☬ Obscure; The Paradox Application »「Chang Sook」



username: Edragonista  activity level: 4/5


Who Am I?

Name: Chang Sook

  • Sookie - everyone calls her that since she only introduces herself that way
  • Pathia - given to her when she joins Obscure since it is also a short form of 'Telepathy' in a different language

Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Korean
Date of Birth:  02/04/1994 (M/D/Y)
Age: 19
Blood Type: A+
Weight: 47 kg || 103.6 lbs 
Place of Birth: Incheon, South Korea


It's Only A Mask

Apperance: Han 'Kite' HyeYeon
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back up: Deechul
| | 5


Casual: | 


Formal: 1 4

Working: 1 | | 4

Other:  Tattoo on Sookie's back since she was a child. Her parents think that she was cursed and abandoned her


Into The Depths of Me


Introverted - Sookie is not really a loner, let alone being a shy person. She is fine being in a large crowd, yes, she does enjoy social interactions. But to her, having an alone time after she interact with people is the best moment for her. People would sometimes mistaken this trait of her as a sign of depression. Being alone would give her the time to think and savour the moment of exploring and figuring out her thoughts and feelings as well. 

Reserved - Sookie is really secretive and she hardly expresses her feelings. Behind her smile and laughter, Sookie hides her feelings well, and not many could interpret if she is actually hurt or not. When someone has the ability like she does, it is not difficult to guess what others think about her. She doesn't even have to become Einstein to guess, she could hear their thought well! Hence, she has lived with many lies in her life. And yet again, this trait she has would be mistaken as 'unsociable' by some people.

Patient - Waiting is never a big issue for her. She could possibly be the most patient person on Earth -exaggerating much- since she always wait for others without any complains. This is an advantage where people respects her the most to the point of ridiculousness. At the supermarket, she doens't mind waiting in a long line for almost half an hour just to be turned down by the 'nice' cashier who would put up a 'LUNCH' or 'NEXT COUNTER' sign when her turn comes. She would just move on to a new line, and wait, again.

Self-conscious - This trait could be considered as one of Sookie's flaw. She cares too much of what others would think of her. Physically, she thinks that she is a very short person and envies other people who are naturally tall when her height is actually fine. She gets really worried when people ask her if she is fine or is she eating well. She would think that she is too fat and many people would hate her. Being abandoned since Sookie was a child, she would want to be perfect for other people so that she could feel like she is accepted. She also thinks of herself as a freak when she could hear voices of the people around her even if they're not talking.


  • Peace and quiet - Since she is an introvert, some quiet and peaceful moments are heavenly to her and when there is no one around, she wouldn't hear any unwanted voices around her
  • Flowers - The old lady who took her in to live and work in her little florist shop when she tried to steal the lady's flowers at a very young age and try to eat them -I know, sounds pathetic, right?
  • Bibimbap - The only decent food that she is very excellent at making and creating new bibimbap recipes when she lived with the old lady
  • Cat - When the old lady took her in, she was welcomed by a house full of cats. Although at first she feared them, but in the end, she learned each and every one of their names and grow to love cats
  • Tattoos - The  tattoo on her back appeared since she was a child. Her parents think that she was a freak -an alien, even- and abandoned her. She came to like the tattoo and many others. She feels that she survived because of the tattoo
  • People with pure thoughts - Since she could obviously hear people, she tends to like listening to the pure-hearted souls way of thinking


  • Parties - No, she is not shy, remember? But being around too many people for a very long time could almost suffocate her and she dislikes that, a lot
  • People with bad thoughts - Ughh, don't mention it. Some of the customers are so bad and she would mentally kill them in her mind with a sweet smile plastered on her face
  • Technology items - Cellphone? Nope. MP3? Nope. Radio? Nope. She just dislikes them cause she would easily break these things. The world is rapidly growing with all the technology and stuff, but she is kindda left behind because of this
  • Loitering - Yes, waiting is alright, but loitering or as what Sookie refers to 'waiting for nothing' is a big waste of time. Man, there are so many things to do in life instead of lazing around doing nothing. She just dislikes the idea of it.
  • Ramen - Sookie would like to apologize to ramen lovers, but this kind of food does not suit her at all. The last time she tries to eat ramen when she was a teenager, she vomited -every single content in her stomach- and never touched any of them ever since


  • Gardening
  • Reading
  • Collecting flowers
  • Making scrapbooks


  • She would rub the bridge of her nose when she is lying
  • Sookie would always her lips
  • Sookie smiles when she tells the flowers her problems
  • She would examine each and every one of her fingers, from her hands then her toes, while she waits for something or someone


Who Is This Family You Speak Of?


Guardian | Chang RuWon (OC) | 55 ]

Family History:

Sookie never remembered who her parents are since they abandoned her when she was a child because of her tattoo. She doesn't have any memories of her past while she was still a baby or even as a toddler. That part of memory in her brain was left blank, like an invisible hole and she never understands why. One day, she just knew that she was extremely famished that she decides to steal a lady's bag full of flowers. No one taught her anything and she looked at the beautiful thing in her arms. They were so colourful and they smelled really nice.

