lightening the mood. Flirty and fun, this girl knows how the best places in town to have a good time. A socialite and a partier, she believes that you live young once and might as well enjoy it before your youth is gone. Soomi parties, drinks, and is just overall a pretty wild child with a decent head on her shoulders. A downside to Soomi, one of many, is that she is a natural flirt. Little touches, small pouts, and charming words, Soomi is able to flirt like no tomorrow. Like most artists, Soomi is very passionate about the things she cares about – work, friends, family, and emotions. Devoted to her work and her passion, Soomi is willing to stop at nothing to better her voice and music. Often time singing her heart out from any materials she can get her hands on, Soomi prides herself on being creative. She thinks she is the best, therefore she is. She is fiercely protective of those she deemed worthy of her attention. Talk bad about her family and your face meets her tiny fist. Push her friends around and she will seek revenge in the worst way possible. Not one to be picked on, she has a blunt mouth on her. She will defend her own until her last dying breath. Which means she is also very possessive and jealous of those she thinks is hers. She does not take any bull; in fact, she will call you out on your bull. Believing that there is no such thing as a beautiful lie, Soomi rather tell the ugly truth even if it hurts your feelings. She does not tip toe around subjects and if you ask for her opinion, you best be prepared for the worst. However, that does not mean she is heartless. Having a tendency to smile and laugh, Soomi actually have a kind heart. She means well, but sometimes, her best intentions turns out to be the worst. A positive outlook never hurt anyone. The loss of her sister was a tragic one, but it was not an impossible one to move on from. Soomi is vulnerable, capable of feeling emotions to the extreme sometimes, but she likes to bottle those things in. You do not see her cry; she will refuse to cry in front of you. Instead of showing you that she is sad, she would rather smile and brush it off as a joke.  Feeling like she can only rely on herself, she has to be tough. Overall, Soomi is just a girl. 
background  Song Soomi came from a privileged background. Her father is the owner of a small company that slowly blossomed into a pretty decent size company throughout the years. Her mother was a professional ballerina who gave up her dancing dreams for the love of her life. Living in Seoul, Korea until Soomi was about twelve years old, she and her three other siblings had everything they possibly wanted handed down to them on a silver platter. New clothes? No problem. New shoes? It is a must. She had the life free of any tragedy for the first half of her life, however, not everyone is that lucky. When Soomi was about eleven years old, the most horrible thing happened to her and her family, one that caused them to move to America to try and escape it. Her elder sister was diagnosed with brain cancer and it only took weeks before she cannot escape the cold, harsh death. Grief stricken, her father made the decision right there and then to venture into the American market with his company, moving all of them to the lovely city of San Francisco. It was after the move to the glorious city of arts and fashion did Soomi discovered her love for music and her talent for making them. 
likes : 
  • Beaches, there is something about the sound of the waves, the sand, and the smell that Soomi loves
  • Fire
  • Cheetah print
  • Clothes
  • Shopping
  • Stitch
  • Coffee
  • Red
  • Lilies
  • City lights
  • Drinking
  • Social Networking
  • Sleeping
  • Makeup
  • Heels
  • Kitties
  • Rain hitting the windows
  • Winter
dislikes : 
  • Being alone
  • Summer
  • Cheaters
  • Romance
  • Two-faced people
  • Being pushed
  • Too much fondation 
  • Spiders
  • Liars
  • Being touched
habits : 
  • She sticks her tongue out when she is thinking
  • running a hand through her hair when nervous
  • jumping up and down when she is excited
  • mumbling to herself when someone of high authority questions her
  • biting her lips when she is sad
  • making the first move when she likes a guy
  • lowering her eyes when someone hurt her feelings
  • laughing in awkward situations, whether it be at a funeral or in front of someone new
fears : 
  • Spiders
  • Disappointing the ones she cares about
  • Free-falling
hobbies : 
  • Checking her Twitter/updating her twitter
  • Reading
  • Playing little games on her phone
  • Dancing
trivia : 
  • Obsessed with cheetah print
  • She sleeps with a Stitch stuffed animal
  • Does not prefer to wear pants, but she still does
  • She can hold her alcohol, often times found drinking with the boys
  • When she arrived back in Korea, she had 4 luggages. One for shoes, two for clothes, and one for other things.
  • She sleeps in a fetal position
  • She likes to hug people, but hate it when people are the one to do it first
  • She loves to eat fruits
  • Soomi always knows what is going on during weekends.
  • She loves coffee and is often seen carrying coffee  in the mornings
  • Her ideal type is Choi Seunghyun of Big Bang
  • She laughs really loud.
  • The show that she wants to be on the most is Running Man
  • She hates sweet food like cake, cupcake, ect.
  • Has a fangirl crush on Taiwan star Anthony Neely.
persona : If Park Sora is her faceclaim: Mong Mi - her face usually has this blank expression. || If Baek Sumin is her faceclaim: Bagel doll - for her baby face and slighty curvy body.
stage name : Soomi
trainee years: 4 years
training life :  Soomi's four years of trainee experience was a blast. She was a loud one with a big personality that came from America so making friends was easy. Befriending the other American Koreans with ease, she instantly became attached to Tiffany, Key, and Jessica. She was never left out from the events other trainees have and would go eat with them often.  Soomi quickly rose to the top as one of the threat trainees and she would spent most of her time picking on the newer trainees and looking out for ones that seem as a threat to steal her position away. It was not long before her face showed up in Music Videos, dubbing her Music Video Princess.
singing twin: 1|2 
dancing twin: 1|2 
rapping twin:  1|2
position : 
leader, main rapper
sub vocalist, rapper, face of the group
main vocalist
lead vocalist
maknae, lead rapper, lead dancer
sub vocalist, main dancer
i love you
parents : Father || Song Jaeyoung  || Alive || 65 ||  successful business man in San Francisco. He came from a wealthy Korean background and is the type of father that loves his work and is so involved in his work that he sometimes bail on family vacations. He is a disciplined man with high morals and standards. He is hard on his children just to push them to be their best. From the start, his attention has always been on the eldest boy and that is why Soomi craves for attention.
