Kaisoo/Kai Thoughts

I think it's kinda odd how so many Kaisoo fics are about Kyungsoo having a big crush on all around perfect and cool, "girls want him, guys wanna be him" Kim Jongin when in almost all gifs, videos, fan accounts, etc. involving Kyungsoo and Kai, Kai initiates the most Kaisoo moments first. For example, staring (lovely) at Kyungsoo, as if he's the cutest thing in the world, until Kyungsoo feels his stare and stares back.

I find this dynamic way more interesting than the "Kyungsoo crushes on Kai who doesn't know he exists" concept, considering how Kai is at god status yet when not preforming is so un- god like. Whereas Kyungsoo comes with his own stereotypes, being the cleancut sort of boy next door since he's always dressed neat and tidy. He's seen as the type that would push his confession into the hands of the most popular guy at school before running away in nerves. (Now I really want to write something like that.)

Also, Kai is so shy and easily embarrassed. When people write him as super confident, I get confused. Are we talking about the same person? But since it is fiction, I know personalities can be tweaked to make characters smoother. (Besides, my Kai characters have their own confidence levels too so who am I to talk.)

And the fact that he's such good friends with Taemin, who has a similar personality, makes him even more interesting to me.

He literally is two people at once. He literally is Kai sometimes and Kim Jongin at other times. (Personally, I prefer the real Kim Jongin because Kai knows he's hot and I can't deal with guys knowing just how great they are, plus I'll take genning smiles over seductive smirks any day CALL ME CRAZY.)

Wait, what was the point of this. I don't know. I just have a lot of Kai feelings that transmit themselves onto my Kaisoo feelings.


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But sometimes it's easier to write Kyungsoo as the shy kid and Kai as the confident y dancer. I do try to change it up with my recent KaiSoo stories though.

And of course, Jongin >>>>>> Kai.
I know right...
Kai usually looks at Kyungsoo, but you know. I'm okay with it, cause at least there is a story.
Although, I'm a bit more Kyungsoo biased.