She hid herself not too well since the lady found her on a dirty alley, trying to munch on her flowers. The lady was so shocked at the sight that she took pity on Sookie and brought her home. Sookie doesn't even know how to speak back then and the lady helped her through thick and thin. She was home-schooled by the lady whom makes Sookie call her 'Ahjumma', and taught her everything. Sookie is really thankful of the old lady and she works at the lady's shop to pay for all the things the lady had done. Sookie couldn't ask for more and she wants to repay the old lady.

Years and years after that; when she turned 16, she suddenly heard what the old lady say and directly did as she was told. She thought that the old lady was talking to her and she even conversed with the astonished woman. Ahjumma suddenly said that she never even uttered a word yet Sookie knows what she was thinking of. The girl is very surprised and when customers came in, she hears more and more voices talking together at once. Sookie was so shocked and afraid that she faked a stomach flu and hid herself in the tiny room above the florist shop they live in.

The old lady came back to check on her and said that Sookie should go see the doctor. Her mind was racing with ideas, but she found no solution. Left with no choice, she followed the old lady to the hospital. There, she heard thousands and thousands of voices and she shut her ears to block all of the negative and positive thoughts mixed together. She was left with a dilemma and she fainted. When she was awake, she was already lying on a hospital bed with the old lady beside her. She wanted to reach out for the old lady's hand but she felt that she was being restrained.

Then she heard the old lady's voice even when she is not talking. She disliked the invisible voice that was coming from the old lady and she screamed in fear. Suddenly, she could sense that people were coming and more horrible voices came pouring in. The doctors and nurses came in and they toppled her to the side and revealed her tattoo. She heard voices, lots of them and they were thinking of 'It's glowing?!' 'Why is she alive?!' "I think I'm going sick.' 'What is she?!' and the last one that hurt her the most was 'Monster' which came from the old lady herself.

Her brain couldn't help it anymore, the voices were too overwhelming for her and she started choking in between her muffled sobs. Suddenly, the room was filled with darkness and once again thousands of voices came through her mind, like the flow of water. She wanted to shut her ears, but to no avail since she was still tied. Then, she felt that her hands were freed, and a pair of hands crept slowly across her back. She couldn't hear anything anymore and she felt safe in the arms of the stranger. She felt her eyelids grow heavier than heavy and fell into a deep slumber.

When she finally got up, she came to a different surrounding as she opened her eyes and she heard different voices, strangers, but their thoughts were likeable and she looked around. Suddenly, she saw a female beside her, who was smiling gently at her and said: 'Welcome, Chang Sook. This is Obscure and I'm glad you're finally here.' The lady; with angel-like features, had wonderful thoughts and she was thinking about supernatural abilities. As if reading her mind, the lady explained everything she wanted to know.


My Only Real Family

Best Friend: 

Lee TaeMin | 19 | Obscure member (Sonic scream) | Same-aged best friends | TaeMin is a shy yet kind individual. TaeMin knows that she has trust issues and he approaches her first. TaeMin cares about everyone around him and he is well-liked. TaeMin came earlier than Sookie and she feels safe being around TaeMin. TaeMin is the only one who could penetrate her secretive trait and she is very thankful that TaeMin understands her. But sometimes, this best friend of her would annoy her by being clingy and childish when he sees that she is unhappy when she suddenly gets into her 'alone time' mode. Sookie would laugh at her friend's reaction and would smile again because of him


Son GaIn | 22 | Obscure member (Death sense) | Friends | GaIn is the kind of person that Sookie respects a lot due to her personality. GaIn is quiet and gives off the mysterious vibe around her. She doesn't talk a lot, but when she does, the things that would come out are things you don't really wanna hear: 'death is approaching'. Yup, scary right. Well, that's not the only thing she talks about, GaIn likes Sookie since she thinks that they have something in common about their background. She too escaped from a hospital, but hers is an asylum instead


It's Supernatural

Power: Telepathy + Enhanced tracking 
In Particular: When Sookie uses her power, the tattoo on her back would glow. To avoid people from noticing this, she would always wear dark clothes and layers of them. Or sometimes, she would stock up her medicine kit with back-pain patches and put them on her back. When she finally joins Obscure, the members never look down on her glowing tattoo and they accept her for who she is


  • Being trapped in a small room
  • The sight of blood


  • She is never an active person, hence, she lacks stamina. She is always out of breath during outdoor training
  • Sookie has technophobia. Even after she was in Obscure, she is very afraid of electronic devices although TaeMin tries very hard to help her


  • Able to block and unblock people's thoughts after she came to Obscure. There are even others who she could mentally communicate with eventhough they don't have the same ability as she does like TaeMin. Oh yes, TaeMin is very special to her. She had been her friend since the first day she was brought into Obscure
  • The range of her tracking ability is totally upgraded since she could read minds. Even when a person is all-the-way across the globe, she could still track them down. This is her biggest advantage


See You In The After Life

Do you want some romance within the group?: Yes, please? (#^_^#) 

  • Comments - Hopefully, my application is up to your standard. Although there are some parts that I don't understand, please let me know if I should make any changes once you have reviewed this. All the best to you, miss author-nim and you, miss co-author-nim for your story :)
  • Suggestions - Eh, I'm bad at suggesting. I'm really sorry ~(-3-)~
  • Questions - Did I do the apparel part correctly? I'm a little confused by their workfield. Hmm. Why are there professional and working part? Do you need me to make any adjustments on that part? And is it fine that I make her being taken care of by a stranger for a while?

Password: Obscure 






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