Mother: Lee Seo Min || Alive || 60 || Housewife.|| SeoMin a Korean common girl that Jaeyoung fell in love with on one of his business trips. She came from a middle class family in Seoul and fell in love with Jaeyoung and had a child out of wedlock. She is an insightful and grateful woman who taught her children how to just be themselves. 
siblings : Eldest Brother: Song Mark || 30 || currently taking over her father's business. He is the apple in Jaeyoung’s eyes and takes after Jaeyoung alot. He is calm and collected, never showing emotions other than happiness and proudness. He is engaged to his high school sweetheart.
Older brother: Song Jin "Song Tyson" || 27 || a bartender at a well known bar in Seoul. He is the brother that Soomi fought with for attention. He is outgoing and playful and always have a different girl on his arms.He is bright and always smiling and cocky. He is hot and he knows it. Soomi and him always seem to fight and tease each other but at the end of the day, she would only go to him for hugs or if it is a bad day. He is the one that keeps an eye out for anti fans and informs her about it.
Elder Sister: Song Minah || would be 20 || Deceased || Minah is the person that Soomi looked up to the most. Having an older sister means having someone to relate to, someone to love, and someone to look up to. Minah was Soomi's inspiration, her role model, and her death was tragic. 
friends : Close friends with a sometimes awkward feeling: Kwon Jiyong || 23-24 || The first time they met when Soomi was struggling with Korean words one late night at this cafe and he happened to walk in on her. She was so frustrated that tears almost fell and he felt bad for this person and decided to help her. From that night on, he seems to always show up whenever she is having a mental breakdown and from that developed a good friendship. 
Closest girl friend that always seem to find each other|| CL || 22-23 ||  The first time they met was when CL was a trainee for JYP and the second time they met was when they ran into each other at a clothing store. It started off as two trainees who came from different countries that would get together after practice to eat and it evolved into them telliing each other everything and helping each other out.
Longest friend with a flirting friendship || DBSK JaeJoong || 25-26 ||  Even though there is a tiny between the two, Soomi and JaeJoong just hit it off. Soomi and her Jessica were having lunch one time and met DBSK at the restaurant. JaeJoong started off having a crush on Soomi and after several failed attempts of set up blind dates by Jessica, Soomi and JaeJoong agreed to start off as friends and friends is the only thing they become. He is the person Soomi would run to whenever Nichkhun is not available and she is the person he would go to. Their friendship consists of many laughter and tears, both often claim that they would marry each other if they cannot find their soulmate in the end. Although he did introduce Minah to TOP.
best friends: Best Friends: 2PM Nichkhun || 24-25 || They met when she auditioned for JYP (but didn't get in) and they were paired together for a dance routine and they just hit it off because both speak fluent english. He is someone that is important to her. They have a great friendship where together it is really fun but they are always there for  each other if they need it. They would often times meet up for coffee once or twice a week to catch up. He would be the first person she would call with news and that goes the same for him.
rival : N/A. Soomi is one of those rare ones who do not see people as rivals, instead, she views them as a helping stone to better herself.
i fell in love on a sunny day
love interest : Nickhun
age: 24-25
group: 2PM
personality : His pretty boy look, adorable smile, and tall figure brings an overwhelming presence. But he really is a child at heart. Having the ability to joke when he is comfortable around someone, he is a fun person to be around. He is mature for his age, polite, well mannered, and is a kind hearted man. He is not one to do things half heartedly and if he have nothing to say, he will not say anything at all. He is sensitive about his looks and finds himself not all that attractive, but Soomi thinks otherwise. He is someone who is always there for someone, he is passionate about the things he cares about, and he is a bit tempermental when he feels like he is wronged.
have you met?: Yes. It is mentioned above in the Best Friend section. I'm a er for best friends falling in love.
how close are you?: Bffs yo.
backup love interest : Kwon Jiyong
age: 23-24
group: Big Bang
personality:  Kwon Jiyong is a very warm person. 4-d to the max, he is able to bring laughter to everyone just by his innocent actions. He is modest, sweet, and romantic all at the same time and he wants nothing more than to find the perfect girlfriend. He is neat and tidy with the tendency to be motherly at times. JaeJoong is attentive to other people's needs. He is bright, positive, and loves to laugh. Over all, he is sort of like the male version of Soomi, except he is more tender while she can be more rash. 
have you met?: Yes. Mentioned above also.
how close are you? Friends.
i'm sorry— (optional)
ex lover: I actually think that having an ex in the group would be interesting. As in, Soomi dated one of the guy members before and all. But it is up to you, and I'm willing to give more input if it sounds interesting.
why did you break up?:
how do you act around each other now?:
i wish
comments/suggestions : Chessboard (Black King, Black Queen, ect) || ROYAL blue
scene request : To be honest, I am not picky about scenes. I am happy if I get at least one angst scene and/or fluff scene.
password : 


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