Randomness from TOPgirl1 again~


Do you believe there is life on other planets? Yes

Do you believe in miracles? Sure, why not

Do you believe in magic? No

Do you believe in Satan? Yes

Do you like roller coasters? I wish, I have major motion sickness, so can't really ride them!!

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? Depends on what it is



Have you ever asked someone out? Of course!! 

Have you ever been asked out by someone? yes

Have you ever been to the ocean? Yes of course!

Have you ever painted your nails? NO!



What is the temperature outside? 68 degree F

What radio station do you listen? nothing specific

What was the last restaurant you ate at? McDonalds

What was the last thing you bought? a new gucci watch 

What was the last thing on TV you watched? Do not remember the name of it ^.^



Who was the last person you IM'd? My baby Zelo

Who was the last person you took a picture of? My best friend Tae~

Who was the last person you said "I love you too"? My girlfriend

Ever really cried your heart out? no

Ever cried yourself to sleep? no

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? no

Ever cried over the opposite ? Nope

Do you cry when you get an injury? no

Do certain songs make you cry? Haru Haru...nuff said.



Are you a happy person? Definetely

What is your current hair color? purple, blonde, brown, and pink

What shirt are you wearing? A grey PJ shirt

Shoes? my white gucci shoes

Necklaces? a silver chain

Underwear? spongebob boxers 

Eye color: Brown originally, but I wear blue-green contacts 

Short or long hair: really short, boys mohawk type thing 

Height: 179.5 cm...I know that I am tall for a girl!


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