So today I had my last orchestra concert because I'm a senior. When we got to our second song called "mountain spring" by Dean Marshall I started to get teary. Then when we played to the beginning middle half II stated bawling and dropped out and hid behind the curtain. My bass buddies and the teacher saw me crying. GOD BLESSED me with awesome people. So this is why I cried : I cried tonight not because I'm a crybaby, but because I'm going to be a Wausau West ORCH DORK class of 2013 alumni. Being with my fellow classmates ever since 6th grade and knowing that we'll go our seperate ways soon. Having an awesome BASSPLAYER teacher and being able to talk to her about anything, being a second mom to many of us. Leaving behind the lower classmen where I've spent memorable memories with. Forming an awesome BASS CHOIR playing and jamming to GUNS N ROSES. One thing that I'll never regret doing is signing up to be an orch dork and meeting other orch dorks with many different personalities like the "Harry Potter jellybeans" meeting different people with many different flavors. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to experience what I've experienced for my high school career. Ill miss everyone even though I'm just going to college in town. Ill definitely miss my bass. Its been three long years. And hopefully I own one again.thanks orch dork buddies! *throws hearts*


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