
Haha, ever since Ricky and L.Joe told me about their new album No.1 I have not stopped listening to it. It is seriously addicting, Miss Right and Mr.Bang are always stuck in my head. I was in my english placement class when my hand phone went off and I busted out singing along to it, the song that played for my ringtone was Mr. Bang. You could not imagine the look on the seonsaengnim's face when she heard it, the other students bust out laughing some even sang along. I was scolded by Mrs. Lee for though. >.< No before any classes I takes I will makes sure my hand phones sounds is off!

If you have no idea what I am talking about then you should check it out.

Mr. Bang:

Miss Right:


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My mother is addicted to miss right. I literally caught her sing the song while she was doing the laundry.
She use to yell at me for playing the song so much and now I yell at her for playing it too much. XD
I have a feeling she's listening to it right now...